Why was Anakin made an annoying little kid in the first place?
It's called a creative choice. Made by the man that started it all no less.
Why was Anakin made an annoying little kid in the first place?
I'd take anything Anakin says in the prequel trilogy over anything said in the sequel trilogy. And I'm not even a big fan of the prequels.
But that's just it -- its not the same universe. It's JJ's alternate universe again. That would explain literally everything.
George Lucas should've been allowed to make the sequel trilogy. It would've been infinitely better. It just would have.
Funny how individualized canon is so popular these days ...for everything really. I used to select my own Bible ‘canon’ when I was younger - like this I agree with, this I don’t - until I realized I’m probably just not religious at all. Lol
The good - ANH, ESB, ROTJ (yeah yeah ROTJ is where the rot started etc etc), Rogue One, Solo
I know, it does make me question if I can still be a fan if I dislike the majority of the output.
However I think Star Wars is currently balanced for me, an equal amount that I like as what I dislike.
The good - ANH, ESB, ROTJ (yeah yeah ROTJ is where the rot started etc etc), Rogue One, Solo
But TROS will probably alter the deal in favour of bad once again.
I'm definitely not as much of a SW fan as I once was though. If Alec Guinness appeared to me as a force ghost and implored me never to watch them again I'd bargain him down to no more than twice per decade and easily stick with it.
I feel like I don't get to sit at the "cool kids" table, because I actually like ALL of the Star Wars movies. Obviously there are some I like more than others, but I can find many things to enjoy in all of them. Star Wars is like sex and pizza ... even when it's bad, it's still pretty great.
Very true. I'll still watch AOTC over a "good" Star Trek film, lol.