Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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This is unfortunate brothers! This is your Cypher from the Matrix moment. You know the cold, hard truth of reality now. You’ve taken the red pill and awoken. But the familiarity of what made you feel warm and fuzzy in the past calls to you. You want to taste that delicious steak again, and are willing to make sacrifices that you know are not right, even though you know it to be a lie. The agents have been relentless in their work on breaking you.


But you’ve seen something is wrong.. wor-gars déjà-vu’s keep popping up...

Unfortunately the real world has many shades, and some are indeed very bleak. It is the cost of being in your senses. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

So will you choose to go back to that land of innocence where everything seems right but it is no longer real? Or will you stand up and face the hard truth of reality so we can make a better tomorrow where it really counts?

This is not just a battle for some paltry movie... but for your very souls!

Arise! Mend your broken spirits and rise!


Deshi deshi basara basara!

Deshi deshi basara basara!


Yes brother, do not lose the light! The prophecy shall yet come to pass! I see great potential in you!

Or to quote Michael Caine about 10,009 times in interstellar:

Do not go gently into that goodnight; rage, rage against the dying of the light!

:pray: May God give me the strength to prevail and not succumb to the depths of the Devil(s)!!.... :lol
The issue is that empire strikes back was beloved back then.
Now retarded low IQ audiences are hating the last jedi

The last jedi has the same quality as empire strikes back.

What changed was the egg brain millenials

No ESB is a good movie. TLJ is not!
Don't bait me out of retirement JAWS. :nono

You write a lot of fan fiction when you talk about this film Khev :lol... SO the Rebels finally have something they need.. Someone strong with the force.. Well thanks a lot Leia.. You know.. The Door breaking, space flying general..

Rey is here to stay.. Ok.. I never really thought she left.. SHe was going to get Luke to bring him back with her.. To help the rebels.. Not to bring him back so she could leave.. She ended up in the same spot she would have no matter how the events went with Luke.. And because there is no danger of her ever being corrupted.. Well we are back to nothing really happens accept a bunch of filler.

Fan-fiction? Fan-fiction?? :thwak: ;)

The entire opening scroll of TFA is about Leia wanting to find Luke to help them defeat the FO. Same with TLJ. So Rey went to find him because they clearly thought they needed someone with his abilities. Rey was *not* fully committed to the Resistance which Luke guessed and that is why he asked her "WHY are you here" twice to which she gave a different answer the second time. She wanted to know where she belonged and as we saw from her reluctance to leave Jakku in TFA we know that a cause in and of itself isn't necessarily enough to earn her full attention on it's own. But in the end Leia was at peace with knowing that Luke wouldn't be helping any further (so the quest to retrieve him which spanned two films was finally at an end) and she acknowledged that "we have everything we need right here" in reference to Rey. Rey also had no need to run off to the horizon to find where she needed to be. She made her choice when she left the island and was at home on the Falcon with the rest of the Resistance, obviously filling the hole that Luke had left (and Snoke himself even said as much.)

Anyways.. AS wrong as you are Khev and Jye.. I still love you even though I lost some respect for you :lol

isn't this the metaphor for TLJ?

You think you're watching a star wars movie, your brain tells you it's supposed to be a Star Wars movie, it sounds like a Star Wars movie... but why does it taste like a pile of sh**??

Don't bait me out of retirement JAWS. :nono

Fan-fiction? Fan-fiction?? :thwak: ;)

The entire opening scroll of TFA is about Leia wanting to find Luke to help them defeat the FO. Same with TLJ. So Rey went to find him because they clearly thought they needed someone with his abilities. Rey was *not* fully committed to the Resistance which Luke guessed and that is why he asked her "WHY are you here" twice to which she gave a different answer the second time. She wanted to know where she belonged and as we saw from her reluctance to leave Jakku in TFA we know that a cause in and of itself isn't necessarily enough to earn her full attention on it's own. But in the end Leia was at peace with knowing that Luke wouldn't be helping any further (so the quest to retrieve him which spanned two films was finally at an end) and she acknowledged that "we have everything we need right here" in reference to Rey. Rey also had no need to run off to the horizon to find where she needed to be. She made her choice when she left the island and was at home on the Falcon with the rest of the Resistance, obviously filling the hole that Luke had left (and Snoke himself even said as much.)

Oh you mean that choice she made because she had no other choice because her parents were Drunks :lol Where was she going to go?? You are correct about her going after Luke. She did have multiple reasons for being there to get him.. But those reasons again added up to.... Nothing.. So her parents are drunks.. She did not convince Luke of anything, she did not change Kylo or turn herself.. She had about as much growth as Finn.. Both have decided the greater cause and friends are what is important... Yet fin is a 3rd tier character. Rey should be well beyond Finn in the emotional journey department... I just cant bring myself to care :(

I think Ideas that you talk about might be there.. But the execution was awful IMO.. The story and events just were not interesting enough.

We def don't see eye to eye on the story structure and character development.. Like I said Rey is a brilliant piece of casting because she is so cute, likable, and charismatic.. Because without all that you end up with Rose :lol

Seriously though.. I just think the whole film feels more like a TV episode then a major motion picture. You see growth and intrigue.. I see pedestrian and sloppy.. I swear your defending of the film makes me dislike it more :lol At this point I am starting to dislike Kylo because I am starting to see him more as a Episode 2 Anakin who can act rather then a formable villain :lol

But that is cool.. I still hold out hope that somehow the 3rd film can make everything matter.. Perhaps JJ learns from TFA and becomes more imaginative while bringing purpose to TLJ...

