Bo Shrek
Super Freak
I would have never thought that the closest I would ever come to politics would be by watching PT.
This movie needs to wipe clean how the PT defined what being a Jedi meant.
Why is every scene that Finn is in, he is heavy breathing or looks terrified?
How the **** did they get a hold of Luke's saber? I figured that was lost forever in the gases of Bespin.
I guess it was still on Cloud City and an Ugnaught found it and kept it in a maintenance closet or something.
Why is every scene that Finn is in, he is heavy breathing or looks terrified?
Because he's the only black man left in the SW universe. If he dies, it's all over.
Why is every scene that Finn is in, he is heavy breathing or looks terrified?
The new trailer is impressive, I gotta stop peeping this ****, I don't want to go in with unreasonably high expectations.
Because he's the only black man left in the SW universe. If he dies, it's all over.
Now, I saw the prop shots of Kylo's lightsaber. Is it just me or does it look like it is a modded Luke bespin saber?
Yet looks more emotional then all of Samuel L Jacksons scenes in the Phantom Menace trailers. lol
Highest grossing movie of all time? Anyone?