I'll never understand why you have to pay for this...
Still don't.
But I look at this solely from the ethical side.
100 bucks for a photo
peter mayhew was 150
When you handed your...whatever that thing is over to him, did you tell him to "do it" in the empy voice?
If I was famous -- and there's no chance of that ever happening -- I would never give autographs.
Can I have your autograph?
pretty please
I met rene auberjonois once and completely butchered his last name. He was really cool in how he 'corrected me' but made it a fun experience all the same!
https://youtu.be/weRVEsCGnP4Does that Walker have on hockey pads?
Anyways if the entire Republic was wiped out where is the resistance getting all this firepower from, big bombers etc.
Why didn't they use it against Starkiller base after it destroyed all of their planets?
Oh ok, you say it couldn't deviate from ANH where only a handful of fighters were used plus infiltrating the base, my bad lol