Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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First, i'm probably going to disagree with you for bringing up SJW identity politics as a negative thing. I mean if you don't believe in social justice or equality, then thats your problem. This label of "SJW" as a negative thing just seems so out of whack to me. Same with people who are against feminism.

If anything, Sagan sounds like the people today arguing about TLJ where they don't see things as plausible. He was commenting about the plausibility of Star Wars and wishes they used more of factual science as well as showing more people of different races if your going to use humans. And I agree to that because humans are more than just white people. So as each Star Wars film progressed they got more diverse with gender and race and thats a good thing. I mean 50% of the population on earth is female. And by the time we get to TLJ we actually see that kind of representation, and thats a good thing for everyone.

But Sagan talking about the science and plausibility. Johnny Carson is like "You're dissecting this scientifically Carl, you're taking the fun out of it", and thats what I feel the haters are doing, they are taking the fun out for "themselves" by dissecting the movie to death.

You're omitting the part where Sagan talks about how all the humans in Star Wars are white, particularly humans in positions of power. That part was kind of the point. It's entirely SJW. You want power to represent everyone. I want to eliminate power, because I care about freedom.

People have conveyed that they get bothered if I digress too far into politics. I have to keep these posts about movies, or the Mods get angry. It's their house, so I'll obey the rules. That having been said, I don't believe in Justice because it doesn't exist. If you could prove that it exists, you should write that paper, submit it to an academic journal and win your Nobel Peace Prize, because you'll have resolved a debate that's raged on since the pre-Socratics. No one has proven that Justice exists... they just proceed presuming that it does.

Bringing it back to movie criticism (Hi Mod!), I think SJW's don't care about freedom, so they don't care about self-expression. Instead, they want people to have things expressed for them. Women, POC's, the LGBT community needs to be included in every story, because without being included in some sort of grand, centralized project, they won't "have a voice". That's the leftist egalitarian perspective. I want my own voice, because I want freedom, and have very little respect for people who forfeit theirs under the auspices of an institution.
Yeah if you’re called Steppenwolf.

Hell no, the fire in bay watch, the climatic battle in Wonder Woman, medusa’s hair in Inhumans, the deer in the walking dead, henry cavills mustauche, Pennywise’s teeth in it, all the power rangers movie, the train in eastenders, the beast in the disney movie, all battle scenes in king arthur, the dragon riding in GoT, all of spideman in homecoming, steppenwolf, common jye lets face it, everything sucked, and not to mention all of TLJ

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This sad, that's my analysis. Not sad in tone but sad in Rian Johnson is a **** writer and director.
Star wars,the Jedi,and the force all died this month...its time for a new kind of hero. ..coming soon Star Loves. ..on Freeform. ..where hate is just a JJs Lost
Evil is lost,gone we only have the misguided and misunderstood. ...the new generation of Star Wars. on Freeform

I’m not even certain WW2 will be going into production lol

Hell no, the fire in bay watch, the climatic battle in Wonder Woman, medusa’s hair in Inhumans, the deer in the walking dead, henry cavills mustauche, Pennywise’s teeth in it, all the power rangers movie, the train in eastenders, the beast in the disney movie, all battle scenes in king arthur, the dragon riding in GoT, all of spideman in homecoming, steppenwolf, common jye lets face it, everything sucked, and not to mention all of TLJ

