Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Anakin's redeemed apparition appeared in Return of the Jedi... this trilogy could be the story of what happened to his darkness....


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:lol :lol :lol

After school today I got into an accidental conversation with another teacher and three students about TFA and it was refreshing to actually talk about the movie with genuine SW fans face to face.

We chatted about what we liked and disliked about the movie; in the end we all agreed that we either liked or loved TFA.

It was very cool. :yess:

We had some friends over this weekend, similar conversation. It was awesome to just run scenarios about where it could be going with people who also love the movies. One of my best friends is not very active online. When we were talking about the online nitpicking he just shrugged and said, "ah, **** those people," kept drinking and didn't give it another thought. That's the way to do it. :duff :lol
Why does everyone think that Han is coming back as a ghost..No reason too. he's not a force weilder:dunno

I don't think he is.

I think we might see the bridge scene again in flashback. That last moment with Han is definitely going to have repercussions on Kylo.
I just googled "emo guy" and you're right, they look like Kylo Ren...pale, long black hair, hoodie, and sad looking :lol
That's why the millennials love him so much, he's literally a tumblr character, all of these "feelings" and "conflict" come from the feeble mindset of an entitled brat, I'm not saying that's inherently a bad thing for a character, but it's one I don't find intimidating or imposing enough to be a real villain, because he's neither in a position of power nor he is on top of things.

I saw a comparison, I think it was Khev's, with Ripley and other heroes from the 80's and 90's, they maybe cried, but crying doesn't = whiny, they had real problems, BUT they owned them AND were on top of things at least mentally or emotionally without a fraction of the resources and power this guy has.

I can appreciate a whiny entitled villain, it has been done in the past, think of Zorg from the 5th Element, I remember Balem Abraxas from Jupiter's Ascending, mediocre movie but I liked him, but Kylo seems a bit too bratty and a bit too impotent to feel like an actual threat, even more so with such a protagonist as Rey, which is why both are problems, but that's just me.

Hell, one of my favorite antagonists is Tetsuo Shima.
When we were talking about the online nitpicking he just shrugged and said, "ah, **** those people," kept drinking and didn't give it another thought. That's the way to do it. :duff :lol

It really is though. The nitpicking thing (especially when the nitpicks aren't even correct) used to bug me but now I just skim past any criticism that's more than a line or two. And that includes things that have been said about the movie and characters like Kylo Ren even today. No one really listens to opposing points of view and everyone (on both sides of a discussion) simply preaches to their own choirs. The same people say the same things, the same other people say "yeah, awesome post," and so on.

If someone doesn't like a movie or part of a movie and is of the type to remind you every other second then you've just got to let them have their soapbox spiels and not get worked up about it.

EDIT: Actually there are a few exceptions to the above. a-dev, jye, and JAWS are all members who I've seen openly state that based on the points of view of others have considered re-evaluating various aspects of any given movie or topic. But they are the exceptions not the rule.
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It really is though. The nitpicking thing (especially when the nitpicks aren't even correct) used to bug me but now I just skim past any criticism that's more than a line or two. And that includes things that have been said about the movie and characters like Kylo Ren even today. No one really listens to opposing points of view and everyone (on both sides of a discussion) simply preaches to their own choirs. The same people say the same things, the same other people say "yeah, awesome post," and so on.

If someone doesn't like a movie or part of a movie and is of the type to remind you every other second then you've just got to let them have their soapbox spiels and not get worked up about it.

Yup. But it's still nice from time to time when an actual discussion pops up and hops along the trenches.
That's why the millennials love him so much, he's literally a tumblr character, all of these "feelings" and "conflict" come from the feeble mindset of an entitled brat, I'm not saying that's inherently a bad thing for a character, but it's one I don't find intimidating or imposing enough to be a real villain, because he's neither in a position of power nor he is on top of things.

I saw a comparison, I think it was Khev's, with Ripley and other heroes from the 80's and 90's, they maybe cried, but crying doesn't = whiny, they had real problems, BUT they owned them AND were on top of things at least mentally or emotionally without a fraction of the resources and power this guy has.

I can appreciate a whiny entitled villain, it has been done in the past, think of Zorg from the 5th Element, I remember Balem Abraxas from Jupiter's Ascending, mediocre movie but I liked him, but Kylo seems a bit too bratty and a bit too impotent to feel like an actual threat, even more so with such a protagonist as Rey, which is why both are problems, but that's just me.

Hell, one of my favorite antagonists is Tetsuo Shima.

I don't know what a tumblr character is...or what tomblr is, but is that why Loki is so popular? He was the original Kylo the first Thor film. More charismatic and with a sense of humor, but still a pale, spoiled, whinny guy with long black hair.

Can you imagine if Kylo came face to face with Thanos? Thanos be like...

I finally found out who Snoke is, it makes sense to me now.

He's Azog. Azog survived the events of the Hobbit!
This thread has had its fair share of good discussion, but it always ends with someone going "well, I haven't heard a single valid criticism", "well I talked to my real friends in the real world, unlike you, online people, who aren't real, and they loved it :rock" "oh yeah? Well, 95% on RT and a bajillion pesos in the box office, your argument is invalid" :lol or stuff like that.

It's like the majority of people who liked the movie only want to be in a circle jerk of agreement :lol everyone else is a hater or a nitpicker.

I don't know what a tumblr character is...or what tomblr is, but is that why Loki is so popular? He was the original Kylo the first Thor film. More charismatic and with a sense of humor, but still a pale, spoiled, whinny guy with long black hair.

