Eh, Jar Jar is in the other two too. He even looks at the audience in AOTC, just short of a wink like, "yeah, I'm still here *****es, what about it".
He is what he is. Hating on Jar Jar is part of the appeal of TPM so hesa not so bomb-bad. I'll take him over wooden acting, crappy "love" stories or the bastardization of my favorite Original Trilogy elements. The only good thing about the other two is Palpatine and his overacting.
Full agreement.
Out of the Prequels, I like The Phantom Menace the best. It had Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon, Darth Maul (who was better than Dooku or Grievous), a better Obi-Wan, no Hayden Christensen and nothing that ****s on the originals (except for the midichlorian force and C-3PO bull ****). It also has a nice balance of real shooting locations, practical and special effects that the other two don't utilize nearly as much. It had the best lightsaber duel and soundtrack too. The movie was like a "return to Star Wars" after almost two decades of nothing. It's not great but atleast it has those factors (plus nostalgia) and isn't Clones or ROTS.
the 3P0 bit isn't as bad and as glaring in the OT ( why dosn't vader recognise the droid he built?!) if we look at it from the perspective that he didn't so much "build" 3P0, as he did find a busted up droid and repair it from spare parts he stole out of watto's junkyard, and other piles of trash.
Well who's to say Vader didn't recognize him? There really wasn't any purpose for him to bring it up or say anything about 3PO. Imagine a scene right before he freezes Han and he leans over to Boba and says "Hey man, see that droid on the wookies back right there? I built him...yeah that's right.... I got skills." LOL...Also we all know in that universe there were a lot of droids that looked similar to 3PO so Vader might not have given it a thought.
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There IS one moment of EU related to it.
from one of the comics, I forget which.
Basicly, after Han, leia, and chewie are arressted on cloud city, vader is having their room searched, and fids the wrecked remains of 3P0, and orders it destroyed.
Shortly after, he has second thoughts, and has it sent to their cell. his reasoning was something allong the lines of
" Give it to the wookie, it will keep him occupied and keep him from trying to escape" .
and that was it.
Personaly, I'm fine with either. his complete not even noticing 3P0 in the OT kinda works for me, as it shows how little he cares for who and what he once was, IF you're looking for connections at all.
Alot of the time it's easier to simply not overanalize.
Pretty much.. well said.If Episode VII is merely as good as TPM was, then we will grow old and gray and look back on TPM with more fondness and warm fuzzy feelings because at least there was a huge hype machine that gives us all nostalgic memories. It had been so much longer of a wait for a new Star Wars movie. Episode VII is being made at a time when a lot of fans are tired and done with SW due to the quality of the prequels, countless amounts of merchandise being thrown at us with no end in sight, mediocre cartoons about the prequel era, and all kinds of EU media that ranges from awful to excellent. But to find the good, we trudge through the bad....
Yeah, agreed.Full agreement.
Out of the Prequels, I like The Phantom Menace the best. It had Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon, Darth Maul (who was better than Dooku or Grievous), a better Obi-Wan, no Hayden Christensen and nothing that ****s on the originals (except for the midichlorian force and C-3PO bull ****). It also has a nice balance of real shooting locations, practical and special effects that the other two don't utilize nearly as much. It had the best lightsaber duel and soundtrack too. The movie was like a "return to Star Wars" after almost two decades of nothing. It's not great but atleast it has those factors (plus nostalgia) and isn't Clones or ROTS.
Full agreement.
Out of the Prequels, I like The Phantom Menace the best. It had Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon, Darth Maul (who was better than Dooku or Grievous), a better Obi-Wan, no Hayden Christensen and nothing that ****s on the originals (except for the midichlorian force and C-3PO bull ****). It also has a nice balance of real shooting locations, practical and special effects that the other two don't utilize nearly as much. It had the best lightsaber duel and soundtrack too. The movie was like a "return to Star Wars" after almost two decades of nothing. It's not great but atleast it has those factors (plus nostalgia) and isn't Clones or ROTS.
There really is a lot of good stuff in TPM - you just have to FF a little as you go.
As far AOTC goes - FF is the button of choice for that one.
I've watched it enough now. I almost lost the will to live at one point.
RotS shows Obi-Wan and Anakin's friendship unlike AotC, the Emperor is at his evil best with a superb performance by Ian McDiamid and finally we see why Anakin wears the suit. Qui-Gon is the best thing about TPM but there are many disappointing elements such as SLJ's limited screen time and the poorly done Palpatine's secret Sith Lord story, come on who didn't guess who it was? AotC is just horrendous, it doesn't need any explanation, it would take to long!
I Fully Expect the OT purist crowd to hate the NT as much as the PT.In ten years time the new sequel trilogy will have the same hate as the prequel trilogy I'd imagine.
I Fully Expect the OT purist crowd to hate the NT as much as the PT.
to the OT purist crowd, i just have 4 words.
Star Wars Holiday Special
Nah - you're reaching.I Fully Expect the OT purist crowd to hate the NT as much as the PT.
I Fully Expect the OT purist crowd to hate the NT as much as the PT.
to the OT purist crowd, i just have 4 words.
Star Wars Holiday Special