Sadly I had to skip 30 pages of Jedi Thread Gold to post this, I just can't keep up, especially after taking a week off.
But, I was thinking...
It seems the more training a Force-user gets, the more ineffectual he is.
Case in point:Luke.
Star Wars - Luke has a few minutes of training aboard the Falcon = manages to Rescue a Princess. evade Imperial forces. Communicate with his dead mentor. make impossible shot, blowing up the Death Star, saving Yavin, the Rebels and the Galaxy, for that matter. Force = strong.
Empire - Luke receives a few days of intensive training = Luke loses his Hand, nearly falls to death. friend gets frozen and then abducted by a bounty hunter so inept, that a blind man later causes his comical death. Force = Meh.
Jedi - Luke having had time to meditate on his training = falls down Jabbas hole, nearly eaten by Rancor he manages to kill with aid of rock. performs parlor tricks on indigenous teddy bears. Spends most of the time hiding from his Dad until he loses his temper and goes Dark side on him. Force = Flirting with Dark Side.
Awakens - After years of being the sole Jedi and having time to research and refine his skills he takes up the mentor role = turns best Friends son Dark, resulting in the death of many students, the relationship of his 2 closest friends/family is destroyed and Best Friend is killed by his protege. Goes in hiding, leaving a Carmen Sandiago trail for others to find him. Force = Letdown.
No wonder Ray is so powerful in the first movie, she is raw and untrained. Look for her abilities to diminish once Luke gets a Hold of her.