Can you imagine if Kylo came face to face with Thanos? Thanos be like...

I think that's just because the entire MCU is tumblr-tier with their Whedonism, I don't think I can explain in short what Tumblr-tier is :lol And the fact that made Loki a qt 3.1416 for the ladies also helped. But even then, Kylo makes Loki look like Hannibal Lecter :lol

And a nail on the head with Thanos :lol
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This thread has had its fair share of good discussion, but it always ends with someone going "well, I haven't heard a single valid criticism", "well I talked to my real friends in the real world, unlike you, online people, who aren't real, and they loved it :rock" "oh yeah? Well, 95% on RT and a bajillion pesos in the box office, your argument is invalid" :lol or stuff like that.

It's like the majority of people who liked the movie only want to be in a circle jerk of agreement :lol everyone else is a hater or a nitpicker.


It would have been cool if Bilbo's ring came tumbling out of that box in Maz's basement and just rolled away, unremarked.

A story for another time!

Hey, Disney owns Marvel and Star Wars now, so Thanos could be a part of the universe. Why not? All Disney has to do is buy out Middle Earth and we can have a three way connected universe.
We had some friends over this weekend, similar conversation. It was awesome to just run scenarios about where it could be going with people who also love the movies.

Yeah we each gave our thoughts on what could & might happen in Episode VIII and it was so much fun to just be having a nice conversation with fellow Star Wars fans. :yess:

One of my best friends is not very active online. When we were talking about the online nitpicking he just shrugged and said, "ah, **** those people," kept drinking and didn't give it another thought. That's the way to do it. :duff :lol

:exactly: :lol
So you can only be a ghost if you're a Jedi? But Han accepted Yoda and Luke as his lord and savior...he all of it :pray:!!

I think the Force allows the power for someone to reappear, Remember Obi Wan was a ghost but he said to Luke in ESB " If you choose to face Vader alone..I can not help you " What can a ghost do? I think Luke knew that the force let's Obi Wan do something extra ordinary because he had it in him and he was a jedi.

Also Yoda said in ESB said that the Force is everywhere and surrounds the user and binds them, It's life etc.
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It's like the majority of people who liked the movie only want to be in a circle jerk of agreement :lol everyone else is a hater or a nitpicker.

The "circle jerk" claim is just the motto of people who don't like to be called on their online whining and like to pretend that "fans" can't handle opposing points of view. Nobody is fooled. The whiners and nitpickers desperately, *desperately* want people to agree with them. Which is why they post of course. Fans on the other hand tend to express themselves out of an outpouring positive enthusiasm. You like something, you want to talk about it.

It's not "fanboys who can't handle opposing points of view and need a circle jerk" and "whiners who are totally open to having their nitpicks exposed and corrected." Hell no. The whiners need the loving hands of those in agreement much more than the "fans" do.

Who "in real life" ever comments on something they like and then appreciates someone ripping it apart. "Beautiful sunset." "Yeah well I think it looks like a festering zit in the sky." Man this spaghetti is good." "Actually it tastes and looks like rat **** oozing through your teeth." That's idiotic. And if you did that in real life you'd be called out as a *******. There are ways to disagree, to have back and forths and even debates (and I've had literal debates in real life over whether a movie was good or not) but lets be real. If you can't shut up about why you don't like something online and don't want to consider any opposing points of view then chances are you're lacking something that an online discussion won't fix and maybe you should take a good look at yourself. :)

If you don't like being called out on that then do what I do and just skim the bull**** and interact with the people who are worth interacting with.
The "circle jerk" claim is just the motto of people who don't like to be called on their online whining and like to pretend that "fans" can't handle opposing points of view. Nobody is fooled. The whiners and nitpickers desperately, *desperately* want people to agree with them. Which is why they post of course. Fans on the other hand tend to express themselves out of an outpouring positive enthusiasm. You like something, you want to talk about it.

It's not "fanboys who can't handle opposing points of view and need a circle jerk" and "whiners who are totally open to having their nitpicks exposed and corrected." Hell no. The whiners need the loving hands of those in agreement much more than the "fans" do.

Who "in real life" ever comments on something they like and then appreciates someone ripping it apart. "Beautiful sunset." "Yeah well I think it looks like a festering zit in the sky." Man this spaghetti is good." "Actually it tastes and looks like rat **** oozing through your teeth." That's idiotic. And if you did that in real life you'd be called out as a *******. There are ways to disagree, to have back and forths and even debates (and I've had literal debates in real life over whether a movie was good or not) but lets be real. If you can't shut up about why you don't like something online and don't want to consider any opposing points of view then chances are you're lacking something that an online discussion won't fix and maybe you should take a good look at yourself. :)

If you don't like being called out on that then do what I do and just skim the bull**** and interact with the people who are worth interacting with.


:lol :clap:clap :goodpost: :clap:clap :lol

*waits for the usual suspects to comment*​
The "circle jerk" claim is just the motto of people who don't like to be called on their online whining and like to pretend that "fans" can't handle opposing points of view. Nobody is fooled. The whiners and nitpickers desperately, *desperately* want people to agree with them.

But didn't a fan write that huge top ten list of reasons as to why TFA is the greatest SW film ever made and then another fan posted the list that writer is in no way trying to convince anyone that there's nothing wrong with the film because he wants people to view the film as he does? Ok... It's not just the Kylo Rens...I mean, the whiners and nitpickers who desperately need people to agree with them.