Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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ROTJ was the only one I saw at the cinema.

I remember those as exciting days, from the first pictures that appeared in newspapers. I was on holiday in France at the time and my dad had picked up an English language paper. And there in the movie section was a photo of an evil looking creature called 'Bib Fortuna' !

Later, Debenhams the department store had built a big Star Wars themed toy section that you could walk into. Over the doorway a TV was continually playing video highlights from the film. One day Darth Vader himself came to Debenhams to do a signing.

It really was Darth Vader, because he signed himself as such. So presumably just a guy in a suit and not Dave Prowse. :lol
I think I have a signed "Derth Vador" photo somewhere from around then.
I guess I was too young to see ROTJ the way some older fans see it....but I have 2 brothers of 37 and 41 and I don't think they have a big problem with ROTJ. They probably could have done without the ewoks but other than that they've never complained about the other points raised in that article.

Personally I still think it's 3:3 (good:crap). The Force Awakens has an opportunity to put the ''good'' back in front again.
I think there's quite a bit of a contemporary overreaction to Jedi. Sure, adults can recognize its flaws relative to the prior to films, and of course nostalgia affects perceptions of some fans, but to compare it to the prequels is way off base IMO.
I think there's quite a bit of a contemporary overreaction to Jedi. Sure, adults can recognize its flaws relative to the prior to films, and of course nostalgia affects perceptions of some fans, but to compare it to the prequels is way off base IMO.

I think there is about 1/3rd of Jedi which is a great continuation of Empire. The other third is weird and Jim Henson led. Feels like Labyrinth meets Star Wars. And then the 3rd third is the woks and general cheesiness of the main characters, particularly solo and princess plaits in the tree.

The Emperor, Akbar, the duel and generally all the empire/sith stuff make-up for it though. The only prequel I would compare it too is Sith, because I actually think that had some decent components to it.
Crazy talk that Jedi is in the same league of the PT.

Only 50% of it is. :lol

That'd be pretty cool if that scene with the Knights of Ren was on Endor when they went to retrieve the Vader helmet and they slaughtered the Ewoks, but that'd probably be too dark for SW.

Padawan massacre during Order 66 is ok, but Ewok massacre? PETA would flip their lids:lol
Was chatting to my Dad today, we spoke about the new movie and my Dad had a theory about how this movie might pan out. Basically everyone is force sensative. Finn and Rey meet by chance. The fall of the empire is just a legend to them and the jedi a myth. So no solo children etc.
That's pretty much what I said, except I said 30%. I do think there was a % of Sith which was as good as Jedi.
Not the overall prequels, just Sith.

Too bad AOTC ITSELF negates anything good in the PT. I think TPM had a shot at being good but half the main characters destroyed that chance. Maul parts were awesome and intense- the rest was a ride through a bad theme park ride. ROTS is fair but the Jedi idiocy was too much for me...
That'd be pretty cool if that scene with the Knights of Ren was on Endor when they went to retrieve the Vader helmet and they slaughtered the Ewoks, but that'd probably be too dark for SW.

Padawan massacre during Order 66 is ok, but Ewok massacre? PETA would flip their lids:lol

Ewoks would take out those ****ers in a second. :lol

******* idiot who wrote that is just that.... a complete ******* idiot.

"Here is the problem. Most of the Star Wars movies are not good, but bad. Betting on this one to be good—to be the best movie of all time—is betting against the trend. The overall mean grade of the six existing Star Wars films is, like, a D.

Of those six, two (the original Star Wars, plus The Empire Strikes Back) are unqualified classics. Three others (the prequels) are among the worst films ever to receive wide theatrical release."

******** Idiot. Words can not describe how ******* stupid this man is.
Not really dude (or dudette), he presented a very intelligent analysis.

I always loved the first 4 letters of analysis. :lol

Do you think the PT are some of the worst films to ever release? They are not, that is not my opinion but a fact. This "writer" is a ******** idiot.

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