Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Yeah this is pretty much where I have always stood with the nature and appearance of the ewoks (setting aside whether or not they could take on the Empire's best troops & tech and come out winners) - and also how I've given the gungans something of a pass aswell. Animals exist on this planet that happen to be ridiculously 'cute' looking to us. So an alien in Star Wars that happens to look like a teddy bear isn't much of a stretch IMO.

Could have done without ''Bombad General'' Jar Jar's stream of accidental victories against battledroids and Armored tanks though.

Ouch time.
I liked how annoyed Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were with him. You could tell Obi-Wan in particular hated him.

Read this below, since you listen to him :lol

If Jar Jar wasn't acting like a dumb ass and was actually a general that found his courage during the battle, it would be a pretty good scene.

Still, it's a harmless scene and I know for a fact if I was a kid I would have loved it. The Anakin "this is pod racing" space battle is awful though. He proved himself in the podrace, should have just stayed in the hanger.
I liked how annoyed Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were with him. You could tell Obi-Wan in particular hated him.

McGregor didn't even have to pretend I'll bet. He assumed he was gonna hate whatever was going to be inserted next to him in post-production and it all just came naturally.
George Lucas was making up this stuff day by day, no matter what he says, none of it was planned out.

1. He never had Luke and Leia as siblings till Jedi.
2. He had no idea what he was going to do on the set each day.
3. He had no grand vision about Anakin or Palpatine and how they would eventually become Vadar and The Emperor.

He wrote those scripts in a weekend....tops...then went on set and said , well heres what I wrote last night....see what you guys can do with it....and do it faster and more intense.....

George Lucas was making up this stuff day by day, no matter what he says, none of it was planned out.

1. He never had Luke and Leia as siblings till Jedi.
2. He had no idea what he was going to do on the set each day.
3. He had no grand vision about Anakin or Palpatine and how they would eventually become Vadar and The Emperor.

He wrote those scripts in a weekend....tops...then went on set and said , well heres what I wrote last night....see what you guys can do with it....and do it faster and more intense.....


Yeah :lol I listened to an interview with the voice actor of Darth Maul the other day.

He was very excited and committed to the job, he approached Lucas the day of the recordings.

-"So Mr. Lucas I have a few ideas, but what would you like me to do with the character?"
-"Just, make him sound scary".

They're in the middle of an arena during a fight to the death, and you think Mace goes in too hard? Yet you think his Jedi offsiders don't go in hard enough while making a simple arrest. Methinks y'all are just determined to find fault with Lucas.

In all actuality I have no issue with the Jedi fighting and killing... I hate other parts of their culture and rules and feel like they come across as dicks half the time.

My issue with Mace is that SLJ looks awful with a saber. He looks goofy swinging at laser blasts and his fight with the Emperor is the worst looking duel in the whole series.

Having said that... Using the force to pick his Saber up before Jango gets is cool because he looks like he knows he is a bad ass.
Complaints about the Gungans and Ewoks and their silliness/cuteness/projectile weapons show we have preconceived ideas about what species and cultures should inhabit a universe. I say the more diversity the better.

I get what Lucas was doing with the ewoks.. The mighty power of the Empire stopped by teddy bears... And I don't mind the Gungans either.

In all honesty Jar Jar does not even bother me now... I did not like him the first time I saw the film but he has grown on me and the Clone Wars animated series does a good job with him.

However TPM would have been better without so much of his comic antics.
I get what Lucas was doing with the ewoks.. The mighty power of the Empire stopped by teddy bears... And I don't mind the Gungans either.

In all honesty Jar Jar does not even bother me now... I did not like him the first time I saw the film but he has grown on me and the Clone Wars animated series does a good job with him.

However TPM would have been better without so much of his comic antics.

That's exactly what my problem is with him, not so much his existence, but the need Lucas seemed to have to constantly have him filling the background with irritating antics. Juggling machinery, trying to handle the pit droids, stepping in poop, slurping things up with his reptilian tongue, getting his face caught in the pod energy field. You name it, if it was stupid or irritating, he did it. Had he been kept to small doses, it wouldn't have been so bad. Imagine if Lucas had Chewbacca constantly hamming it up doing stupid things in the background of every scene, there would be much less fan love for his character if he had been handled that way.
I don't know, man. Looks like Shaft was the aggressor and then he cut your head off. He had already taken his weapon away, and Fett was defenseless, so there was no reason to kill him.

Even Dooku looked surprised and he's the villain. The villains show more humanity than the Jedi in those films.

that scene doesnt even make any sense. we see jango spraying a jedi attacking dooku.
next thing he jumps in the moshpit trying take shaft's lightsaber...for souvenir!?
dumbazz move...

dumb as it seems, he didn't deserve to lose his head. tsk tsk
should've quit while he's a head. lolz

shaft clearly was holding back, biting his lip on that one.
shaft's thought bubble: "take that mother****er!!"
that scene doesnt even make any sense. we see jango spraying a jedi attacking dooku.
next thing he jumps in the moshpit trying take shaft's lightsaber...for souvenir!?
dumbazz move...

dumb as it seems, he didn't deserve to lose his head. tsk tsk
should've quit while he's a head. lolz

shaft clearly was holding back, biting his lip on that one.
shaft's thought bubble: "take that mother****er!!"

Either that or "Yes, he deserves to die and I hope he burns in hell!: :p