There are definitely a lot of products vying for the attention of children these days. However, I think the reason Star Wars Toys aren’t selling particularly well is also due to some other factors.Oh no what is Disney to do now that TLJ bombed in China!
How will they handle the news that TLJ is still the # 1 movie of 2017 without the need of China’s box office rescue, how I ask!
Oh how embarrassing it is to still BE the # 1 movie without China, very shameful.
Oh look TLJ toys are still on the shelves.
TFA made 2.2 billion and their toys are still on the shelves as are DC, Transformers and Power Rangers!
Gee could it be that since the introduction of the Playstation 1 plus Nintendo dominance, the Xbox, smart phones, tablets and online gaming that kids playing habits have changed over the past 23 years, shocker I know!
Did anyone stop to think that JUST MAYBE the increasing cost of gaming with the likes of Mario, Zelda, COD, GTA, Minecraft, Pokemon, FIFA, NFL, Car Racing, GOW, Zombies, Fighting, Rocket League and this list can go on forever has impacted toy sales in the past 23 years and shifted the profits over to the electronics side, no that can’t be say it ain’t so.
I know that my son only games and doesn’t ask for action figures, legos or playsets, sorry to say but I bet most of toy collecting is now for us adults trying to recapture our childhoods.
Nothing has changed kind sirs and Kennedy haters, TLJ EVEN WITHOUT CHINA’S HELP is still the # 1 movie of 2017, I know I know that’s a hard bitter pill to swallow for some.
Like Obi-Wan said to Padme in ROTS: “TLJ is still # 1 even without China isn’t it, I’m so sorry”.
Or as Cap always says....”I can do this all day”
What else you got fellas lol
Your point?
Your point?
Please Re read the post and not just parts....I said we had no idea that was a T-16 he was playing with back in 77......we all know it is now.
I said we had no idea that was a T-16 he was playing with back in 77......we all know it is now.
your internet links were broken back in 1977....
Were you fairly cognitive in 1977? Meaning, were you around and old enough to see Star Wars and discuss it? So not 1-7 years old.
It strikes me the "haters" here are the ones who keep talking about the alleged mindset of TLJ's critics rather than defending the ST films on their merits.
"Avatar" is the biggest grossing film of all-time in unadjusted dollars. It's impact on science fiction and fan culture is nugatory.
TLJ has underperformed by $700-800 million dollars, which is the key fact your spin leaves out.
"I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home. They're not much bigger than two meters."
Being a pilot is really the only thing Luke was really good at. He dreams of going to the Academy with his friends, but his uncle keeps putting it off. He's been told since he was a child that his father was the best star pilot in that galaxy. When he's not farming for moisture in the barren desert, he's flying around in his T-16 skyhopper.
jyengo unchained, lol.
I'm waiting for DiFabio to type up a list of 10 questions with built-in "no" answers for TLJ. Shouldn't be long, this is a child's task.
It’s really not complicated must I really do this lol
If you could be so kind please answer only with a yes or no answer regarding this massive underperforming failure of a movie called TLJ:
Is TLJ the highest domestic grossing movie of 2017, yes or no?
Did TLJ accomplish this feat just from 12/14/17 to 12/31/17, just 17 days, yes or no?
Is TLJ one of only FOUR movies in the HISTORY of cinema to open above 200 million dollars, yes or no?
Has TLJ earned over 1 billion dollars yet, yes or no?
Does TLJ hold a 90% RT critics score, yes or no?
Did TLJ receive an A cinemascore the only officially recognized cinema fan rating criteria, yes or no?
Does Star Puffs have first hand knowledge that Disney Iger and shareholders consider TLJ underperforming by $700-$800 million dollars, yes or no?
No cheating now yes or no please lol
I'm sorry but that's a lot of spin. Add this to your questionnaire ...
"Last Jedi' Has Set Its First Box Office Record: Biggest Ever Sequel-To-Sequel Plunge"
Worse than Transformers: The Last Knight, Jurassic Park: The Lost World, and X-Men: First Class.
I was 6 .....
I’m sorry if those facts bother you.