That milking scene made Luke a super bad ass in my book.
Was it the sploo on his mouth that got you excited or just that snatch sitting next to you?
That milking scene made Luke a super bad ass in my book.
I'm actually planning to see it again as I heard from many it gets better on the second viewing.There were some Awesome scenes in this movie
Hey! I suffered thru The Phantom Menace 3 times just to see that Darth Maul fight
Yes, but its true for every Star Wars that opens for Disney, so it should be a wash. No doubt this will still deliver huge numbers... but I suspect a surprising drop for a Star Wars movie.
I already got my tickets for next weekend sorry Wor lol.
Possibly.Just 'coz I feel *positivity* doesn't mean I think this movie couldn't do lower numbers. For one thing, even tho there are cute porgs and humor and that race scene and heart-tugging Dickens urchins with brooms - IMO this movie is a bit much for younger kids. The very stuff I think is interesting IMO wouldn't mean anything. There's some grim stuff even if it's not a graphic depiction of it.
Was it the sploo on his mouth that got you excited or just that snatch sitting next to you?
I wonder who are they going to kill off in episode 9? Think Billy Dee will show up to sacrifice himself ? Both Luke and Han killed off in the same week. What are the odds?
That milking scene made Luke a super bad ass in my book.
Its also very long at 2 hours and 41 minutes so its losing at least one showing a day (maybe two) at every theater on the planet.
That's gonna hurt the long haul boxoffice.
Nail on head and that just makes the 220 all that more impressive so it’s really even closer to TFA had it been 25 min shorter.
Did the aroma change your feelings toward Rose... or Maz?
Of course it is, those rabid first weekend fans are the same in number so any drop-off this weekend is due to lack of showings.
But so many of those fans are pissed that the 2nd weekend will be more telling. Do they stay away, or do the return to revisit?
I wouldn't rewatch this garbage if someone offered to pick me up, buy me a meal and take me out for drinks afterwards.
Don't worry guys, there is still plenty of time to ruin Lando with the Han Solo movie in 5 months.
See, this is what I'm saying. The damage to this movie hasn't been done yet. It will show more this week, and much more after the 2nd weekend.
I saw RO three times in the theater. I won't see this once (paying).
You do realize that Snikt is walking into his 2nd viewing as we speak right lol.
Its also very long at 2 hours and 41 minutes so its losing at least one showing a day (maybe two) at every theater on the planet.
That's gonna hurt the long haul boxoffice.
Funny thing is the internet wasn't really around when TPM hit. (maybe some dial up users, but not like today)
LOL Disney is gonna feel this one. They did some damage here, and it's not going to go unheard. If they think some Jar Jar backlash wasn't good for Lucas back then, i'm afraid they have no idea whats to come.
This movie sucked..HARD! And they're gonna hear it. (whether they care or not is another thing) Sit back this will be interesting over the next 6 mos.