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George Palpatitties...I like itBy George... he's got it.
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Dang, good post bro, and the clip is bang on. It's just about fighting back harder when something is forced upon you.
Also I gotta say, tho I agree about the whole gamers and nerds part, I hate this anti-white sentiment that's going around nowadays. I'm not even white, but I find it racist as hell. It's like reverse-racism, you blame them for everything and use that to get away with saying the things that are truly racist while they're not saying anything racist at all. Maybe their grandpappy did, but he's 6 feet under so you can't really hold it against anyone.
Nolens TDK is a masterpiece. ..nobody punched harder than Kennedy for their agenda...she changed and edited the star wars bible....murdered the force and essentially Star Wars itself...only the flesh remains...the soul is gone
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I read a rumor a while back saying Snoke was a free entity.....like a parasite that jumps from host to host.
Women ruin everything!
Just look at Star Wars.
You kids today.
You already got it -- Revenge of the Sith. All-powerful white man dupes everyone and kills all minorities with his white army. It was the feel-good movie of 2005.
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in the beginning battle scene the rebels are trying to rain bombs on the ship..... they are trying to get close enough to drop them......
but they are in space, there is no gravity for them to drop, so how are they free falling? and if they are not free falling then why not just launch all the bombs at a distance , whats the point of the bomber needing to be over the ship
Kathleen Kennedy is like batman, she, she changed things forever. There is no going back. She tried to be a hero and tried to change these movies to. Be more inclusive
And all she did was create hundreds of jokers looking for nothing but chaos now. That rotten tomatoes audience score is just the beginning.
That hat needs to say "make space ******* great again" lol
Does Luke get help from Dr. Strange?![]()
I had some thoughts.....
What id that "Snoke" was a ruse? I mean what if that was not the real Snoke....
I read a rumor a while back saying Snoke was a free entity.....like a parasite that jumps from host to host.
Thats why his body was so broken, it has worn down over time.....then JJ could set up a Luke Snoke battle in the Force ghost realm....
Does anyone know if Hamill is even signed on for the next episode?
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Don’t worry Xipo after fans flipped out over all their predictions not coming true Kennedy will make sure IX has every prediction coming true.
but they are in space, there is no gravity for them to drop, so how are they free falling? and if they are not free falling then why not just launch all the bombs at a distance , whats the point of the bomber needing to be over the ship
Luke and Snoke both need to remain dead and they move on.
It’s time for the whining to end....