Super Freak
And for a second I treated you like one of the big boys who could handle actual discussion about the film.![]()

I am a BIG BOY...

And for a second I treated you like one of the big boys who could handle actual discussion about the film.![]()
I like this theory and it helps me with the (seemingly to me) lazy story writing of making Rey all powerful for no particular reason.
Not that I need Rey's power to "come" from somewhere like genetic parentage. I'm behind the idea that her parents were nothing.
I really want to like Rey's character but I'm just not getting what I need to make her a rich character. I understand the common practice is to "go bigger" so the Death Star always gets bigger, AT-AT type vehicles get bigger, Kylo being acknowledged as an unprecedented ball of "raw power" but, much like the final seasons of Lost, if you keep going bigger and bigger it starts to lose meaning.
Do you guys have a theory on why Kylo was seemingly knocked out after the splitting of the light saber? Kylo says Rey just jumped in Snoke's ship and took off but somehow the exertion knocked him out?
I feel like it was an excuse for the Hux scene where he tries to shoot him (which is great) but isn't adding up to me.
See, that's part of the problem.. How can Johnson and Kennedy be satisfied that "some" people got it?? Shouldn't it be, or you'd want it to be that "Most" people got it? Just some of the many signs that TLJ is a BAD movie.... You can't say it's a kids movie, yet then defend it with the subtext being so deep that many can't see it.
The last movie I remember the director having to publicly defend was the Ghostbusters reboot. Not a good movie to be in company with...
Keep up the good fight!!![]()
Sure it was a kids movie but that doesn't mean that all layers of the subtext will be instantly identifiable by all ages. Hell as a kid watching ESB in the theater l had never even heard the word "destiny" before let alone knew the meaning yet l was still able to follow the film just fine.![]()
We'll l didn't literally mean "kids only" which I thought I made clear with the ESB comparison. "All ages movie" if you want to get technical.
RiJo said:‘First of all, has this been done before, period? I’ve got to reserve the right for [Story Group member] Pablo [Hidalgo] to build it back into canon, if he’s like, ‘Yeah, this is a thing and they outlawed it...’
I think there’s various ways you can go with it. But it’s not like it was the plan to do this. It’s a spur of the moment thing. It’s this idea that she gets and she sits down and ****ing does, and it obviously takes everybody completely by surprise. It takes Hux by surprise. The fact that Hux doesn’t see it coming means it’s probably not a standard military maneuver. I think it was something that Holdo pulled out of her butt in the moment.’
Rian is a pompous prick, he’s been on Twitter trying to mend all the gaping holes of his abysmal script. He also bragging his first draft was 90% what was filmed and that he didn’t see the final cut of TFA.
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Oh man, what a streak from Spazz, he forced everyone to see the reality and jimmies got so rustled that they retaliated ad hominem while he and his argument remained unfazed![]()
First time in a while that this thread got interesting again, good read.
Bless him for having the energy.
Harrison fords reaction after watching the last jedi lol
Mark Hamills reaction
Carrie fishers reaction
Daisy Reaction
Rian, Khev and jye reaction
Most star wars fans reaction
See, it's not a kids movie... It's a "Family" movie.. It should have something for all. So then why is the TLJ simply belittled by the media into that SW is just for kids?? The biggest defense in why adults should move on and stop complaining. That statement should be seen as an insult to Disney/Johnson/Kennedy, not a positive. I've never heard Harry Potter films being referred to as just "Kids" movies... There are an awful lot of obsessive adult fans of that franchise too.
We'll l didn't literally mean "kids only" which I thought I made clear with the ESB comparison. "All ages movie" if you want to get technical.
I know you didn't. But that's the problem. Many people defending this do believe that it's just a "kids" movie... The sole reason of their defense.
Rian keeps on defending more scenes, regarding the light speed crash:
Even his answer doesn’t answer anything. Why is it not a standard military maneuver? Why is Hux so surprised? Do they not know it’s possible? Why has no one done it before in the previous 7 films? If it’s been outlawed, what does that mean when someone can do it at any time like Captain Femme did? Are the first order and resistance just taking it on good faith that no one will do it?
Each one of his explanations thus far only works if you take his movie as existing in a vacuum, and that’s clearly all that matters to him. But there were 7 movies already, not to mention other canon projects like The Clone Wars.
Rian keeps on defending more scenes, regarding the light speed crash:
Even his answer doesn’t answer anything. Why is it not a standard military maneuver? Why is Hux so surprised? Do they not know it’s possible? Why has no one done it before in the previous 7 films? If it’s been outlawed, what does that mean when someone can do it at any time like Captain Femme did? Are the first order and resistance just taking it on good faith that no one will do it?
Each one of his explanations thus far only works if you take his movie as existing in a vacuum, and that’s clearly all that matters to him. But there were 7 movies already, not to mention other canon projects like The Clone Wars.
The Force Awakens was released 3 years after the sale of Lucasfilm to Disney. Things were set in motion quickly. Star Wars veteran Lawrence Kasdan worked on the script. Spielberg-esque J.J. Abrams was brought in to direct. Kennedy’s guidance was there, and the edict that film’s main protagonist be female, but Kennedy was content to set the Lucasfilm machine in motion and oversee it’s operation.
