Broke and happy
Finger = TFA
Cat = PT
Cat = PT
The one problem with this garbage movie is it starts 20yrs after EPVI, and so much crap has happened in between, That I know nothing about.
And I can't believe it took that long for Han to have a go of Chewie's bowcaster.
There should have been a joke to that effect. ''Why have I never borrowed this before?'' or some such ilk.
There was though, his look said just that.
Probably too subtle for you millenials.
There was though, his look said just that.
Probably too subtle for you millenials.
Yep, Harrison's look and perfectly delivered "wow" told us all we needed to know AND gave the audience a big laugh. But millennials and prequel lovers need everything spelled out for them. I remember a few months back we were talking about ROTJ and a-dev was saying that when Han was trying to hotwire the bunker doors and accidentally closed them that instead of a funny look he should have said "Gundark's beard! Here I am trying to open a set of blast doors and I just CLOSED a set instead! Closing something is the literal opposite of opening something!" *cue laugh track*
Damn, the only response I could think of would have been a bypass of the language filter....actually no it wouldn't but it'd be a video with cursing in it.