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Inhumans that’s TV crap.
The hysteria over this film is absolutely hilarious.
Yes, yes it is.
Rian Johnson said before the movie came out that he wanted to push these characters to their limits after they'd been stripped of nearly every advantage. That's not "agenda pushing" it's simply good drama.
Nothing wrong with that idea. It's the middle act, you have to throw them into a world of hurt.
Poe is a weakened male? No he was a cocky pilot that could previously do no wrong until...things started to go wrong. So we got to see how he reacted when the chips were down. When every suggestion and maneuver he made *didn't* save the day. And that allowed him to grow.
Yeah, that's all good. They could have just told him the plan and saved some lives but everyone makes mistakes.
Rey was stripped of her hope that the mystery of her parents would in and of itself give her life purpose and a sense of belonging.
I don't have a problem with this. You don't have to be part of some great bloodline to do great things. Anakin's mom was a nobody too. I can go along with the theory that The Force picked Rey to balance things out.
And Johnson dared to strip even the great Luke Skywalker of his "legendary" status, to actually give him a real arc and give him an opportunity to prove himself when it wasn't all about him being the Chosen One's son and the galaxy's last hope.
They could have still done this but not make him a douche. I can see losing his mojo and doubting himself, we have all been there, but completely turning his back on his family and everyone? No, not even if he thought the Jedi should end. He didn't need to train more Jedi to still help.
This was not an incoherent film. It was a race against the clock/chase movie (Resistance ship trying to outrun Snoke's fleet) with all the heroes working toward the goal of saving the fleet. Heroes that were brought down to zero and forced to climb up again. A pretty straight forward narrative.
Yeah, I guess, but I already saw this done much better on Battlestar Galactica. And why didn't the First Order just warp right up ahead of them and take them out?
I'm honestly asking that because I forgot if they explained it in the movie. On Battlestar, they kept having to warp ahead and fight the cylons as soon as they warped to catch them until they could power up for another warp, if I am remembering it right.
I fail to see how the film's "messages" were overtly left-wing. The evil of what Luke was contemplating against a sleeping Ben Solo should hit WAY closer to home for Pro-Choicers than anyone on the right. Also calling out the evil of making deals that fund terrorist organizations. Not exactly a "Pro-Obama" message now is it? So conservatives can just chill out about the messaging. I don't think this film was meant to be partisan anyway. Last I checked animal cruelty isn't a left vs. right issue. Nor is greed, genocide, slavery, etc. So I'm okay if the film's morale is that "bad things are bad," lol.

I don't mind films reflecting current political events if they aren't preaching or lecturing in a divisive way. In that regard Holdo can represent Hillary OR Trump because it presents her as a leader who is not the characters' first choice and one that appears incompetent or even traitorous. But rather than using her to say Hillary = bad or Trump = bad it does what good escapist entertainment should do and says "what if you were wrong about that leader you hate (on either side) and he/she turned out to be surprisingly awesome when it mattered the most?" We should all agree that that would be pretty cool, on screen and off.
I'm not even touching any political stuff.
Getting back to Luke, his moment in Ben's tent isn't nearly as sacrilegious as many are making it out to be. Hell it's basically what Yoda and Ben were pretty much advocating in the OT. "Kill an evil family member for the greater good." It's what Ben wanted him to do to Vader when they chatted in ROTJ. And Yoda and Ben urged him to sacrifice Han and Leia in ESB. And if TPM had featured a scene where Qui Gon or Obi-Wan got a future vision of what little Anakin would become, and we as the audience already KNEW it would all come true because we watched the OT, would we think they were losers for being tempted to just off the kid right there? Would it be "right" to do? No, of course not, but it is an interesting dilemma that few films would dare to ask.

And at the end of the day Luke did NOT follow through with harming Ben, and because Luke is Luke the very knowledge that he even considered it haunted him for years. Ballsy, poignant, and tailor made for one hell of a comeback.
That's apples and oranges. Darth Vader had already slaughtered children and all but wiped out the Jedi when Yoda and Ben gave up on him and decided to kill him.
Ben Solo had never harmed a soul(as far as we know). He just had darkness in him. Also, some of the Jedi did sense the darkness in Anakin (in TPM) but they still accepted him into their order and tried to train him to be a force for good. Besides, even after Vader had slaughtered kids, had helped destroy entire populations, murdered Ben and was part of the empire that kentucky fried his adoptive parents Luke STILL wanted to save him and give him a chance to turn back to the light. Which, for the record, I think is waaaaayyyy too forgiving and BS after seeing ROFS. Ain't no coming back from killing kids. Anyway, even against what most people could stand Luke was still willing to try and save Anakin. So, Rian is telling me THAT guy would be tempted to off his nephew because he sensed darkness in him? Really?
Sure he could have been presented like Yoda and Ben were in the OT. Simple supporting badasses with virtually no arcs of their own. And it would have ticked off the box for many simply wishing to see Luke unleash a bunch of badass powers and moves and nothing more. But I'm pretty damn impressed (blown away actually) that Johnson dared to bring such a hero down to the point where he was pretty much lost and begging for help in the snow on Hoth again, hell I'd say he was even brought lower than that. There's a lot of risk in making such an attempt to give such an established character such a full arc again but that was a worthy endeavor and I think that both Johnson and Hamill did a hell of a job in pulling it off.
Again, he could have been challenged and even somewhat lost but just flat out turing his back on everyone he loved is a little much. Also, you aren't even addressing how using The Force was cluster F'ed by all the silly crap pulled in TLJ. Leia was knocked out when she was thrown into space. Do you know how fast she would've died? Never mind somehow stopping her body from exploding and freezing with no protection in space after she wakes up. And if force ghosts like Yoda can call down the lightning why not just take out Snoke or Kylo and save everyone a lot of suffering and death? Luke could now physically alter things from STAR SYSTEMS away. Don't believe me? The dice were solid before he died and Leia felt him touch her. Why not just turn Kylo's sword on himself and be done with the whole thing? They just didn't think a lot of this stuff out. That's all it is.
The pussifucation of man continues... On Star Wars the next generation. on Freeform...where love and guidance shall show the misguided. ..
There is right or wrong, when dealing with the internal logic of a film, and franchise. Even taking into account that aesthetics are subjective, there are obvious problems with this film as a coherent work of fiction. If your car breaks down, there's a functional problem with it regardless as to whether or not it looks pretty. Same goes for plot holes and narrative structure.

