Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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The FO Stormtrooper stuntmen were badass in this movie. Not only did you have the guys flying around on wires from being shot by Bowcasters, TIE Fighters and even X-Wings but there was that one guy running down the ramp of the dropship who gets shot by Finn and he falls and does a massive faceplant into the dirt. He bit it hard with legs up in the air and everything. You know they knew they were going to be watched by a billion people so they really sacrificed their bodies and held nothing back. :lol

If I was playing a Stormtrooper I would make sure I died in a very obvious over the top way so I could tell everyone when we watched it.. "Thats Me!" :)
The only time Kylo teared up was after his Oedipus moment with Han. And that would certainly qualify as one of the "most intense kinds of trauma you can imagine." Actually I'm not even sure that he did shed tears (unlike the 80's heroes that somehow get a pass for doing the same.) Whatever good that was in him knew full well how horrifying his actions and loss were at that moment and for the rest of the film. Stop trying to be so cool guys and just enjoy the good drama on screen! :duff

Or if you don't think it was good then by all means camp out with the movies that are better than "marginally good" or whatever TFA was to you.
But Kylo was a murdering bastard at the opening. 95% of the time he's in the movie, is prior to that scene. Han's killing doesn't explain that. You could say that the dark side infects people in that universe in a way that isn't like anything real human beings experienced. And I could go for that, but of course, you lose an ability to connect to the character and situations. Or, you could just say Kylo is a psychopath, and that's less interesting. Vader was interesting because he was a true believer in this religion essentially, who was willing to kill and torture everyone in order to pursue his goals. We don't get that from Kylo, either. So. . .emo.

I'm not critiquing the quality of the film as a whole here, or even the characterization of Kylo. I'm just saying that he's an emo character, acting like an immature, hormonal brat, without many other potential explanations for his behavior that I see. And so I find it hard to really like him or think he's cool. Like William H. Macy in Fargo. He's a terrible person, he whines, he gets in way over his head. In the real world, I would stay as far away from that guy as possible. But he's very well done for what he is in the movie. I just don't see guys walking around saying how awesome he is, and how they want to be like him or whatever :lol
Gotta shake my head at all the millennials here who can't handle characters having emotions. If First Blood, ALIENS, Lethal Weapon or Die Hard came out today then Rambo, Ripley, Riggs and McClane would all be dismissed as whiny emo crybabies because every single one of them wept on screen.

None of those characters are supposed to be bad ass villians. Had Hans Gruber been a teary eyed baby then people would have laughed at him too.
I didn't even see that.

Hmm. The T1 T-800 is a better villain than Kylo Ren. John Connor is a better kid and leader than Kylo Ren. John had a hard life. He was raised in a harsh, military environment. No father. His mom was arrested and he was told that she was bat**** crazy. Then he was put into foster care. He never turned to the dark side.

Look how Connor turned out under all that stress. He ended up being a compassionate hero.
I thought he turned out to be a Terminator?

John Connor sucks. Boo hoo I never go to school and play with guns all day so I can fight robots. **** him and his loser troops who bang his mom.
I thought he turned out to be a Terminator?

Oops, I forgot about the greatest Terminator movie of all time. My bad.

When I think about it, Jurassic World, Terminator Genisys and the Force Awakens have a lot of similarities. If that Blomkamp Alien 5 ever takes off, it will share similar qualities as well.
One thing that I think would have been really cool is if the denizens of Maz' castle had joined in the fight against the FO. Even if they were just getting gunned down and slaughtered it would have been neat to watch various scum and villainy fighting alongside the heroes. Since Han and Chewie literally emerge from under giant rocks I guess we're to assume that most of them were crushed or trapped when the buildings started falling.

There was one shot when Finn was scanning the battlefield for Rey of an alien kind of wandering with his hands at his sides looking disoriented while soldiers were fighting around him which was pretty cool.
DiFabio and Kara "like minded?" We can't have that. T1 vs. T2. Which is better? Discuss...

The old man that Kylo killed on Jakku, his few spoken words did add a layer of social commentary onto Kylo.

He implied that Kylo came straight from respected royalty and not darkside trash like the FO, as in so why all the angst kid?

I always viewed Ripley, Mclane, Rambo and Riggs as all just regular working class folks whom were dealt a bad set of circumstances that challenged their character and integrity, making them rise up to the occassion coming out the other end damaged heroes.

Kylo being privaleged really makes his issues even less relatable. :lol
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Kylo is a wuss who is on the wrong side. He has nothing to gain from being a baddie. The funniest thing though is how he keeps saying that the light side is seducing him. How is being good, genuine, sympathetic and compassionate a negative temptation? You either feel that way or you don't. :lol He doesn't want to hear that his family and friends care for him, okay, then he should kill himself.

Han Solo straight up tells Ren that Snoke is just manipulating and using him (just like Palpatine did to everyone in the Prequels and Return of the Jedi), and he still kills his own dad to be like "muh cool grandpa".