Broke and happy
Hopefully he and the other newcomers have a successful career after SW, instead of ending up like the 2 Annies.

Has Disney said anything about that? If they scratch that "Greedo shot first" then Disney already did more right than wrong.
Has anyone looked at eBay to see what these tickets are going for? If someone wants to give me a few hundred dollars for my ticket I will gladly go and see it the next day. Good grief some people have way more money then sense.
I was in the same boat, but I'll admit that the new trailer's got me a bit hyped for it like nothing else has done so far. I'm not buying the toys yet, I'm not going to the midnight madness screening, etc. But I'm cautiously optimistic at this point. I do think JJ is more suited to this franchise than he was to Star Trek.I'm probably the only person on the planet that doesn't give a **** about all this, and I love Star Wars. By looking at the trailers and direction, I don't think it's for me. I don't see how people are buying into the toys and merchandise without seeing the movie first.
The house of mouse will eventually get around to releasing the originals in HD, it's rumored that Fox and Disney came to an agreement and that the originals are ready to go.
I'm probably the only person on the planet that doesn't give a **** about all this, and I love Star Wars. By looking at the trailers and direction, I don't think it's for me. I don't see how people are buying into the toys and merchandise without seeing the movie first.
I'm probably the only person on the planet that doesn't give a **** about all this, and I love Star Wars. By looking at the trailers and direction, I don't think it's for me. I don't see how people are buying into the toys and merchandise without seeing the movie first.
Originals on Blu Ray!!!!!
That's the best news from the Disney purchase yet!
Do you chaps mean the original theatrical versions of the originals?