Wow, a crappy movie is about to surpass another crappy movie on a monetary list!![]()
'Last Jedi' Has Set Its First Box Office Record: Biggest Ever Sequel-To-Sequel Plunge
*cracks knuckles*
Time to tear xipotec a new butthole.
First, why are we doing this on terms of "hurr durr, we're in May 1977 only, no outside sources allowed"? I know what a T-16 skyhopper is, sue me.
It's not like Episode 9 or alternate source is going to magically make Rey better. It's too late for that. Disney just keeps doubling down on her perfection.
We know from the film that the T-16 Skyhopper is nothing like his X-34 Landspeeder, which is also in the film.
1. it's not just the miniature model, you can see the bigger life size model in the background
2. it has wings
3. Luke is comparing said flying vehicle and mission (of hitting thermal exhaust port) to the X-Wing
It's not just that one line either, there are multiple instances of the film establishing that Luke "isn't such a bad pilot himself".
Another strawman argument.
We know from the opening crawl of TFA that this takes place after the Empire vs. Rebellion. There is also a decades old decommissioned AT-AT and Star Destroyer by her along with that helmet, doesn't mean she knows how to drive and pilot them.
I actually quite like that quite scene of her with the helmet eating that sponge cake or whatever, but I digress.
No, I'm not asking you to take anything into consideration. I was just pointing out the little model Luke was playing with is a miniature of the large scale one (or matte painting, whatever it is) we see parked out front in the same scene.
No novel needed, we can see the T-16 right there in two instances and hear about it later right in the context of the film.
See below.
So we got your quote, Luke and Uncle Owen even owning a blaster rifle, Luke's womprat quote and Luke enthusiastically bringing a big ass rifle with him "just in case there or Sandpeople . . . or worse", and I'm the one that is "assuming".
I guess everyone at the Lars homestead are just gun enthusiasts I suppose, they don't have to actually use them or defend their home. I guess as an audience, we should just assume that Sandpeople are a non threat and when it's dark, Owen, Beru and Luke just hide or something, maybe behind that T-16 Skyhopper!
He carries that rifle in the film!
And that's one of the reasons young Luke is, thankfully, nothing like Rey. He can't do everything and he's not loved by everyone like Rey is. That's why I don't get why you have such a hang up on him being a decent pilot or getting a couple of hits with a blaster.
It's not like he used force powers, mind tricked Stormtroopers and bested Darth Vader in combat. Hell, we get scenes of that remote orb shooting him in the ass with Han laughing at him and Luke missing several troopers with his blaster only for Leia to pull the blaster out of his hands and kill them with it.
Again, you have no arguments here.
How's that getting personal? That's what you and other people are doing! You rip at the originals to support the new flicks. Nothing personal about it. You're the one going into details about being from the south.
Are you sure? You don't seem to remember Luke Skywalker or the original films very well.
Luke had and Aunt and Uncle, his surrogate parents.
Anakin had a mother.
Rey has nobody.
Man, you really haven't watched the older films in a while have you. Lando used to own and fly the Millennium Falcon. He's the rightful successor to it in Han's absence.
As soon as Han dies, she's the pilot of the thing. Sure it's not said that she's the owner, but Chewie is taking orders from her by the second movie and he reduced to a co-pilot and co-pilots chair once again.
It's her ship.
In TLJ, Rey is shooting down TIE fighters left and right the second she's on screen, smiling and enjoying herself as she blasts them with ease.
Luke and Han struggle and it's a slower paced scene that goes on for minutes before they take down a small group of fighters. Same deal with Finn in TFA.
Rey is blasting them out of the air left and right without a second of hesitation.
Just wait until Episode 9.
You're wasting your time. You let me get you flustered for nothing when you could have just moved on and let this discussion be lost and forgotten.
There are no winners here, only losers with too much time on their hands arguing about a stupid movie.
Of course the OT isn't perfect, it's got Return of the Jedi attached to it.
Star Wars and Empire are pretty close however. Disney's sequels don't even touch them.
It's not too late to redeem yourself, say something bad about TLJ and I'll pardon you.
There are no winners here, only losers with too much time on their hands arguing about a stupid movie.
Oh look TLJ is going to break into the top 10 world wide box office and surpass that dumb Fast and Furious movie without the help from China, sleep tight DiFabio and Wor-Gar lol.
I gave up on Top Grossing films back in 1990 when 'Home Alone' broke into it. Titanic, Avatar, Fast and Furious something... it's become quite a club.
Wasn't Alice in Wonderland the 2nd film to ever reach a billion on its initial worldwide run?
Yes, quite a club. TLJ is in good company.
dont forget jyes all time favorite animated movie:
Lol... midi-chlorians. Jesus Christ, George.
I hope they’re essentially doing away with that concept of the predisposition of power. The Force was supposed to be about faith and dedication. Not bloodlines and natural selection.
I don't even know what the top 10 is anymore.
I remember at one time long ago all my favs were up there: Star Wars, Jaws, Raiders, etc. Then ET came along and ruined it. Been downhill ever since.
I get the notion behind it. Don’t get me wrong. He wanted a scientific explanation. I guess I’ve always been of the crowd that prefered the lack of requiring it.Faith and dedication after the natural selection.
The Force connects everything and it remains that magical and mythical idea. However, it's understandable that he wanted to explain why some 'have it' and others don't.
Remember: "The Force is strong in my family, my father had it, I have it, my sister has it. You have that power too."
Makes it pretty clear that not everyone has it. The midi-chlorians are the biological explanation as to why some people can connect so powerfully to it. It doesn't take anything away from the concept.
Btw, Lucas came up with the idea for midi-chlorians back in 1976 or something like that, he just didn't include it before Episode I.