So you don't need to throw out terms like "circle jerking" because everyone is doing it. Everyone. Some people apparently can't handle that other people *like certain movies too much.* If your passion bubble is THAT close to the surface that someone liking a movie *in a thread dedicated to that movie* is a genuinely irritating aspect of your day then dude, get a grip. Not you personally but anyone who is that fragile. Oh no someone likes Avatar more than The Godfather. Or Rey more than Luke. Or Bedknobs and Broomsticks more than 101 ****ing Dalmatians. Who cares..
Well, I don't need to but I am pointing it out. I'm talking about the people who claim anyone being critical is a "hater/nitpicker" and proceed to appeal to popularity of their real friends in the real world, box office, etc etc, and about how little they care about us, the ugly trolls of the deep web, yet they need to let us know that as a way to reassure themselves their movie is perfect

more than calling anyone out, rather, I find it funny and cute
I really don't see the people being critical in search of a circle jerk, I do see some in the other side doing it, I don't think I've seen a real hater here either, outside Gully Foyle and the dude who gave a 3/10 in the review section
I'm not about to call anyone a fanboy, I don't think anyone here is that far gone, but this thread does indeed show some signs of it every once in a while.
Who the hell puts sugar in their cereal? It has enough as it is. Keep putting up with that and you'll get diabetes. I'd take piss because then I wouldn't even eat it. The damage is done and you'd be healthier by not eating it at all.
Besides, I don't think you can die from a little piss in your cereal anyway, nasty yeah, but you won't die, now sugar, that **** can kill you