This was not the case with The Last Jedi. Episode VIII is Kathleen Kennedy’s film and she has asserted full control over the creative direction of Star Wars. More on that later.
Naked Mole Rats are an interesting species. They live in underground colonies. They are the only mammals that exhibit eusociality, (like bees and termites) meaning there is one Queen who reproduces with 1–3 males. No other males or females are allowed to breed and in fact they remain infertile due to high stress level hormones caused by the queen stepping on their heads. If any female does become fertile, the Queen quickly and viciously dispatches her. The non-breeding males acquire food and maintain the tunnels and the females take care of the Queen’s young offspring and partake in cooperative grooming.
Kathleen Kennedy has become the Queen Naked Mole Rat of the Lucasfilm Colony. Substitute the idea of breeding and offspring with the creative process and producing a film. So who are the males that Queen Kennedy reproduces with? Take a look at this list:
J.J. Abrams
Gareth Edwards
Rian Johnson*
Phil Lord and Chris Miller (fired)
Colin Trevorrow (fired)
Ron Howard
Stephen Daldry (rumored)
These are all the directors so far selected by Queen Kennedy suitable to mate with and birth a Star Wars Film. What’s missing? With the exception of J.J. and Howard, experience is missing. Recently Ridley Scott commented that Star Wars movies should be created by more experienced directors. And why not? Why not let some of Hollywood’s best director’s have a crack at Star Wars?
Because they are not easily controlled. And as we’ve seen over the last year, if you don’t follow the orders of Queen Kennedy, it’s off with your head.
Can you name another producer who has “parted ways” with 2 (really 3) directors in the span of a year? During filming? It’s unprecedented. Lord and Miller were supposedly fired for not keeping to the script. Trevorrow was fired for reportedly being “difficult”. The reality is they asserted creative control over their films, and Queen Kennedy was having none of that.
Rian Johnson however, followed the Queen’s orders to a T. That is why he was rewarded with further breeding opportunities, a new trilogy, before The Last Jedi was even released. Also unprecedented.
What else do you notice about that list of directors? No women. 6 named directors and not a single woman. Why would Kathleen Kennedy, epitome of feminism and breaking the glass ceiling in Hollywood not have hired one, two or even all female directors for her female driven Star Wars Trilogy? (Although this may finally change as Spazz noted, but again with a relatively inexperienced director)
Because in the Lucasfilm Mole Rat Colony, other females are not allowed to breed. They are restricted to the Lucasfilm Story Group where they can nurture and groom Queen Kennedy’s babies.
The story group is also comprised appeasers like Leyland Chee and Pablo Hidalgo (who has tirelessly defended the Queen and #TheLastJedi on Twitter even though he is fully aware of it’s failings). It’s hard to imagine (after reading his defenses) that Pablo, upon reading the Leia flying through space scene, is the type of man that would have stood up in the room and told Queen Kennedy “That’s not how the Force works”. Instead he was happy to feed the baby and tell it how good it is, rather than provide any true guidance or discipline.
The Last Jedi has Kathleen Kennedy’s fingerprints all over it. She’s a Berkley educated liberal-feminist who was groomed by Hollywood men, told she had good ideas and was given powerful positions without having to do all that much… kind of like Rey.
All the men in The Last Jedi are cowards, failures, inept, or suffer from toxic masculinity. The women know better then them must save the men from their masculinity. It’s the mindset of an arrogant woman who for years has put up with the men around her (remember Hollywood is a cesspool) and believes herself to be some beacon of feminine light in the darkness. Burning the tree of the Force is setting fire the the patriarchy. The subtext of The Last Jedi is very deep and very post-modern. It’s a reflection of Queen Kennedy. It’s also why they had to destroy what Star Wars meant to us and why half the audience hates this film.
I love how everything turns back to suckling at Kennedy’s teat with you guys
Although I completely agree! I think this article sums up the dynamic really well:
How Kathleen Kennedy has turned Lucasfilm into a naked mole rat colony
Deep down, he knows he ****ed up...If he truly is the SW fan he says he is, how can he accept letting so many SW fans down? More divisive than the hated PQ's!!?
Kennedy has him by the balls!! He's her man *****. His career is in her hands. He's probably being made to publicly justify his decisions and defend the film. He's safe. That is, until Disney has had enough, and their bean counters determine the new ST isn't cutting it in merch sales. Since historically the merch makes more money than the movies. Then Kennedy will turn on him to save her own ass.. Johnson won't be fired from his new trilogy, but rather he'll move on due to creative differences between himself and Disney...
I love how everything turns back to suckling at Kennedy’s teat with you guys
I think this article sums up the dynamic really well:
How Kathleen Kennedy has turned Lucasfilm into a naked mole rat colony
Well, the proof is in the pudding, so to speak... Just look at what happened to the directors that she didn't agree with??? Colin Trevorrow booted from EP9, and Phil Lord & Chris Miller being booted from Solo. Pretty obvious you can't stray too far from her vision, right or wrong, if you want to be part of the SW Disney team.
I wrote this before actually reading the article you linked...![]()