"Kid I've flown from one side..." not really the best delivered speech if you truly look at it.
Neither is his 'acting' imagining all that wealth after he says "rich?"
They weren't cast for their acting. They delivered mumbo-jumbo lines fast and believably, that's all Lucas needed them to do.
Speaking of this moment..has anyone wondered what exactly happened to Vader's tie blast right before Han showed up.
When he said " I have You Now! "
Here's the thing
1. For all purposes we'd assume that at that precious moment Vader was pretty much tailing the x wing , how close not sure
2. The graphic showed the target X-wing locked on..every X-wing beforehand that Vader locked on he hit and destroyed instantly.
3. I know Luke was pretty much swaying and juking the x-wing side to side at super speed but I think Lucas goofed by making the target lock on and show the blast from the tie fighter shoot at the same time Han blew up the other fighter .
My point is did Vader miss Luke on purpose because he knew Luke was his son , but then hitting R2 that close wouldn't make sense then.
I know it was a minor nitpick , but it always puzzled me every time I see that scene no matter what format, Extended, uncut , revised etc ANH. That scene still played out the same . Seems like Lucas left is as is.
But I have to wonder what exactly did that very last tie fighter blast from Vader hit
Now about this movie TLJ
Does it surprise anyone that Ren is still using the crosssaber, I thought that saber was unbalanced or the crystal is not designed right , hence the cross
The best acting in the OT came from ESB. Kershner brought out the best in everyone. ROTJ is good too, specially McDiarmid, but nothing beats the performances in ESB.
"Kid I've flown from one side..." not really the best delivered speech if you truly look at it.
**** Guiness that stuck up brit collecting money while spitting on the hand that fed him.
Don't talk about based Guinness like that.
"A refurbished Star Wars is on somewhere or everywhere. I have no intention of revisiting any galaxy. I shrivel inside each time it is mentioned. Twenty years ago, when the film was first shown, it had a freshness, also a sense of moral good and fun. Then I began to be uneasy at the influence it might be having. The first bad penny dropped in San Francisco when a sweet-faced boy of twelve told me proudly that he had seen Star Wars over a hundred times. His elegant mother nodded with approval. Looking into the boy's eyes I thought I detected little star-shells of madness beginning to form and I guessed that one day they would explode.
'I would love you to do something for me,' I said.
'Anything! Anything!' the boy said rapturously.
'You won't like what I'm going to ask you to do,' I said.
'Anything, sir, anything!'
'Well,' I said, 'do you think you could promise never to see Star Wars again?'
He burst into tears. His mother drew herself up to an immense height. 'What a dreadful thing to say to a child!' she barked, and dragged the poor kid away. Maybe she was right but I just hope the lad, now in his thirties, is not living in a fantasy world of secondhand, childish banalities."
Woah, I had no idea he was this based!
I'm ordering multiple Ben Kenobis from BBTS right now...
I know he would be proud of the manchild I am.
It's what he would want.
Not as based but I'll take it.He eventually came around and admitted the story had been embellished.
He admits to just telling the child and mother to **** off.
"I ain't in it for your revolution sister......"