Broke and happy
This costume doesn't feel very Star Wars. The tailoring of the coat is very earth, GL would not have stamped this.
The Love Boat Captain.

This costume doesn't feel very Star Wars. The tailoring of the coat is very earth, GL would not have stamped this.
Nah. I have to have whatever variation of Luke this film will yield.
He will be really, really, really small, and the last figure released from the line.
Chappie wants his arm back.
People are saying that's Luke in the background, behind the wookie, if so all the spoiler leaks are wrong.
for real ?? I think Kylo is bad ass looking.. just the fact that he has something from Revan is just awesome to see on the big screen !
I do not like the red arm on 3Po ... looks to me just to make more money with merchandise as a variant of him ... after silver leg now red arm.. not sure why they just dont keep him the same
Looks a bit like a part a futuristic shoulder pad or groin protector that a guy didn't know how to use. And he's wearing a cloak made out of tarp apparently?
He looks too young to be him, plus I can't see him socializing with people for some reason. Anyway, I'm not excited about any of the photos, not even the Kylo Ren pic. Honestly, I think Darth Maul was cooler looking than Kylo.