The reason why it's so frustrating, is that Disney seems to be paying off critics. It seems extremely unlikely that NONE of the mainstream critics who reviewed this film took issue with the numerous structural problems with the film. It's absurd. The reason why people are angry, is because Disney is wielding propaganda both within the film, and in the press as a vehicle to make money. I don't know how you feel about the OT, but it's an important cultural artifact that Disney didn't create. They bought it, and now they're subverting it into something dysfunctional.

The film industry is in unprecedented times - and Disney, both in its control of Marvel, Lucasfilm and now Fox, wields unbelievable power (and market share.) The proof is in so many things - like the stunning 65% take they demanded of theater owners on the TLJ (the percentage used to be close to 50%.)

Critics on the other hand - never in film history have they been more dispensable, insignificant (like most of the shrinking publications they work for) and fire-able.

I can't imagine a dynamic that's more conducive to glowing reviews. There's also some weird factors that most don't know about: like Rian Johnson is ADORED by journalists and reviewers because of his treatment of them. He has a habit of posting pics of them (taken after interviews) on his Instagram feed - have a look.

It's very cute and quirky, especially because it's directed at people who are normally not treated very well as they are like a swarm at junkets where the same questions are asked over and over.
I didn't hate TLJ. ..I just don't respect it...respect has got to be earned...TFA +TLJ are worse than the other first 6 Lucas films

I think my problem is it doesn't respect its predecessor; it's like a standalone. The middle part of a trilogy has a responsibility to the previous and the next instalment.
It truly felt like to me that Disney is slowly getting rid of Jedi,Sith and maybe the force entirely from the Star Wars saga altogether ...for what . who knows...coming soon on freeform

:lol :lol :lol

Wonder how many on these boards have signed this already?

That petition was nuts - they crossed the preliminary needed 5,000 signatures in a few hours it seemed. Now that converted it to the full petition they've gotten 20k of the 25k. I never get the points of these things, but I guess at least it more firmly proves this is definitely more than a few hundred "diehard fan" trolls.
Solo and Fett films will have no or limited jedi action similar to R1. It is possible to have films about something other than Skywalker and Jedi.
Solo and Fett films will have no or limited jedi action similar to R1. It is possible to have films about something other than Skywalker and Jedi.

True...but 1-8 were BIG TIME FORCE films..
The film industry is in unprecedented times - and Disney, both in its control of Marvel, Lucasfilm and now Fox, wields unbelievable power (and market share.) The proof is in so many things - like the stunning 65% take they demanded of theater owners on the TLJ (the percentage used to be close to 50%.)

Critics on the other hand - never in film history have they been more dispensable, insignificant (like most of the shrinking publications they work for) and fire-able.

I can't imagine a dynamic that's more conducive to glowing reviews. There's also some weird factors that most don't know about: like Rian Johnson is ADORED by journalists and reviewers because of his treatment of them. He has a habit of posting pics of them (taken after interviews) on his Instagram feed - have a look.

It's very cute and quirky, especially because it's directed at people who are normally not treated very well as they are like a swarm at junkets where the same questions are asked over and over.

That's interesting. I didn't know that Disney charged higher rates.

Honestly, I realize how silly it might seem, that I'm putting this much thought into my hatred for The Last Jedi. The way i see it, this isn't just about a Director's failure to make a decent sequel. I see this as the corporate pillaging of cultural artifacts. It's like setting fire to a museum.
The force,light,dark,good,evil,Sith,Jedi,father,son are star wars to me...soon it'll be the adventures of young solo or jar jar,or chewie etc,etc..can't wait for "the adventures of little Rey: the our gang years" or "baby Yoda:the greenhorn years" or my favorite film about Palpatine being bullied at school for liking another
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