He transferred his soul into that little boy![]()
Ugh... what if that IS what happened. The recasting of Luke.
Ugh... what if that IS what happened. The recasting of Luke.
JJ's nose will get him in trouble. I see a sexual misconduct accusation in his future.
Why not a little black girl then.
Why not a little black girl then.
Then we will fight!...jesus god I hope not...I need to feel better...AOTC here I come
Agree only up to a point darth...I totally disagree on one word...hidden....the Agenda was far from hidden....a red carpet was laid out quickly and to get the agenda powerful enough KK had to murder the force and Star Wars itself...spirit is gone...only the flesh remains...Star Wars in name only will remain...KK will ressurect it like the frankensteins monster...hope...she changed its meaning too....hidden ,hidden you say...no feminist,socialist agenda was at all hidden here
Don't write that out loud!
I can see IX being titled: The Return of the Force.
The crawl would start:
The FORCE is not dead!
And then go on for three necessary paragraphs about stuff we already know.
Agree 100%. To say the agenda was hidden is a flippant remark. Mind you there was also an “agenda” in RO but more subtle and 100000 times better story telling, so it didn’t feel preachy. TLJ was out to “teach and preach” on top of a crappy script.
The black community seems to be embracing BP, but not SW and Finn.
I still think they should have made Finn force sensitive so that he and Rey can train together, and challenge each other. If you're a kid, why would you want to be like Finn? Buy his toy? Play with his character in a game? He's just a guy, and not even a cool guy like Han Solo. Han had no powers, but had a cool gun, outfit, personality, and the Falcon, the "fastest" ship or something. Finn has Rose and a perspiration problem.
Black Panther will be huge with the black community, and it wouldn't surprise me if SW/Kennedy copies Marvel by introducing a black Jedi, or they make Finn force sensitive.
This been posted yet? Begun the revenge of the nerds has: https://www.forbes.com/sites/robcai...holds-of-all-9-star-wars-movies/#60f13671355c