Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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I’ll take Kylo/Rey vs Red Guards any day over Anakin riding a lava bot in a battle that went on 10 minutes too long and that had a twirling lightsaber duel.

Lets not forget leaping Yoda on crack.

Another lie...on the dirty carpet...shame shame
See for me it was very SW as was TFA.

TFA and TLJ brought back SW for me from the non SW feeling in the PT.

Over the years i’ve really grown to enjoy ROTS quite a bit when I used to really dislike it as much as TPM/AOTC so I do appreciate the darkness in that movie BUT the new Disney movies deel like real films for me.

Just go watch the cgi of Mace Windu on Geonosis running with the troopers so freaking bad.

So you liked TLJ? Good man- maybe you will be redeemed in the end:rotfl

The wave is turning!!!!!

It's like this guy has read my thoughts. EVERYTHING he's says is so true. WTF we're they thinking?!! TLJ is an abortion of a film period.
And Johnson dared to strip even the great Luke Skywalker of his "legendary" status, to actually give him a real arc and give him an opportunity to prove himself when it wasn't all about him being the Chosen One's son and the galaxy's last hope.

Getting back to Luke, his moment in Ben's tent isn't nearly as sacrilegious as many are making it out to be. Hell it's basically what Yoda and Ben were pretty much advocating in the OT. "Kill an evil family member for the greater good." It's what Ben wanted him to do to Vader when they chatted in ROTJ. And Yoda and Ben urged him to sacrifice Han and Leia in ESB. And if TPM had featured a scene where Qui Gon or Obi-Wan got a future vision of what little Anakin would become, and we as the audience already KNEW it would all come true because we watched the OT, would we think they were losers for being tempted to just off the kid right there? Would it be "right" to do? No, of course not, but it is an interesting dilemma that few films would dare to ask.

And at the end of the day Luke did NOT follow through with harming Ben, and because Luke is Luke the very knowledge that he even considered it haunted him for years. Ballsy, poignant, and tailor made for one hell of a comeback.

Luke had a real arc. The OT. He did prove himself. He even became a Jedi Master and was teaching the next generation of Jedi.

In TLJ, Luke reverted to immaturity. He apparently learned nothing at all. Even worse he was a failure, a coward and suicidal. They wiped away three movies worth of character development.

What was abandoning his friends, ending himself and the Jedi supposed to accomplish? It doesn't stop Snoke and Kylo. It doesn't protect his family and friends. It doesn't save the New Republic.

He shouldn't be like Obi-Wan and Yoda! He was about to murder his nephew in cold blood just because he sensed some darkness in him. He even sneaked into his tent! So much for a "fleeting" moment. He could have, you know, tried to talk to him. Seems there is more to that story, but it will likely be left to the EU novels and comics to fill the gaps and make sense of what Rian did with the character.

The fact is that Luke was debased because it's HER turn.

RJ: "I think the hero’s journey of Luke Skywalker concluded in Return of the Jedi. The [ongoing] story of Luke is one that has to play in tandem with that of Rey.”

At least it wasn't a total botch. Luke sort of returned, inspired and got to keep his 'Legend' status. He relearned what he already knew, did a magic trick to stall the First Order and help what is left of Antifa escape, then he disappeared like a fart in the wind.

I don't think Luke should have been perfect, without flaw. Just that Luke would not have acted like an idiot and given up.

MH: "clear the slate and pretend it's like almost like an entirely new character that's not locked into what you did before."
You've been watching too much Freeform, or lifetime, or TLC,or say yes to the dress my friend...
It's like this guy has read my thoughts. EVERYTHING he's says is so true. WTF we're they thinking?!! TLJ is an abortion of a film period.
I gotta took mafia is gonna go after him
Luke had a real arc. The OT. He did prove himself. He even became a Jedi Master and was teaching the next generation of Jedi.

In TLJ, Luke reverted to immaturity. He apparently learned nothing at all. Even worse he was a failure, a coward and suicidal. They wiped away three movies worth of character development.

