Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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I also hate the mentality Obi-Wan and Yoda have in not only the Prequels but the Original Trilogy as well.

Jedi shouldn't be killers or assassins should they? They're supposed to be compassionate, peace keeping warriors. Luke had the right idea of not wanting to kill his own father, even if his friends were in danger. That's heroic and honorable. What did Obi-Wan and Yoda want him to do though? Kill him. They told Luke he wouldn't be a Jedi unless he faced and killed Vader. Likewise, in Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan and Yoda splitting apart to face the Emperor and Anakin seperately is silly. Yoda and Obi-Wan could have taken on the Emperor, it would have worked. Screw Anakin, Padme will distract him. Besides, if Anakin is all powerful, yet Obi-Wan can best him, doesn't that mean Palps wouldn't stand a chance against Obi-Wan and Yoda?

Then there's Mace. It's so funny in TPM where he says they're peace keepers, not soldiers, then you have him slicing off Jango Fett's hands and decapitating him in front of his son with this smug look on his face. The whole Jedi council was whacked, especially with the "no love" thing. No wonder Anakin snapped, the council was made up of manipulative monk nut jobs that were basically emotionless robots. :lol

The only two Jedi Knights I like are Luke Skywalker (obviously), and Qui-Gon Jinn. They both did their own thing, were rebellious but still good. I'm looking forward to seeing Luke in Force Awakens.
Exactly. Palpatine himself said to Anakin that the Jedi's have a very dogmatic point of view.
Speaking of seeing Luke in Ep.VII... I hope we get to see him using Dark force powers.
I don't know, man. Looks like Shaft was the aggressor and then he cut your head off. He had already taken his weapon away, and Fett was defenseless, so there was no reason to kill him.

Even Dooku looked surprised and he's the villain. The villains show more humanity than the Jedi in those films.
They're in the middle of an arena during a fight to the death, and you think Mace goes in too hard? Yet you think his Jedi offsiders don't go in hard enough while making a simple arrest. Methinks y'all are just determined to find fault with Lucas.
It does seem a bit excessive to chop the guy's arm off, and then cut his head off. Is a one-armed Django without a working jet pack really going to be much of a threat? It isn't like he's some true believer, there to fight until his last breath. He was a mercenary (at least, from what I can vaguely recall, and based on the Boba connection, I assume that's right). He would have got the f out of dodge at that point.

But I can also see Jules going a bit too far in the moment, being pumped full of adreneline, aggressively taking on all these, er, whoever it was they were fighting in that scene (robots?).
The PT will forever be known for what it could've and should've been instead of what they are.

Watching it right now, the entire Gungan battle is just very painful to watch, I had to skip it.

I will admit that Mcgregor and Park really gave it their all for their final confrontation.

16 years later and it's still a very fast and intense epic showdown between the 2.

I also now accept that TPM is the best of the 3 with ROTS coming 2nd.
I see it as everytime they're brought up it immediately turns into how awesome they would've been had George done it this way or that way.

I think we're both right. :lol
The PT will forever be known for what it could've and should've been instead of what they are.

Watching it right now, the entire Gungan battle is just very painful to watch, I had to skip it.

I will admit that Mcgregor and Park really gave it their all for their final confrontation.

16 years later and it's still a very fast and intense epic showdown between the 2.

I also now accept that TPM is the best of the 3 with ROTS coming 2nd.

I thought the Gungan battle wasn't so bad, it's pretty cool to see the droids march and the Gungan tech was pretty cool too.
Complaints about the Gungans and Ewoks and their silliness/cuteness/projectile weapons show we have preconceived ideas about what species and cultures should inhabit a universe. I say the more diversity the better.
Complaints about the Gungans and Ewoks and their silliness/cuteness/projectile weapons show we have preconceived ideas about what species and cultures should inhabit a universe. I say the more diversity the better.

Funny, I've always thought the same thing.
If Jar Jar wasn't acting like a dumb ass and was actually a general that found his courage during the battle, it would be a pretty good scene.

Still, it's a harmless scene and I know for a fact if I was a kid I would have loved it. The Anakin "this is pod racing" space battle is awful though. He proved himself in the podrace, should have just stayed in the hanger.
Gungans > Ewoks

Complaints about the Gungans and Ewoks and their silliness/cuteness/projectile weapons show we have preconceived ideas about what species and cultures should inhabit a universe. I say the more diversity the better.

Yeah this is pretty much where I have always stood with the nature and appearance of the ewoks (setting aside whether or not they could take on the Empire's best troops & tech and come out winners) - and also how I've given the gungans something of a pass aswell. Animals exist on this planet that happen to be ridiculously 'cute' looking to us. So an alien in Star Wars that happens to look like a teddy bear isn't much of a stretch IMO.

Could have done without ''Bombad General'' Jar Jar's stream of accidental victories against battledroids and Armored tanks though.