PS.. I am getting ready to watch Skull Island again sometime this week.. Curious to see if I dislike it as much or dislike it even more then my second viewing or if somehow I end up enjoying it again.. :)

Maybe on that note we should just call it a day with TLJ and move on to sharing our wisdom/memes/gifs in the Solo/Obi-Wan threads from here on out.

TLJ = Legit

See ya round kids. :lecture


Funny.. I was thinking the same thing actually earlier today.. I did not see this post until I saw what you wrote about "baiting out of retirement..

All that can or needs to be said about this film has been said.

I think we can all agree its just not very good...


Funny.. I was thinking the same thing actually earlier today.. I did not see this post until I saw what you wrote about "baiting out of retirement..

All that can or needs to be said about this film has been said.

I think we can all agree its just not very good...




I feel at peace with TLJ. Hate has left my heart.

It's still my most disliked Star Wars movie, but everything has been said and debated.

It's like a breakup. It's been hard to accept what Rian did, but that's how it is. There are still things to look forward to in Star Wars.

Now I have moved on to a state of mild curiosity regarding Solo (still won't see it in theaters :lol).
Yes I see that there's not much point in discussing it further. You find it strange that I like it and I find it strange that you turn every story element into a negative. You say Rey was perfect but then cite her failure to convince Luke to take his saber or Kylo to turn as a "lack of growth" as opposed to a character flaw or failure, when in fact one of the film's primary themes is growing through failure or growing through disappointment.

It just seems like you're writing off her successes as evidence she's a boring Mary Sue and her failures as evidence she "didn't going anywhere." Obviously Rey can't win with you. :) There's nothing you can do to convince me that this was a poorly made film. I find it quite easy to defend and the more I think about it the more I find to like. Like that silent moment outside the Falcon where it's raining and the ship is shielding her from getting wet. Yet she can't contain her excitement at so much precipitation and sticks her hand out in the deluge with an ear to ear grin. And of course she would growing up on a desert planet. So many cool moments like that, some small, some epic. I get that most of them were lost on you but since I always assume that most sensible fans of a franchise would *want* to like a new installment it was still fun to share my view of the film to see if any of it rubbed off on you. Obviously it didn't but hey to each his own. :D
Can't.. Resist... Must... reply.. to Khev :lol

Yes I see that there's not much point in discussing it further. You find it strange that I like it and I find it strange that you turn every story element into a negative. You say Rey was perfect but then cite her failure to convince Luke to take his saber or Kylo to turn as a "lack of growth" as opposed to a character flaw or failure, when in fact one of the film's primary themes is growing through failure or growing through disappointment.

Being unable to bring Luke to the resistance or Kylo to the dark side was not something that I saw as a "character flaw" . Luke and Kylo are the ones with the flaws.. She just cant get them to see it.. Her Mary Sueness comes from the fact that she can do everything (physically) the first or second time she tries.. (jedi Mind trick / saber dueling / falcon flying etc.. ) Failing to convince someone of something is not a character flaw IMO... If it was, then you and I are obviously flawed in character because we cant convince the other to agree with our opinion on the film :lol

How about this?? Would it be a character flaw if you could not convince a serial Killer to not kill anymore??

It just seems like you're writing off her successes as evidence she's a boring Mary Sue and her failures as evidence she "didn't going anywhere." Obviously Rey can't win with you. :)

Her failures have no real consequence.. Luke still shows up and her attempt to get Kylo could be looked at as a big win if one looks at the fact that Snoke gets killed.. Now there is one big baddie instead of two.

There's nothing you can do to convince me that this was a poorly made film. I find it quite easy to defend and the more I think about it the more I find to like.

Poorly made.. I would not say that.. It looks too nice.. Poorly written.. Yes.

Like that silent moment outside the Falcon where it's raining and the ship is shielding her from getting wet. Yet she can't contain her excitement at so much precipitation and sticks her hand out in the deluge with an ear to ear grin. And of course she would growing up on a desert planet. So many cool moments like that, some small, some epic.

Sounds like someone has a schoolboy crush.. ;) It all makes sense now.. :lol

I get that most of them were lost on you but since I always assume that most sensible fans of a franchise would *want* to like a new installment it was still fun to share my view of the film to see if any of it rubbed off on you. Obviously it didn't but hey to each his own. :D

Boy you ain't kidding.. I have been let down by both of these chapters :( I have to keep putting my hopes in the next one.. I think I am just going to have to write this trilogy of films off.. But I still have hope for the standalone films :)

God Bless you Khev.. I am happy you enjoyed the film... I am sad for the rest of us poor saps :lol
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Can't.. Resist... Must... reply.. to Khev :lol

SW is always a hard discussion to walk away from. :lol

JAWS said:
Sounds like someone has a schoolboy crush.. ;) It all makes sense now.. :lol

These British SW girls have proven to be quite a weakness of mine. I guess Emilia's up next, lol.

oy you ain't kidding.. I have been let down by both of these chapters :( I have to keep putting my hopes in the next one.. I think I am just going to have to write this trilogy of films off.. But I still have hope for the standalone films :)

God Bless you Khev.. I am happy you enjoyed the film... I am sad for the rest of us poor saps :lol

Well it won't be long until we're doing this all over again with Solo. :D I have a feeling that it will be the Russos that deliver for both of us with Infinity War though. :yess:
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