What was abandoning his friends, ending himself and the Jedi supposed to accomplish? It doesn't stop Snoke and Kylo. It doesn't protect his family and friends. It doesn't save the New Republic.

He shouldn't be like Obi-Wan and Yoda! He was about to murder his nephew in cold blood just because he sensed some darkness in him. He even sneaked into his tent! So much for a "fleeting" moment. He could have, you know, tried to talk to him. Seems there is more to that story, but it will likely be left to the EU novels and comics to fill the gaps and make sense of what Rian did with the character.

The fact is that Luke was debased because it's HER turn.

At least it wasn't a total botch. Luke sort of returned, inspired and got to keep his 'Legend' status. He relearned what he already knew, did a magic trick to stall the First Order and help what is left of Antifa escape, then he disappeared like a fart in the wind.

I don't think Luke should have been perfect, without flaw. Just that Luke would not have acted like an idiot and given up.

Suicidal?!? Where was that mentioned?

If you mean by sacrificing himself so others could live, that's way different.
So you liked TLJ? Good man- maybe you will be redeemed in the end:rotfl

I did and i’ll stick to my very simple review which was:

Only SW/ESB are perfect SW movies.

TLJ is imperfect yet entertaining just like every other SW movie since ROTJ.

I also firmly believe that TFA/TLJ are better than the PT.

I cant believe baby punk az Kylo is the new evil boss...and a Ron weasley sibling is his second in command....damn....Theres no one living I could call bad az in Star Wars anymore
First, i'm probably going to disagree with you for bringing up SJW identity politics as a negative thing. I mean if you don't believe in social justice or equality, then thats your problem. This label of "SJW" as a negative thing just seems so out of whack to me. Same with people who are against feminism.

If anything, Sagan sounds like the people today arguing about TLJ where they don't see things as plausible. He was commenting about the plausibility of Star Wars and wishes they used more of factual science as well as showing more people of different races if your going to use humans. And I agree to that because humans are more than just white people. So as each Star Wars film progressed they got more diverse with gender and race and thats a good thing. I mean 50% of the population on earth is female. And by the time we get to TLJ we actually see that kind of representation, and thats a good thing for everyone.

But Sagan talking about the science and plausibility. Johnny Carson is like "You're dissecting this scientifically Carl, you're taking the fun out of it", and thats what I feel the haters are doing, they are taking the fun out for "themselves" by dissecting the movie to death.

But Star Wars is about... well, wars. It is pretty much a constant state of total war, narrowly focussed on the militaries of both sides - in all of the films. So the question isn't what percentage of the population is female (in that always-shocking 50% statistic that NO ONE would ever guess:slap,) it's what percentage of the world's militaries are female - generals to soldiers - combatants. For the U.S., that number is 11%. That number roughly holds throughout the Western world - in some non-Western countries it plummets to nearly zero.

Even today, war is overwhelmingly male, top to bottom. The reason for that is moot for the purposes of this discussion - it just is today. So it makes sense that if SW relates to the real world, then it should reflect reality. Because maybe things like Holdo are aspirational, a fantasy of the future, but they don't really reflect the current reality in our world.

In terms of your diverse comment, Star Wars is also very much about WWII - Lucas constantly referred to the Imperials as Nazis. But the "progress" you mention wasn't uniform - Disney chose to make the Resistance very diverse, arguably majority minorities (the rebellion, at least in SW and ESB, was obviously pretty much 100% white and noticed then by more than just Sagan) but they chose to make First Order very much like the Empire before it - 95%+ white and male. That imbalance in approach does raise some political flags about "who the bad guys are."

