Gotta love OT fanatics:
"fek Lucas for ruinin' mah nostaljah!"![]()
What's that got to do with what I said bunky?Gotta love OT fanatics:
"fek Lucas for ruinin' mah nostaljah!"![]()
Says the guy who most likely never played (or even heard of) Jedi Knight games.![]()
Wait a minute are they the ones with Kyle Katarn?
Sorry for your loss.The only SW video game I've ever actually played was EPI:TPM for PS1.
Dark Forces, Dark Forces II, Mysteries of the Sith, Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy.
*the last one was kinda meh, but still*
They're the closest things to what one might call "OT sequels".
I think the people who think The Phantom Menace is anything but the biggest Star Wars related pile of garbage ever made must be doing the George Costanza “Opposite” game because there is no other explanation for it.![]()
I think people kid themselves about ROTS being the best merely because of certain content it was always gonna have one way or another. But when the execution of it is so bad I find TPM offers some more welcome lighthearted refuge if I for some reason feel compelled to inflict a PT movie on myself![]()
if I for some reason feel compelled to inflict a PT movie on myself![]()
I think people kid themselves about ROTS being the best merely because of certain content it was always gonna have one way or another. But when the execution of it is so bad I find TPM offers some more welcome lighthearted refuge if I for some reason feel compelled to inflict a PT movie on myself![]()
I guess it depends on what you are into. I love the visuals, music and craziness of it. Sith that is. But I don't regard it as really having anything to do with the OT, I think that's the difference, if you can treat the prequels as a Star Wars side project that Lucasfilm did, no need to even make them canon. Then there's a huge amount of visual coolness and fun mixed in with the tripe. I'm actually more concerned about the Disney sequels. They actually have Luke, Han and Leia in them. They could be almost as damaging as the Christmas special.
I find TPM to be incredibly dry and boring, even though I love and still love Neeson as Qui-Gon, the Naboo fighters and Darth Maul. Little Manniquin Skywalker made it almost unwatchable for me though. I wish he was CG.
But Kingdom of the Crystal Skull didn't ruin Raiders for me.
I temember enjoying Palpatine's lecture to Anakin during the sperm opera.
I remember hating the rest.![]()
Yeah some of those were good. My favourite though was X-wing Alliance. I prefer the space-simulator type game to the straight-forward shoot-em up. I think I played Rebel Strike on the Gamecube, hugely impressive graphics at the time but I always missed the more complicated missions of the X-wing and Tie Fighter games on the PC.