Manufactured? Admiral Ackbar disagrees.
Jl, ww, t, br 2049,wotpota, gotg2 >tlj
and you missed all that from this movie? you must be a millennial![]()
Ackbar is dead. Off-screen too.
Ackbar is dead. Off-screen too.
What about the real truth that Kathleen Kennedy and that weasel Rian Johnson are putting tiny micro transmitters in the sodas being served at the movie theaters...every third soda sold in fact...and they are reading my thoughts too...everyone's thoughts in fact...and they keep sending me messages with telepathy telling me to buy corn flakes...
King Kong, kingsman 2 >TLJ
Star wars novels and comics >TLJ
Anything George Lucas>TLJ
Indiana Jones and crystal skull>TLJ
Any Riddick film>TLJ
Any Star trek film>TLJ
The "you've discredited my theories" crap is stupid. I had no theories going in.
I just expected it to be a consistent SW movie. Stay in the universe. Surprise me......that's fine. Just don't insult me.
and you missed all that from this movie? you must be a millennial![]()
Luke trained both Rey and Kylo as children.
Kylo was damaged because his parents split up. He had issues.
First Order rose with Snoke, targeted Luke’s school as it was a big threat.
Snoke attacked school, Luke only had time to save one student. Either Rey or Kylo. He chose Rey.
Kylo was furious, felt abandoned again, left to die. Troops walk out of flames to kill kid Kylo, so angry, he taps dark side and wipes them out. Snoke is impressed and spares him, praises him, makes him feel wanted. Takes him in.
Luke uses force to wipe Rey’s memory. Leaves her on Jakuu to keep her safe, to be an anonymous nobody.
Luke has a crisis of conscious, believes nothing he does can stop the battle between light and dark.
TFA happens. Rey arrives to find Luke. His expression says “I was hoping this day would have not come. I was hoping to keep you out of this mess, but this is destiny and there’s no escaping it.”
We learn that Luke chose Rey because she’s his daughter.
NOW, that seems obvious and cliche, but with a great director and great execution, it would have made me very happy.
I wonder why Ackbar didn't get to do the stellar hyperdrive-ram into Snoke's ship? Why create Holdo just for that?