Come on, you can't seriously believe in such bull.I don't think anyone knew during the production who Rey was.
Abrams didn't know. He left it open ended.
Fixed.He's only good at starting a TV series stuff, like Lost and Alias.
I don't think anyone knew during the production who Rey was. Abrams didn't know. He left it open ended. He basically gave them a blank canvas to work from.
He's good at starting stuff, like Lost and Alias, but not good at finishing it.
Besides, these aren't his characters. They were created by committee. A team of Disney marketing personnel approved of every aspect of this corporate, sterile, soulless product.
Now whenever whoever is in charge of the next few episodes adds details it will all "fit" better cause it was basically a blank slate. There won't be as many contradictions as there were in the OT and PT.
People seem to forget that in 1977 Darth Vader was just a bad guy henchman NAMED Darth Vader. "Darth" wasn't a title, that was his name!
If audiences were willing to overlook the obvious fact that the whole OT and PT were made up as George went along, I'm sure they'll be even more forgiving of whatever Disney churns out every year for the rest of our lives.
The hate for Abrams here is absurd. Guy's a very talented filmmaker and TFA is not a remake of ANH.
Abrams is a good director.
TFA is a remake of ANH.
Abrams is a good director.
TFA is a sort of ANH remake.
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Most probably because Leia knows what Rey is, as does Luke when he sees the lightsaber.
I stand by my theory that Rey is a reincarnation of Anakin Skywalker, one that Luke had been waiting for a long time.
Here's how I think it'll play out. At some point after ROTJ, Anakin's ghost begins to feel drawn back to our world via a child. He tells Luke of this and prepares him for what that could mean for the Rebellion/Resistance. If Snoke got his hands on Rey/Anakin, the Dark Side would have the weapon they needed [again] to take back the galaxy. Instead, Anakin urges Luke to hide the child he's being drawn to, from everyone - even Luke himself so if Snoke captured him he wouldn't be able to pull her identity from his mind. Luke gives the task of hiding her to Lor San Tekka who drops her on an old Sith world (Jakku) and basically is the only person who knows how to find her (and Luke). Prior to vanishing, Anakin's ghost tells Luke they will see each other again and that Luke will know who he is when he sees him (her).
What neither Anakin nor Luke realize is that The Force has its own plans. Rey/Anakin's time on Jakku is penance for the atrocities Vader committed as Vader. And when said penance is done (TFA) its The Force that guides Rey/Anakin back to Luke via Finn, Han, etc.
There are clues to this in Rey's vision at Maz's and her fight with Kylo. "THE FORCE AWAKENS". More like ANAKIN AWAKENS inside Rey.
Kylo and Rey are cousins, I believe Kylo killed all of Luke's Jedi-in-training, but saves baby Rey (lukes child), because she's family. He couldn't kill her, so instead dropped her off on a planet in the outer rim where no one could possibly find her, or at least know who she is. (a planet where Han Solo didn't even to bother to look for the Falcon).
Would make perfect sense, as it explains how Ren knows about her and her "growing power". Not to mention you can clearly see Kylo's saber saving Rey from a Knight of Ren in her force vision.
I used to think Rey was Luke's kid - before I watched the movie.
Does that mean there's potentially another "I am your *insert relative here*" moment in episode VIII?![]()
it would go well with this hole "soft reboot" thing.![]()
Why do you think Ren would save Rey in the first place?
Does that mean there's potentially another "I am your *insert relative here*" moment in episode VIII?![]()
Abrams is good at being an OK director.