Broke and happy
Yo Momma Honky
In her first encounter with Kylo she is totally defeated, captured, then mocked. In the moment that she faces Kylo in the forest she's once again the only person in her universe. Han is dead, Chewie and Finn appeared to be gone as well.
Skill level and abilities are all relative to what the characters have to endure. She may be way more powerful than Han, Leia, let's even say Luke in his early years yet she suffered much more than any of those characters did in ROTJ
By the time Luke and Leia get to ROTJ they had suffer more than Rey though.
But like superheroes she's likeable. She's lonely and abandoned and when she finally gets a father figure she has to suffer the heartbreak of watching him die a few hours later. In her first encounter with Kylo she is totally defeated, captured, then mocked. In the moment that she faces Kylo in the forest she's once again the only person in her universe. Han is dead, Chewie and Finn appeared to be gone as well.
Skill level and abilities are all relative to what the characters have to endure. She may be way more powerful than Han, Leia, let's even say Luke in his early years yet she suffered much more than any of those characters did in ROTJ. So being gifted doesn't harm a character as long as they face sufficient trials. That's how it works with superheroes and it worked with Rey.
Nope, sorry, I can't agree here. Rey started off with her stats at 7/10 in every single category. Batman didn't start with an IQ of 250.
Doesn't matter. ROTJ was its own film and needed its own arcs and trials for the characters to endure to justify its own existence. ESB didn't coast on past trials from the previous film, and neither should have Jedi. If people want to say "Luke's arc in his first movie was stronger than Rey's first movie" then fine. I get that. But to just dismiss Rey as a character because of how capable she is is a double standard unless you're someone like DiFabio who also dismisses ROTJ.
Both Rey and Bruce started as traumatized kids. We actually see her being manhandled by Unkar Plutt as a little girl. She wasn't fighting him off and kicking ass. The film implies that all of her non-Force skills are acquired while she's alone on Jakku for roughly a decade where she has literally nothing else to do except hone her skills or starve. Of course that life is going to make her more capable than a kid who spends the same amount of time doing chores for a loving uncle and "wasting time with his friends" (Luke.)
But ROTJ is not its own film and Luke in that film is the result of everything that happened to him in the previous films, from his "training", to the physical and mental pain he has endured. It's all connected. Luke was still dealing with accepting Vader as his father, something that was introduced in the previous film. ROTJ is the final part of Luke and Vader's story. Besides, why would you compare Rey's first appearance to a third film? At least wait for EP9 to see Rey become The Phoenix or get the Infinity Gauntlet.
Besides, why would you compare Rey's first appearance to a third film?
Not all superheroes are likeable. When we meet Stark, he's an arrogant warmongering arsehole, who gets what was always coming to him, and then spends the majority of his career fighting Communists. Parker is a nerd, yes, but everytime people approach him, he acts like a condescending arsehole. Logan is a perv. Thor's whole gist is that he was so arrogant, he was banished from Asgard. Mr. Fantastic was a sexist "gentleman" for most of his early days. Point is, they all have very clear flaws that carried over from their FAs and onwards.
Compare that to Rey, who, let's recap:
1) Fixes the Falcon when Han couldn't.
2) Flies the Falcon and evades Imperial Forces, essentially saving Finn.
3) Impresses Han so much, he offers her a job on the Falcon, hours after having met her.
4) Withstands Kylo's mind probing, and actually probes his mind.
5) Uses the Jedi Mind Trick on a Stormtrooper.
6) Is "called" by Luke's LightSaber.
7) Completely annihilates Kylo.
8) Gets to fly the Falcon alongside Chewie, Han's best friend, who saw his co-pilot die a day before, tops.
9) Gets hugged by Leia and shares an emotional moment with her.
10) Finn, the other protagonist, falls for her.
11) Kylo says that she is far too powerful with the Force, something that Snoke notes.
12) Finds her way around the Base and escapes capture.
She gets nothing wrong in the entire flick. She has no flaws, whatsoever. And no, a sad backstory doesn't equal a "flaw". Real characters have only a niche. Let's look at some famous heroes who are Gary Stus at certain points.
You mean like Darth Vader in ESB? Where Luke did end up getting owned and losing a limb?Rey also didn't defeat Kylo in an even lightsaber duel. He was massively wounded and had just received instructions from Snoke to bring her in alive. That gave him a serious handicap in their duel. Kylo could have finished her off multiple times had he wanted to.
Because of the contrast. People complain that everything came too easy for Rey. And yet ROTJ, the third film of a trilogy (when stakes should be the absolute highest!) was a cakewalk for all of its heroes. I'm not saying that I thought she had a better arc than Luke in ANH or ESB, but she was certainly more fun to root for than anyone who sleepwalked through Jedi.
You mean like Darth Vader in ESB? Where Luke did end up getting owned and losing a limb?
If Kylo really had the ability to beat her had he wanted to, he should have the second she demonstrated skill. Not let her beat him.
You mean like Darth Vader in ESB? Where Luke did end up getting owned and losing a limb?
If Kylo really had the ability to beat her had he wanted to, he should have the second she demonstrated skill. Not let her beat him.
I'm team Khev when it comes to Rey of Steel.
I get to a point with Rey's power growth where I just have fun with her character instead of allowing myself to get all irritated over it.
Sometimes I choose to use my analytical on/off switch and just enjoy the ride.
maybe people didn't have a problem with the heroes having a cakewalk in ROTJ because they had already seen these characters endured a lot in the previous films, so when they're watching ROTJ, they're not just looking at it as an isolated story or film, but as the culmination of everything they've seen before. Rey doesn't have that connection with the audience yet.
See, I wouldn't have a problem with Rey being great, if the film acknowledged she was the "chosen one" like Neo. Although, even Neo failed plenty before he officially became the "One", but we were expecting greatness from him because it was the prophesy.
The same can be said about Anakin being great. He was a great mechanic, the only human who could beat aliens at pod racing which means he was the best pilot, he built C3PO, and eventually flew a ship at the end of the film and helped the good guys win the war...and he was like 9 years old....but the film at least tells you that he's special...he's the "ONE"...but with Rey, it's like she's just as great as Anakin, but the film wants us to believe that she's really not, imo.
Rey also didn't defeat Kylo in an even lightsaber duel. He was massively wounded and had just received instructions from Snoke to bring her in alive. That gave him a serious handicap in their duel. Kylo could have finished her off multiple times had he wanted to.
You mean like Darth Vader in ESB? Where Luke did end up getting owned and losing a limb?
If Kylo really had the ability to beat her had he wanted to, he should have the second she demonstrated skill. Not let her beat him.