He's morphing into George Lucameron. That son of a ***** better not **** with Aliens.
It doesn't matter what Cameron does with ALIENS, Fox would never discard the original release the way Lucas did with the OT.
And he comes clean about it being no accident that the Avatar sequels conveniently sidestep 2017 and 2019 (SW Episodes 8 and 9.) Looks like he's just being pragmatic about neither franchise stepping on the other's toes.
“My original plan was to release them a year apart, but we’re opening that up. If for no other reason than that I don’t want to land on the same date as one of the STAR WARS sequels. That wouldn’t be fair to them. [Laughs] No, that’s just good business. I don’t want to go head-to-head with STAR WARS. That would be stupid. And hopefully they won’t want to go head to head with us.”
James Cameron on Avatar Sequels and Star Wars | Collider
Yes it's just "good business" but how freaking badass when James freaking Cameron refuses to open an *AVATAR* sequel against you.