Super Freak
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was awful but it didn't kill Indy as a character nor did it betray his character. Can we say the same about Luke?
It's strange that in such an overt female empowerment movie, lactation would be so up-close and central (and I bet nobody even noticed the multi-****age "lady" in the casino had many pairs, right?)
As for the social agenda, Jaws is right. If it wasn't poorly written no one would care.
But didn't the gender agenda form much of the storyline, subplots and character motivations/treatment?
I am glad we got Rogue One which in my opinion was the last great Star Wars movie, no natural disaster can ever be as bad as this movie.
Yeah, but if they were great characters with great moments I wouldn't have cared.
The combination agenda with poor characters is a double-whammy.
I missed her.
I was just looking for the name of the multi-breasted woman in ROTJ and couldn't believe this page existed:
Whoa. Mind blown.
And even Kenner in the 80's knew a six-breasted winner when they saw one.
I still think the woman in Total Recall takes the weird-sci-fi-****age prize though.
Thank the maker for Verhoeven. He put the "hoe" in the middle of "very uneven" cinema... every time.![]()
Waiting for the mash-up gif of her and TLJ Luke in 10,9,8,7...![]()
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was awful but it didn't kill Indy as a character nor did it betray his character. Can we say the same about Luke?
Waiting for the mash-up gif of her and TLJ Luke in 10,9,8,7...![]()
Waiting for the mash-up gif of her and TLJ Luke in 10,9,8,7...![]()
That's the key for me. It was clumsy, and messy.
Like being hit on the head with a hammer like thatThuggee in Temple of Doom.
But still, you have to pull the good bits out of it as with the PT.
Yep always have to weed out the good bits, but remind me.........what were the good bits again???
I do seriously struggle to come up with much of anything I liked about TLJ, which was not the case with TFA.
I would like to understand more about Rouge One and why it is such a great SW movie recently made.
Because of Gareth Edwars who really understand what is "Star Wars" is and manage to capture the "essence and feeling" ?
Even though RO was produced by Lucasfilm, why does it felt so much different compare with the Sequels ? (not story line). I could see theres almost no "Kathleen vibe" in that movie, except Jyn Erso is a leading actress, but portrayed completely diffrent than MaReySue. Is is because RO is the spin off directly to the ANH, so she wouldn't dare to mess with ? Or is it because is it just the "spin off" so she doesnt care much ?
I would like to understand more about Rouge One and why it is such a great SW movie recently made.
Because of Gareth Edwars who really understand what is "Star Wars" is and manage to capture the "essence and feeling" ?
Even though RO was produced by Lucasfilm, why does it felt so much different compare with the Sequels ? (not story line). I could see theres almost no "Kathleen vibe" in that movie, except Jyn Erso is a leading actress, but portrayed completely diffrent than MaReySue. Is is because RO is the spin off directly to the ANH, so she wouldn't dare to mess with ? Or is it because is it just the "spin off" so she doesnt care much ?