No dude, they're using it correctly, I'm a millennial, I witnessed with disgust people my same age go through that stage when it became a fad, back then many would've told you "emo" wasn't a genre of music, because it has nothing to do with that earlier "emo" music you talk about, think about it as a current like "hipsters", it was more fashion than actual music, they were basically scene kids and they were called emo, what was their personality? Well, like Kylo's

no better way to describe him, 1st world/privileged kids crying over made up problems, they appropriated the "emo" term and now it's all anyone remembers.
Hell, the hipsters you see now were probably the emos back then

do an "emo" image search on google and see what you'll find.
Some girls were cute though, but the guys were total ***ets.