I liked goofy everyman Finn. Made for a fun movie. For hardcore badasses I'll always have Rogue One.
I liked goofy everyman Finn. Made for a fun movie. For hardcore badasses I'll always have Rogue One.
I like to juxtapose Finn to Cassian, a Rebel soldier who murders innocent people to Finn a First Order soldier who refuses to kill innocent people.
Damn, I just did a Khev lol.
The thing is though, with a superweapon that can wipe out multiple planets with one shot, much more is at stake than there was in RO...technically TFA should have been anything but fun.
Well if you payed attention to the opening crawl you would've learned that the First Order tricked the Republic into thinking that Starkiller base was just a mobile energy producing facility after Bespin had run dry of Tibanna gas and that the Republic was not taking the resistance seriously because they thought General Leia just had an axe to grind over the Republic's decision to not give the Ewok's a voting senate seat.
Maybe Finn should have been Rey! Maybe a stormtrooper gets the 'calling'.
I would have liked to see some training leak through somewhere -- when shooting, when fighting, anything. But he always seemed so... clumsy.
I love the concept of a stormtrooper gone AWOL... but after Finn removed the outfit I never again thought about where he came from. He could have been any coward from anywhere.
I would have liked to see some training leak through somewhere -- when shooting, when fighting, anything. But he always seemed so... clumsy.
Its the lack of character in Finn that causes me to have no interest in him. Things come too difficult for him... and things come too easily for her... but that's another debate.
Maybe Finn should have been Rey! Maybe a stormtrooper gets the 'calling'. Maybe Rey was taken at a young age and raised as a stormtrooper. But she doesn't have the heart for it. Sees Poe as her escape. Now I can buy why she has strength and skills. Of course, then we wouldn't have the Tatooine callbacks that you apparently need to greenlight a Star Wars movie.
For all of you who hate Rey how do you reconcile your love for superheroes? Batman can do way more than her and has a billion dollars and a butler from the get go. Rey lived alone and had to make her equipment out of stuff she found, not inherited.
I literally thought that's what all the trailers were suggesting. That the Force awoke in him, leading him to forsake the Dark Side, abandon his post, and take up a lightsaber.