There was that recent case of the critic who called out "Dunkirk" for its lack of diversity and was mocked for it - this is the context of this discussion. WWII was indeed overwhelmingly fought by white people - on both sides - but it's significant that they decided to make the First Order overwhlemingly white and male, and the only black person ever seen in the First Order instantly becomes a good guy before he even fires his gun (and in the same moment we realize he's black,) and the only somewhat significant female First Order character never actually shows her face.

he’s talking to himself, he’s gone full redditard

NOTED: first use of 'tard as suffix.:lecture
But Star Wars is about... well, wars. It is pretty much a constant state of total war, narrowly focussed on the militaries of both sides - in all of the films. So the question isn't what percentage of the population is female (in that always-shocking 50% statistic that NO ONE would ever guess:slap,) it's what percentage of the world's militaries are female - generals to soldiers - combatants. For the U.S., that number is 11%. That number roughly holds throughout the Western world - in some non-Western countries it plummets to nearly zero.

Even today, war is overwhelmingly male, top to bottom. The reason for that is moot for the purposes of this discussion - it just is today. So it makes sense that if SW relates to the real world, then it should reflect reality. Because maybe things like Holdo are aspirational, a fantasy of the future, but they don't really reflect the current reality in our world.

Star Wars is also very much about WWII - Lucas constantly referred to the Imperials as Nazis. But the "progress" you mention wasn't uniform - Disney chose to make the Resistance very diverse (the rebellion, at least in SW and ESB, was obviously pretty much 100% white and noticed then by more than just Sagan) but they chose to make First Order very much like the Empire before it - 95%+ white and male. That imbalance in approach does raise some political flags about "who the bad guys are."

There was that recent case of the critic who called out "Dunkirk" for its lack of diversity and was mocked for it - this is the context of this discussion. WWII was indeed overwhelmingly fought by white people - on both sides - but it's significant that they decided to make the First Order overwhlemingly white and male, and the only black person ever seen in the First Order instantly becomes a good guy before he even fires his gun (and in the same moment we realize he's black,) and the only somewhat significant female First Order character never actually shows her face.

NOTED: first use of 'tard as suffix.:lecture
excellent truthful post....Disney is preparing Star Wars for Freeform channel...they just need 2 guys kissing...episode 9
I was quite disappointed the first time I saw it but saw it again last night and loved it.

I think when we're a crazy diehard fan you have certain parameters you imagine the films should work within and also there's the overwhelming nature of seeing a new Star Wars film. It's a lot to take in.

I think it's freed the saga up to move and be fresh and new. I get why people are hating on it but I'm not there anymore.
The important question is did any one of us want to hate it... No in fact I'm actually hurt by the film. Indy and Luke were my childhood heroes and seeing what they have done to them is sad. I'm not enjoying the bashing at all, I would rather have had this be a good movie.

Star Wars has always been something for all of us as fans and a community to love, enjoy, and have fun with.

This recent film is so divisive for a reason, it's simply a bad movie and an even more terrible Star Wars film.

See for me it was very SW as was TFA.

TFA and TLJ brought back SW for me from the non SW feeling in the PT.

My initial gut reaction to TFA was that it didn't feel like SW, but it improved with subsequent viewings. That feeling is even stronger for me with TLJ, so will see what happens.

:rotfl Look at the fear instilled in the host on the right! He's terrified that if he's perceived as complicit, his career will be over! He's squirming in his chair, at one point almost crawling under the table! This is why TLJ received unanimous praise from critics: cowardice. Face it: Mickey Mouse defecated into a bag, set it on fire, and left it on everyone's front porch. Some of you are breaking out s'mores, and making the best of it... :lol
It seems like everything is creating polarized division in this day and age...
Some people just still don’t get it. They don’t see it. Rian Johnson took a **** on Star Wars and said **** You literally to Lucas JJ and the fans.

It’s all right there under your nose.
I gave up on watching AOTC because it’s just so badly made....the story is ok....but the acting, effects, dialogue, and cinematography are just horrid.....

I would never rate it a 1/10 like some drama queens around here have with TLJ, but it’s not really rewatchable. Which is a hallmark of a decent film to me.

ROTS is better on all fronts compared to AOTC. I enjoy watching that from time to long as I hold my hands over my ears when Anakin says “you underestimate my powers”

I am there going “lalalalalalalalalala” as loud as I can....

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