The old man that Kylo killed on Jakku, his few spoken words did add a layer of social commentary onto Kylo.
He implied that Kylo came straight from respected royalty and not darkside trash like the FO, as in so why all the angst kid?
There was a kid a few years ago (in Texas I believe) his parents were millionaires. Very high profile family in their community, maybe even city. His younger brother was already an up and coming success. He failed to get into college but lied to his parents for years, telling them that classes were going great and that he was well on his way to becoming a doctor, lawyer, whatever. His parents threw him a fancy graduation party but he still couldn't bring himself to tell them the truth.
So he hired a hitman to kill both his parents and his brother. His dad ended up wounded but survived. So great was his rage that in his mind he wasn't free to be his own person but had the weight of the world on his shoulders to "live up" to all that his family had achieved.
EDIT: Found the story, the guy's name was Bart Whitaker: This Bart Whitaker Inside Story episode is truly chilling.
On another note I literally have a cousin a few years older than me who did the same damn thing, minus the murders. Parents were millionaires, his mom was superintendent of a major school district and his dad owned an extremely profitable insurance company. He had just "graduated," was engaged and we were all days away from going to the wedding when he confessed to his fiance that not only was he not graduating but that he had been lying about even going to school! So things blew up, the wedding was called off and it was this big family scandal.
Now I personally can't relate to any of that but I do know that some people who grow up as "royalty" apparently ****ing HATE it.
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