Super Freak
Is he a dead person? I thought Boner was the only Growing Pains casualty.
Oh, no, not dead, just a zero.
I think he's making ultra-religious message movies right now.
Is he a dead person? I thought Boner was the only Growing Pains casualty.
Oh, no, not dead, just a zero.
I think he's making ultra-religious message movies right now.
The Lego games always have funny dialogue. I wouldn't be surprised if Lego Batman turns out to be my favorite Batman movie.
I don't remember this line in the movie, but in the Lego Force Awakens game, there is some nice extra dialogue... including this
"The one thing about hunting rathtars is that you really know who's good at there jobs, kind of a shame it turned out to be none of them." - Han Solo
While enthusing about the Han Solo movie Ian McCaig has revealed some tidbits about TFA, including that Disney really did have a formal ban on anything prequel-related! (At least JJ managed to slip in a sound effect from TPM)
And that Lucas had some influence on the script...
Pretty old news. All one has to do is simply watch TFA to know that it very deliberately gave anything prequel related the cold shoulder.
Well then, if Disney has banned all PT characters/concepts/environments, they can go **** themselves over and over and over and over again until all that is left is a great big ******* hole to there brain where one can shove the PT movies through there ass and into there brain so that they remember the PT.
Pretty old news. All one has to do is simply watch TFA to know that it very deliberately gave anything prequel related the cold shoulder. The Art Book had quite a few hints that prequel-era visuals would be scattered throughout the film (busted battle droids on Jakku, etc.) but obviously none of it made it past pre-production. And there was a Pod Race flag that appeared in one of the trailers that JJ Abrams said he thought better of and CG'd out for the final film because he didn't want anything in TFA to bring up crappy memories (I'm paraphrasing.)
And again, the Art Book that was released last December pretty much said outright that Michael Arndt's script treatments incorporated a lot of Lucas' Episode VII ideas (I believe Arndt even had a formal sit down with Lucas prior to beginning) and that Lucas' 13-15 year old "Kira" was made older and turned into Rey and equally young "Sam" was likewise aged before being split into two characters; Finn and Poe. I know the whole retrieving lost artifacts thing (Vader's helm and Luke's saber) was pretty much 100% Lucas. Which is why I didn't get his bitching about Disney "totally throwing out" his script and ideas.
Lucas has always been good at broad strokes, he just sucks in the details. Taking some of his ideas and giving them to people who know how to tell a story was a fantastic way to bring about Episode VII. Though interestingly enough two of the most popular aspects of TFA (BB-8 and Han Solo's importance) were things Lucas had absolutely nothing to do with.
Well you could argue that Lucas had a lot to do with BB8. He was designed as an R2 early version by McQuarrie (even though JJ seems to have taken credit for coming up with the idea.) A floating head on a rolling ball bearing type body. Bizarre no body seems to talk about it being described by Ralph in the making of books.
Nobody is really talking about it because the "R2 without legs" drawing by McQuarrie was rejected by Lucas and isn't the same shape as BB-8:
No one would ever mistake BB-8 for McQuarrie's concept or vice versa. BB-8 was patterned after a sketch JJ Abrams made on a napkin:
You come up with something that is a different shape, you get credit for it.
The closest thing to BB-8 from the OT wasn't R2 but was rather that round thing that sat outside the Mos Eisley cantina:
Nobody is really talking about it because the "R2 without legs" drawing by McQuarrie was rejected by Lucas and isn't the same shape as BB-8:
No one would ever mistake BB-8 for McQuarrie's concept or vice versa. BB-8 was patterned after a sketch JJ Abrams made on a napkin:
You come up with something that is a different shape, you get credit for it.
The closest thing to BB-8 from the OT wasn't R2 but was rather that round thing that sat outside the Mos Eisley cantina: