Actually, the title comes from her adoptive parents, the Organas, where Bail was a prince and his wife queen. Besides, the mom (Amidala) hadn't been queen for a long time before Leia was born anyway - she was only a senator.
But good stuff with everything else. A movie can be both epic and great despite a metric ton of stupidity and lack of attention to logic.

Seems pretty obvious in every SW movie. Except the PT, nothing can save those, even if they had none of the issues mentioned of the OT.
Thanks. What I meant, is that Leia's real mom was a Queen (Amilada) at some point in time (I don't know if you can loose a tittle like that), but then when Leia was given away for her protection, her adoptive parents gave her a title of princess, which is not exactly low profile, since she will be well known and in the public eye, and that could get the attention of the Emperor or Vader, which is the whole reason they gave her away to begin with (although Vader was clueless of her identity even when he met Leia in episode 4, yet Luke and Leia, on the other hand, figure out their relationship and identity on their own, and even engage in some telepathy. Not to mention,Luke had incomplete Jedi training at the time and Leia had none at all, but Jedi Master Vader couldn't do it) Maybe they didn't need to hide from the old man after all?
It's just ironic given the fact her real mother was a queen, so imo, it makes the adoption redundant, in a way. At least Luke is a farm boy, although he kept his last name, Skywalker, which could raise questions, unless Skywalker is a generic/common name like Smith or Johnson? Are there that many Skywalkers around? Maybe, who knows?
Speaking of A New Hope, At the end of the film, the Empire sends the Death Star to the Yavin system to destroy the no-longer-secret Rebel base. The Rebellion has 10 minutes to use their fighters and exploit the station's only weakness. But guess what? The only reason the Rebellion had those 10 minutes was because the Death Star had to orbit Yavin to get into position.
Think about it.

The Death Star had to delay destroying the moon because there was a planet in the way. The whole purpose of the Death Star...if not the only purpose, is to destroy planets. But the giant planet destroyer had to wait 10 minutes because there was a planet in the way. What? At least give a reason, one line, "oh, the emperor's mom lives there, can't blow it up so we have to wait"

I love the first two films, but there's some weird stuff going on.
But you know what's the thing that bothers me the most? They way Lucas "wrote" the only female character in the trilogy, Leia.
She's emotionless like a robot... an empty shell, probably a sociopath too. She is given no real reaction scene or developed character trauma for any the horrific things that happened to her. Her home planet was destroyed in an unprecedented display of power by something called the
death star! She didn't just loose her house, family, pet or city , it was her whole planet! Even Batman "only" looses his parents and that messed him up forever. Dude runs around changing his voice, wearing a silly costume, and thinking he's a damn Bat for the rest of his life...yeah. Messed up.
Then at some point she realizes that the man who tortured her and destroyed her planet is her own father in ROTJ...well, she took it pretty well. But then again, she was also a slave-girl, abused and probably violated by a disgusting, obese, turd looking alien pervert.
And as if getting your planet destroyed, finding out your dad is Vader, getting hit on by teddy bears, getting tortured by your own father, and violated by a giant worm creature wasn't enough, she kissed her own brother romantically.
The only time she is ever given any real human emotion is when Han Solo is frozen in know, the cool guy who led her on and then didn't return her "I love you"...what the hell, she can take one more disappointment, she's practically less emotional than a Terminator

Hopefully, the female characters in the new films are better written.