Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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See, that's Disney's biggest fear: souring the brand

It's not a question this will make a ton of money. That's a given. But bad word of mouth and bad memories affect the brand -- and sets expectations for the continuation of the brand. What if its perceived as bad. Will people continue to rush to opening weekend? What if two Star Wars movies in a row are bad? You don't think that effects people's perception and willingness to race to opening weekend for the next one?

Disney needs to keep these movies a guaranteed 1B seller for their company's valuation.

Can you imagine if Disney drives the Star Wars brand down so that it can only guarantee a 600 million take?
Man I know Disney had their hopes up that the young solo movie has Han and Chewie stranded on Brokeback Mountain....we'll see if it comes to pass now with TLJ raising eyebrows
Episode 9...where the newly nicety nice fairy force unbinds the galaxy and is shared by everyone willing to assimilate.......My flowers are laughing from the Chuckle Patch in my magic garden

That was a regional show....most folks won’t get that reference....and it’s pretty damn funny....Sherlock.

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That was a regional show....most folks won’t get that reference....and it’s pretty damn funny....Sherlock.

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I had to watch that show babysitting my niece and nephew...Those chicks had nice ******* I remember lol....I probrably didn't think about that for many a year...amazing how this film has made me think of my past....So glad I don't "have to go home and rethink my life"LOL
And those who did not see that....either lying or refusing to see or too dumb or maybe scared or paid or programmed or just don't care about star wars and follow it with a blind fanatical love

Let’s see how the trend unfolds over the next two weeks. But this is signaling that repeat viewings are dropping off fast.

That’s what’s wrong with some of these diverse agendas. Yes putting a person of color is good but make that person stand out in some way and make him interesting and not just a stand in to move the plot. Finn is very weak. He is a janitor ( which is stereotype) and he is made to chase after this white girl he barely knows. He’s boring. If your gonna do a diverse character do them right. He is very weak

Finn could be interesting, and I understand why he's so fond of Rey. He's an orphan and has no family, so Rey and Poe are his only friends/family, yet the film doesn't really do much with it.

It's interesting how the SW films seem to have an obsession with orphan characters. Luke had no one by the end of ANH, except his new friends. Leia lost everyone, Han's only family is Chewie, and in the prequels, Anakin was also alone and Ben was his only family. Finn and Rey are no different, both abandoned or alone for different reasons, but it's like the plot has to keep moving and have these character going into pointless missions like the Casino planet, when it could explore Finn a bit more as a character.
This thread has gone full circle, I can’t fathom why the same people like making the same points for 600+ pages.

Haven’t you guys noticed the majority of people who have seen it and not liked it moved on? Same with people who did like it?

You’ve officially ran out of thing to talk about. :lol
Man I know Disney had their hopes up that the young solo movie has Han and Chewie stranded on Brokeback Mountain....we'll see if it comes to pass now with TLJ raising eyebrows

Not true, the leaked script tells us that Han is born as Hailey and in the Solo movie we follow her transition to becoming a man. Should complete Kk’s vision for the new Star Wars.
This thread has gone full circle, I can’t fathom why the same people like making the same points for 600+ pages.

Haven’t you guys noticed the majority of people who have seen it and not liked it moved on? Same with people who did like it?

You’ve officially ran out of thing to talk about. :lol

We're just killing time until Infinity War comes out, so we can destroy it too.
This thread has gone full circle, I can’t fathom why the same people like making the same points for 600+ pages.

Haven’t you guys noticed the majority of people who have seen it and not liked it moved on? Same with people who did like it?

You’ve officially ran out of thing to talk about. :lol

You've been assimilated, indoctrinated and caffeinated into the Disney household....go to sleep man...The cocoon behind your shed will take care of the rest
Not true, the leaked script tells us that Han is born as Hailey and in the Solo movie we follow her transition to becoming a man. Should complete Kk’s vision for the new Star Wars.
oh I
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