Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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I really hope that Snoke's hologram was to scale. I thought it was so awesome when he was introduced and he appeared to be a giant. Very cool and different. But the Emperor's first appearance in ESB was a giant hologram too so I'm not getting my hopes up.
The giant idea was interesting, but I thought the CG looks so cheesy on him. One of my bigger issues with the movie was actually that character looking so damn lame.
Who the hell puts sugar in their cereal? It has enough as it is. Keep putting up with that and you'll get diabetes. I'd take piss because then I wouldn't even eat it. The damage is done and you'd be healthier by not eating it at all.
They should have made it look more "hologramy" (I know it's not a word) like the Emperor in ESB.

I do admit, the CG wasn't the best for him, hope it looks better by the time we see him in the flesh, so to speak.
The giant idea was interesting, but I thought the CG looks so cheesy on him. One of my bigger issues with the movie was actually that character looking so damn lame.

In a perfect world there would have been no CG characters at all. Just go full OT. Look how expressive Unkar Plutt was. I actually thought it was photoreal CGI his facial movements were so good. Totally blown away that it was a mask.


But hey, in a movie with tons and tons of aliens I'm more than happy that only two weren't practical. And I always think that Maz and Snoke were lacking when I talk here but then when I go and watch the movie again they don't really bother me.
Now my comment wasn't intended as a metaphor for anything. I really was just saying I had a bowl of Krispies with a lot of sugar but *Insert Goldblum ''Well there it is'' GIF*
Wasn't the best bowl to be honest. Didn't get the density of krispies quite right. The current bag isn't the best either, some of them are hard enough to be the straw breaking the camel's back if I had any weakened teeth. I was disappointed. Cornflakes tomorrow.
So you don't need to throw out terms like "circle jerking" because everyone is doing it. Everyone. Some people apparently can't handle that other people *like certain movies too much.* If your passion bubble is THAT close to the surface that someone liking a movie *in a thread dedicated to that movie* is a genuinely irritating aspect of your day then dude, get a grip. Not you personally but anyone who is that fragile. Oh no someone likes Avatar more than The Godfather. Or Rey more than Luke. Or Bedknobs and Broomsticks more than 101 ****ing Dalmatians. Who cares..
Well, I don't need to but I am pointing it out. I'm talking about the people who claim anyone being critical is a "hater/nitpicker" and proceed to appeal to popularity of their real friends in the real world, box office, etc etc, and about how little they care about us, the ugly trolls of the deep web, yet they need to let us know that as a way to reassure themselves their movie is perfect :lol more than calling anyone out, rather, I find it funny and cute :lol

I really don't see the people being critical in search of a circle jerk, I do see some in the other side doing it, I don't think I've seen a real hater here either, outside Gully Foyle and the dude who gave a 3/10 in the review section :lol

I'm not about to call anyone a fanboy, I don't think anyone here is that far gone, but this thread does indeed show some signs of it every once in a while.

Who the hell puts sugar in their cereal? It has enough as it is. Keep putting up with that and you'll get diabetes. I'd take piss because then I wouldn't even eat it. The damage is done and you'd be healthier by not eating it at all.

Besides, I don't think you can die from a little piss in your cereal anyway, nasty yeah, but you won't die, now sugar, that **** can kill you :lol
In a perfect world there would have been no CG characters at all. Just go full OT. Look how expressive Unkar Plutt was. I actually thought it was photoreal CGI his facial movements were so good. Totally blown away that it was a mask.


But hey, in a movie with tons and tons of aliens I'm more than happy that only two weren't practical. And I always think that Maz and Snoke were lacking when I talk here but then when I go and watch the movie again they don't really bother me.

I'm not convinced that Unkar Plutt wasn't CG enhanced. It was good, but I definitely felt like his eyes and mouth were CG'd.
Unfortunately, everything I've been hearing in regards to China doesn't bode well for TFA. Pre-sales are uninspiring, polls show more people have interest in Kung Fu Panda 3 than TFA, and many that have seen the OT (in China) aren't too impressed with it. I would love to see TFA beat Avatar, simply for bragging rights, but I think it's pretty unlikely at this point. Though, pretty sure it will sink the Titanic.

Hope what I've read is wrong.

Why do the box office numbers matter to fans so much ? It's really rather silly. And if they do matter so much why would you want this particular film to rank the highest? Is it really the best film you've ever seen? It's also funny how no one will admit to liking Titanic now after it sold all those tickets...:rolleyes2
Why do the box office numbers matter to fans so much ? It's really rather silly. And if they do matter so much why would you want this particular film to rank the highest? Is it really the best film you've ever seen? It's also funny how no one will admit to liking Titanic now after it sold all those tickets...:rolleyes2

Not just Titanic, Avatar too :lol Most of the people hating on it most likely saw it several times in theaters and they probably own it too :ohbfrank:
I'm not convinced that Unkar Plutt wasn't CG enhanced. It was good, but I definitely felt like his eyes and mouth were CG'd.

Yeah, just saw the movie again (fifth time.) I think you're right. It was such a perfect blend but I just don't see how they could have gotten his eyes and mouth so perfect without a little enhancement as you said.

Still noticing new things:

1. When Han punches the one pirate and then throws him into the rathtar's mouth the punch uses the Indiana Jones punch sound. I don't think I gave it a thought before now because it was Harrison Ford doing the punching but it finally hit me that it was a classic stock sound from his *other* character. :lol

2. I had just commented earlier today that I wished that they had had the aliens from Maz' cantina fighting the stormtroopers. Well they're actually all over the freaking place. They're just in the background when Finn lights the saber and then has his big duel with the Riot Officer. If you *don't* watch the Riot Officer fight (and who wants to miss that!) then in the background you see that that's who all the stormtroopers are shooting at. One alien is even walking around in flames and another appears to come to his/her aid. So very cool, they did have all that going on after all.

3. I had thought that it was the "Special Forces" TIE Fighter (red stripes on pilot's helmet) that chases the Falcon into the Star Destroyer hull. Not surprising since that was how the editing of the trailer made it look. But when Finn shoots down the first TIE they cut to the other pilot after the first one crashes and the remaining pilot does not have the red stripes. So he was the one that chased them into the Star Destroyer.
Well, considering I went to watch the PT numerous times in a theater there is no way in hell that the vastly superior TFA wouldn't at least get the same treatment.

I have a brother who finds movies a waste of time, doesn't own a single dvd.

Before TFA last time in a theater for him was TPM/AOTC/ROTS.

He said TFA was much better than that PT crap, he's going back to see TFA, first repeat theater viewing since the OT.
My personal record for theatrical viewings is 7 which ANH, T2, and FOTR share as a three way tie. Just three more viewings of TFA and the record will be broken. I still haven't seen it in 65 mm IMAX and I figure two of my next three viewings will be in that format.
Maybe on a rerelease but not now.

Word is that other than Howard Chen China doesn't give a crap about SW.

Even if it was a huge hit in China it would still need to make a ton of money.

Lets see come this weekend.