I will also add. Anyone expecting another Empire from Force Awakens is going to be disappointed. After reading the Vanity Fair article, it seems the overriding reaction that everyone has had to seeing actual footage from the movie is that it's fun, witty and humorous. Anyone else get that from the two teasers released so far? Nope, neither did I.
It's the most worrying thing I've read so far. As that's what JJ did to Star Trek.
This is going to be something very commercial. It's Disney now. As much as JJ is bitching/joking about JarJar, lets wait a couple of years before slapping him on the back and laughing along with him. I thought it was very wrong of him to take the piss out of Lucas like that.
JJ sir? Yousa in no position to take da pizz outta JarJar.