OK In no way am I going to try and convince you to like this film... I am just gooing to justify why I still have a place for it in my heart
Like I said it is a guilty pleasure. A film I loved as a kid (3rd grade) Personally I think Event Horizon holds up well and it is getting much more love now then it did with it's first release... Not a perfect film but it had some good moments and I still like revisit it.. Great design work in that one also. As well as a good cast

The fact that it does rip off The Black Hole though just goes to show that director Paul W.S. Anderson has never had an original thought.
The Fact that a Disney movie was willing to take us into HELL is a pretty ballsy move on their part... It is what keeps it from being a total kids film... For better or worse.
Come on this is just beautiful!!! I love the space backdrop also... Ridiculous amount of Stars.
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I get what you are saying about the black hole itself and Water drains.... But for its time its a pretty cool effect.
Few other images that have always stuck with me...
Anthony Perkins
Robert Forester
Roddy McDowell
Ernest Borgnine
Slim Pickens
Maximilian Schell
Come on Man
Yeah you can always pick out a John Barry score... But I thought this one was good a creepy as well as having some good fun hero moments

Yeah I have not seen anything really great to get me motivated to post and I have been trying to avoid Star Wars and Thor Spoilers