I like how a lot of you are ******** on Johnson for his treatment of Luke when that was really all JJ. JJ started the ball rolling when he decided that Luke was a coward who ran away from the fight after his failure with Ben Solo and then decided to spend the rest of his life on a secluded island.
If anything Rian actually gave Luke a redemption arc by making him a man with hope again by the end of TLJ.
And with so many here whining about how the movie doesn't fit their own fanfiction, they really missed some truly great moments in the film that even GL himself will be proud of. Remember the twin suns scene before Luke became one with the Force? That was a beautiful scene. Luke essentially ended the journey where he started back in ANH. The symmetry is just beautiful. The rebellion is reborn, the war has just started and there will be a new generation of Jedi.
Also everyone is talking about how Rey beat Luke when it was the other way around. He was beating Rey, dodging and blocking every hits by her and even took her staff away until Rey decided to used a lightsaber. Heck, he didn't even fall actually stopping himself with the Force. He did not continue the fight because Rey did not continue the fight. He just ripped off the roof of the hut just a few seconds earlier and you guys really think Rey bested Luke? Luke did not want to fight Rey because it was pointless.
TLJ actually incorporated a lot of elements from the EU but in their blind rage no one seem to have caught that.
Don't agree that it was Luke being cowardly because he chose to retreat to solitude. So what does greatness do, exactly, when greatness builds a castle and finds out it's standing on sand? "Some say Luke went looking for the First Jedi temple". (Not like Yoda hadn't done more or less the same thing when there was rot in his own house, babies got slaughtered, Jedi mowed down, etc. Oh, yeah, then we have Obi-wan hangin' in the desert with the sand people. Not like any other Jedi grabbed their light saber, marched up to the Emperor and said **** u.) Also, Luke didn't have years and years interacting with other older Jedi. 'Coz they were dead (in spite of being Jedi).
Ben Kenobi had apparently gathered a few followers and left. Luke had to struggle to his feet and look around at the rest of the bodies, and also cope with now knowing Ben had the same taint that Luke's father had. Years earlier Luke had refused to kill his own father.
Now one solution is to kill his nephew. But even if he does that, Ben had followers who also embraced the Dark Side. There are impossible choices. IMO it's reasonable in Luke's solitude that he might come to the conclusion the best hope is to destroy all of it, dark and light. (And that he'd pitch his light saber when it shows up again like a bad penny - a scene that also seems to outrage people, tho my theater laughed and I thought it was hilarious

So IMO that's part of some of the upset TLJ is getting. That there are *realistic* depictions of how someone would face devastation. Not the blandly neat, we-barely-mention, G-rated treatment of slaughter and corruption of previous films. For me it's what made TLJ interesting. Kylo and Luke, struggling with choices. Not all nice and neat like a kiddie book. It's different.
And for that Kylo's been called "emo" and Luke a "coward". I really hadn't understood that to a lot of fans, doubt/failure is completely unacceptable

. No sissy introspection or tears or confusion from our heroes!
What did bother me is that Yoda finally shows up, at the last. That's nice. Because to me it came across that only when Luke is at a breaking point, his old mentors decide to make an appearance. Great. Not like Luke couldn't have used some support earlier - but whatever.
'Coz IMO there's some issues in the film - but SW to me is always like that. A lot of films are *shrug*. I'm looking forward to seeing it again. As far as fan outrage - yeah, it's there, from some; but it's also true that it's more likely that folks tend to post complaints more than positive stuff.
Disney-Lucasfilm’s “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” is set to take over the box office in its opening weekend, raking in around $215 million from 4,232 North American sites.
Including $45 million from Thursday previews — the second-largest Thursday night preview total ever, below “Star Wars: The Force Awakens'” 2015 total of $57 million — the tentpole film brought in $104 million from Friday, and is looking to add over $100 million between Saturday and Sunday.
The total gross will make “The Last Jedi” the fourth film in domestic box office history to make over $200 million in its first weekend, joining “The Force Awakens” with $248.8 million, “Jurassic World” with $208.8 million, and 2012’s “The Avengers” with $207.4 million. “The Last Jedi” will finish significantly above Star Wars spinoff “Rogue One,” which opened with $155.1 million on the same weekend a year ago.
No way the next film doesn't make millions too.