Super Freak
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread
they all know they must deliver.......that's good.
they all know they must deliver.......that's good.
Actually it was added much early on while still in the theaters. When it was released in 1977 it only had Star Wars and then it started the scroll without saying Episode IV and all that stuff.
Then when the film was re - released the next summer of 1978 my Uncle took me to see the movie again because in those days there was no seeing it home on VHS or anything like that. At that point we noticed the change and we both looked at each other and said I don't remember that part of the scroll being there. So yes even back in the very beginning Lucas started messing with his movies. LOL....and yes I am getting old since I remember this stuff.
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The taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is in dispute.
This is a good start to the opening crawl for episode 7:
Luke Skywalker-
...the trail of severed limbs
he's left behind him of people
who have underestimated him
is too long to measure.
For some reason it popped into my head tonight - Luke's question in ESB - ''How will I know the good side from the bad?'' Well apparently in this universe good and evil are pretty clearly distinguishable. Everyone you killed on the Death Star was evil, don't worry about it. And Evil Jedis will always, without exception, wield red lightsabers - jot this down if you have to but I don't think you should need to as its fairly straightforward - they will also tend to wear black outfits. Heck some of them will outright look like demons - but failing that just remember, red lightsabers. And that's it Luke. You see, we do indeed deal in absolutes here.
Don't forget if their name is "Darth".
That's another thing the prequels sort of ruined. Why do all Sith's wield red light sabers? "Darth" is a title? Why? The Emperor was just known as Palpatine back in the 80s. There was no Sidious bull****. Why couldn't Darth Vader have been unique? I mean, in Star Wars, Obi-Wan REFERS to him as "Darth" as HIS name, not some surname passed down from warrior to warrior. That just seemed lame to me. I remember seeing "Darth Maul" and "Darth Sidious" for the first time back during the Phantom Menace and just scratching my head. Now, there's a hundred different "Darths".
Funny isn't it.For some reason it popped into my head tonight - Luke's question in ESB - ''How will I know the good side from the bad?'' Well apparently in this universe good and evil are pretty clearly distinguishable. Everyone you killed on the Death Star was evil, don't worry about it. And Evil Jedis will always, without exception, wield red lightsabers - jot this down if you have to but I don't think you should need to as its fairly straightforward - they will also tend to wear black outfits. Heck some of them will outright look like demons - but failing that just remember, red lightsabers. And that's it Luke. You see, we do indeed deal in absolutes here.
Yeah, totally.Don't forget if their name is "Darth".
That's another thing the prequels sort of ruined. Why do all Sith's wield red light sabers? "Darth" is a title? Why? The Emperor was just known as Palpatine back in the 80s. There was no Sidious bull****. Why couldn't Darth Vader have been unique? I mean, in Star Wars, Obi-Wan REFERS to him as "Darth" as HIS name, not some surname passed down from warrior to warrior. That just seemed lame to me. I remember seeing "Darth Maul" and "Darth Sidious" for the first time back during the Phantom Menace and just scratching my head. Now, there's a hundred different "Darths".
The Emperor was never called Palpatine in the movies until the prequels, I think the books called him that though. The only problem I think as far as names are concerned is that all the Darth ______ names are very stupid uncreative names. Maul, Sidious, Tyranus, Bane, are actual words that are bad things, or they sound similar to them. They might as well have Darth Evil
As for red lightsabers--the idea was that the crystals that Sith like to use that work with their fighting style are often red.
Darth Evil.
I hope the next one is called Darth Cute Puppies.![]()
Don't forget if their name is "Darth".
That's another thing the prequels sort of ruined. Why do all Sith's wield red light sabers? "Darth" is a title? Why? The Emperor was just known as Palpatine back in the 80s. There was no Sidious bull****. Why couldn't Darth Vader have been unique? I mean, in Star Wars, Obi-Wan REFERS to him as "Darth" as HIS name, not some surname passed down from warrior to warrior. That just seemed lame to me. I remember seeing "Darth Maul" and "Darth Sidious" for the first time back during the Phantom Menace and just scratching my head. Now, there's a hundred different "Darths".