Broke and happy
Palpatine left behind a small fortune.
Palpatine left behind a small fortune.
(The power) My father has it, I have it......
So it's R2D2 finally revealed as a Jedi?
I don't get why Luke's hand looks like a terminator? He had a perfectly human looking robotic hand in the last film, but now 30 years later in the future, his hand looks more primitive than ever
The "skin" on his bionic hand was damaged in ROTJ on Jabba's barge. He wears a black glove to cover the damage for the rest of the film.
30 years later the hand has been damaged further or replaced.
I don't get why Luke's hand looks like a terminator? He had a perfectly human looking robotic hand in the last film, but now 30 years later in the future, his hand looks more primitive than ever
So I guess this confirms he is the weird robot looking guy in the leaked concept art? Doubt there are two hands like that in the movie..
The Rebellion struck a large blow to the Imperial Fleet. Vader and the Emperor were dead... but the political structure of the Empire would still be very intact.
Men with power and wealth will figure out how to hold onto those things after a downfall. If they can't they will hide what resources are left until the right time.
The "skin" on his bionic hand was damaged in ROTJ on Jabba's barge. He wears a black glove to cover the damage for the rest of the film.
30 years later the hand has been damaged further or replaced.