My thoughts:
1) The first shot tells us JJ has moved away from the idea that all stormtroopers are clones. I'm happy to see this. It's cheaper to draft the underclass into serving as cannon-fodder than growing soldiers in test tubes.
In ep.4 when Luke exclaims "You fought in the Clone Wars?!?" it implies the clone army is a thing of the past... but some fans still cling to it.
2) An advanced "R2" unit with a floating head shows this this is the future. Maybe that's why the shot is in here but it feels very silly.
It appears to be running from something.
3) A sequence of shots showing stormtroopers on a drop ship tell us the Empire is back. In case that was even a question.
This sequence feel like something from JJ's Trek films. Hand-held shots show JJ is breaking away from the "house style" of the OT. This is surprising since he was vocal about shooting on 35mm and wanting to go back to the OT look and feel.
4) Daisy on a big fat speeder bike leaving town. She looks over her shoulder first and would seem to be fleeing whatever the "R2" was running from.
5) X-Wings skimming the water. Classic engine sounds, subtle refinements to the ships. I love the designs but then again it's a close approximation of Ralph Mcquarrie and Nilo Rodis-Jamero's original concept. I am concerned the ship elements do not appear to be done with physical models.
6) Evil Sith-like guy in the forest with a Bastard Sword version of a lightsaber. Luke?
7) The Millennium Falcon vs TIE Fighters. I sense this is the shot JJ has always wanted to do. There's just a bit too much going on. Stupid SE grill over the Falcon's engines. Again the ships don't look like practical models.
Title card, December of next year. I'm wondering when this will start looking like it was shot on 35mm. I guess I have to wait a year to find out.