Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Maybe on a rerelease but not now.

Word is that other than Howard Chen China doesn't give a crap about SW.

Even if it was a huge hit in China it would still need to make a ton of money.

Lets see come this weekend.
yeah, you are right about China, they love blue alien races and fantasy but not Star Wars. It's too western for them. This will probably make a record for SW there but doubt it will touch Avatar, just because of it's very nature.

have you warmed to it now Jye?
After seeing it 3 times now, I have issues but love a lot of it.
Very much warmed up to it, maybe not as much as DiFabio though.

For everything it gets wrong it gets something right somewhere else, just like ROTJ, you know, an OT movie. :lol
Can someone help me out? I've only seen this movie once so far, I'm going again next week, but for seven year old son had to use the bathroom during .....
the Phasma Finn scene, so I missed that part taking him to the potty. It was just me and him in the theater , so I had no choice. Do they actually show Phasma being thrown in the compactor? Does she remove her helmet? What happens?
1. When Han punches the one pirate and then throws him into the rathtar's mouth the punch uses the Indiana Jones punch sound. I don't think I gave it a thought before now because it was Harrison Ford doing the punching but it finally hit me that it was a classic stock sound from his *other* character. :lol

That's really funny! But I have to wonder if it's just stock punching sound effect, like the wilhelm scream, or was it only Han's punch that had that sound and everyone else had a different sound? Something to listen for next time! :D

2. I had just commented earlier today that I wished that they had had the aliens from Maz' cantina fighting the stormtroopers. Well they're actually all over the freaking place. They're just in the background when Finn lights the saber and then has his big duel with the Riot Officer. If you *don't* watch the Riot Officer fight (and who wants to miss that!) then in the background you see that that's who all the stormtroopers are shooting at. One alien is even walking around in flames and another appears to come to his/her aid. So very cool, they did have all that going on after all.

When you first mentioned it, I thought it would have been a hoot if all the people at the bar retaliated with extreme prejudice! Imagine it like some cops storming a biker bar or a neo nazi bar. The cops burst in, and everyone in the bar pulls out their larger, more impressive firepower! So you have a group of alien outlaws who hate anyone and everyone in power, and they all unleash on the FO! Don't F with us! That would have been a funny moment but I suppose it wouldn't have helped the narrative.
Can someone help me out? I've only seen this movie once so far, I'm going again next week, but for seven year old son had to use the bathroom during .....
the Phasma Finn scene, so I missed that part taking him to the potty. It was just me and him in the theater , so I had no choice. Do they actually show Phasma being thrown in the compactor? Does she remove her helmet? What happens?

If you saw them mention the trash compactor, you saw everything with Phasma. They don't show her being put in and she never removes her helmet.
Why do the box office numbers matter to fans so much ? It's really rather silly. And if they do matter so much why would you want this particular film to rank the highest? Is it really the best film you've ever seen? It's also funny how no one will admit to liking Titanic now after it sold all those tickets...:rolleyes2
It's all fairly meaningless to me, because no one accounts for inflation, or the changing nature of movies now, where Imax and 3-D showings cost a lot more, relatively speaking. Putting aside the latter concern, currently, in the U.S., Force Awakens is the 21st biggest selling all-time movie. Still very, very impressive, but that's a far cry from number 1. Titanic is number 5 on this list, and Avatar's 14. Interestingly, it's still below all the original Star Wars films, and even episode 1. Of course, there's still a long way to go before Force Awakens is done making money in the U.S., but. . .
I thought they just said it did beat Avatar?? I don't have a sorce aside from the radio.

What Fab likes it now!!?? WTF is next.. dogs and cats sleeping together...

That's really funny! But I have to wonder if it's just stock punching sound effect, like the wilhelm scream, or was it only Han's punch that had that sound and everyone else had a different sound? Something to listen for next time! :D

When you first mentioned it, I thought it would have been a hoot if all the people at the bar retaliated with extreme prejudice! Imagine it like some cops storming a biker bar or a neo nazi bar. The cops burst in, and everyone in the bar pulls out their larger, more impressive firepower! So you have a group of alien outlaws who hate anyone and everyone in power, and they all unleash on the FO! Don't F with us! That would have been a funny moment but I suppose it wouldn't have helped the narrative.

Missed opportunity for sure.

But, there were sympathizers there as well.

At least the arriving x-wing calvalry was cool but I think they went too far into videogame territory showing off Poe's skills.
Maybe on a rerelease but not now.

Word is that other than Howard Chen China doesn't give a crap about SW.

Even if it was a huge hit in China it would still need to make a ton of money.

Lets see come this weekend.

Is the Avatar total strictly from it's first release or all additional showings since it first came out? I know the released it a couple of times.
I LOVED Titanic! I was in college and took two different dates to see it and got laid both times! :yess:

It's all fairly meaningless to me, because no one accounts for inflation, or the changing nature of movies now, where Imax and 3-D showings cost a lot more, relatively speaking. Putting aside the latter concern, currently, in the U.S., Force Awakens is the 21st biggest selling all-time movie. Still very, very impressive, but that's a far cry from number 1. Titanic is number 5 on this list, and Avatar's 14. Interestingly, it's still below all the original Star Wars films, and even episode 1. Of course, there's still a long way to go before Force Awakens is done making money in the U.S., but. . .

Do they keep track of ticket sales, how many tickets were actually sold? I'd like to see that list.
I LOVED Titanic! I was in college and took two different dates to see it and got laid both times! :yess:
I like both Avatar and Titanic....
Both are very enjoyable movies.....Avatar was very well done CGI...story rehashed, but still enjoyable...
(I still wish the had a different sound editor (using Jurassic park Dino sounds for Pandora creatures is just plain lazy....)


The "circle jerk" claim is just the motto of people who don't like to be called on their online whining and like to pretend that "fans" can't handle opposing points of view. Nobody is fooled. The whiners and nitpickers desperately, *desperately* want people to agree with them. Which is why they post of course. Fans on the other hand tend to express themselves out of an outpouring positive enthusiasm. You like something, you want to talk about it.

It's not "fanboys who can't handle opposing points of view and need a circle jerk" and "whiners who are totally open to having their nitpicks exposed and corrected." Hell no. The whiners need the loving hands of those in agreement much more than the "fans" do.

Who "in real life" ever comments on something they like and then appreciates someone ripping it apart. "Beautiful sunset." "Yeah well I think it looks like a festering zit in the sky." Man this spaghetti is good." "Actually it tastes and looks like rat **** oozing through your teeth." That's idiotic. And if you did that in real life you'd be called out as a *******. There are ways to disagree, to have back and forths and even debates (and I've had literal debates in real life over whether a movie was good or not) but lets be real. If you can't shut up about why you don't like something online and don't want to consider any opposing points of view then chances are you're lacking something that an online discussion won't fix and maybe you should take a good look at yourself. :)

If you don't like being called out on that then do what I do and just skim the bull**** and interact with the people who are worth interacting with.


Most people who are on this thread complaining about the film incessantly really should go elsewhere, (which they have...and reposted the same images and criticisms..over and over and over everywhere they can).

It really appears like a twisted crusade to win people over to their idea the film sucks.

A true discussion about the film on this thread should be to help tease out the details, speculate on possible future plot, discuss things people might have missed...etc. If your basic point is the movie is bad, well say that then move along. No need to support your opinion over and over. Since it is just an opinion.....

Now back to discussing the MOVIE....