thanks for proving my point.
I honestly think some of you are too old and jaded for SW, as this movie states “you have no spark.”

You seem to forget you were on your mommas tit when you first experienced the universe. the last thing on your mind was plot, it was good v evil and explosions.
SW has never been this god franchise invulnerable from problems, not even empire. the important part about SW is it’s themes not its plot. In fact, star wars is most remembered by its inconsistencies. that’s what keeps people talking and excited for a new chapter.
SW is remembered most by its inconsistencies?? Yeah that's it. It has lasted 40 + years because of its inconsistencies. Perhaps I am just not understanding your point you are trying to make here..
As for the OT. Actually when I was 6 years old I did not like ANH.. I found it boring

I did fall in love with Empire when I was 9 years old.. I realized how great ANH was when I was 13 when it appeared on HBO.. So that has nothing to do with my mom's ****...
SW and Empire had good stories and good characters that developed in a meaningful way.. These films fail in comparison.. However you will notice this is the first time I am comparing them... I have been discussing these films on their own merits. You are the one that keeps bringing them up.
These aren’t oscar award winning films, and never will be. they aren’t designed to be. Going in with “if this isn’t as good as empire then it’s trash.” and the movie not meeting those expectations isn’t it’s fault. it’s yours.
ANH was nominated for best picture and should have won.. Annie Hall?? Really?
"The original 1977 Star Wars racked up 11 Oscar nominations including best picture, best supporting actor for Alec Guinness (Obi-Wan Kenobi) and best director for George Lucas. It won seven awards, including best original score for Williams"
Everything else you are saying has nothing to do with me.. I just want a solid film.. I did not get a fully solid film but I did enjoy parts of it..
Guess I should just say.. Meh.. Luke in film.. Luke has force powers.. Meh.. Rey has force.. Movie great