Are you trying to trick me into giving AOTC and ROTS another chance?
I'm kind of glad you brought that up because it illuminates another problem with the PT. And that is the incessant focus on bureaucrats, whether they be politicians, trade viceroys, or Jedi. You can have a universe where all those things are present but for heaven's sake don't focus on them. I am convinced that Jedi are only cool in very small numbers and only when accompanied by more rugged characters. Imagine a LOTR film with no rangers, elven archers, dwarves, or knights. Just wizards walking around talking about magic and prophecies. Boring. Gandalf is awesome but like Old Ben he really needs to be a supporting character to the cool heroes.
And TFA also began with the Republic at the height of power again. And we didn't hear **** from those bureacrats. Well done Abrams.
You (and in your defense many others before you) have confused "copying objectives" with "copying a movie." They aren't the same thing. Yep TFA gave us the droid in the sand with important info and a planet destroying base that needs to be blown up. But I think complaining about a SW film featuring an objective to blow up an enemy's base is a little silly. It's just what both the good AND bad guys DO in these movies. In SW Alderaan got blown up. And then the Death Star. In ESB the Hoth shield generator. In Jedi the DSII. And then of course in TFA we have the Senate and Starkiller Base being destroyed. A little late to cry foul on that foundational plotline. Might as well complain complain about all the WWII films that feature identical tactics with one another. Or any war film of a shared era.
Because when you get right down to it a lot of the fun in TFA is that it takes those SW elements that the audience is already familiar with and then turns them on their head or deviates sharply.
Astromech droid with info. What info, technical plans to Starkiller Base? Nope, a map that has nothing to do with defeating the immediate threat. The MacGuffin that drives the ENTIRE film has literally no parallel anywhere in the OT.
And the entire through-line with Finn and Kylo Ren that is established in the very first sequence when they kind of stare each other down on Jakku. And then Kylo hears of his treachery and knows immediately that it's him. And then hears Finn's name again in conjunction with news of the Falcon escaping the planet. They really built up the Kylo/Finn showdown right up to the final duel and then completely usurp it with Rey's ascension as the main hero. You didn't have that in the Star Wars OT. For three straight films it was all Luke from the point of his introduction to the very end. They flirted with "there is another" but it turned out to be a throw-away gimmick meant to make him seem expendable on Bespin.
Rey really didn't have a stake in the Resistance/First Order fight. She's not the "Luke" of the story as so many like to suggest. Yeah she grew up in a desert and learns to use the Force. I like to think that there's just a *little* more to Luke Skywalker than those two specific aspects of his character. She's a scavenger (unlike Luke.) She has no family (unlike Luke.) She doesn't want to leave the planet and be an adventurer (unlike Luke.) She has no interest or even much knowledge of the conflict between the Resistance and First Order (unlike Luke.) She literally just makes friends with BB-8 and wants to help out her little buddy. That's it. Finn marks her so that the First Order chases her off the planet. Thus her journey begins. It's just such a paper thin supposition to make her out as a carbon copy of Luke or any OT character.
Does she fly a fighter? No. Does she blow up Starkiller Base? No. I really could just go on and on.
Finn's goals overlap a bit with Rey's in that he also wants to help a friend, one who he believed was killed while helping him escape. So Rey wants to help BB-8 because she likes and sympathizes with him and Finn wants to help BB-8 in order to repay Poe for his assistance posthumously. Where do these motivations of the primary heroes exist in the OT? Nowhere. And these are the motivations that drive the story.
The Rathtar sequence and attack on Takodana are major setpieces and action sequences that combined probably take up an entire third of the film. And *again,* absolutely no parallel with anything in the OT. Yeah, Takodana had a bar. That's just a Star Wars-ey setting at this point. It served a completely different purpose than the original cantina and had totally different results.
Now I don't expect to change anyone's mind about TFA. The whole "it's a remake of ANH" is just an erroneous narrative that people have latched onto and we're in the day and age where people just don't let go of their pet narratives, facts be damned. But as far as misnomers go, that one is pretty easy to dismantle. Yes the overall military objectives are the same. Even I admit that Han Solo on a planet deactivating shields so that X-Wings can assault a big battle station is a pretty freaking specific thing to repeat.

But we're still talking about a two hour film here where the paths to get to those points were very different as were the end results (particularly for Mr. Solo.)