That Porg has taken over your house
I keep forgetting that i’m on the world wide web.
The person I could be having a discussion with could actually be a sharia law or wahhabism following muslim scholar or Nazi scholar or name any other extreme group scholar.
Just because one is an extremist does not mean they can’t be a well educated scholar who can easily out word me at the drop of a hat.
Remember my anger and frustration at Kathleen Kennedy is not her message those girl tshirt powers don’t bother me one bit I never feel like someone is forcing something down my throat because my self worth as a man and father and my actions in life are too strong to be offended by that nonsense my problem with Kennedy is that she turned SW into a huge magnet and made it the battle ground for all of this silly bickering and didn’t do it well I might add.
If you’re going to make SW the battle ground for an ideological battle then you better be sure to do it right or don’t do it all.
Humans will be humans so the ideology battle will now take center stage and become more important than a fun SW movie meant for families to enjoy so now SW is as much political as the freaking presidential elections so much so that RT fan score actually matches the election results in this country!
So thank you Kathleen Kennedy for bringing this stuff in a sloppy manner to SW so instead of kids enjoying SW they have to listen to their parents hating on other parents now great job.
In case you’re wondering let me tell you about myself i’ve never done that before here even at over 61k posts so consider yourself very fortunate adolfo lol.
I am not a liberal or conservative nor do I subscribe to a particular religion even though I do have faith in something bigger than me.
I was not born in the United States proudly got my citizenship in 1997 fluent in multiple languages studied multiple cultures in my travels and then finally decided to pull from all the good qualities from most ideologies that spoke to me and discarded the bad in them.
So I am both a conservative and a liberal (yes you read that right your eyes are not playing tricks on you it’s actually freaking possible can you believe it) that studies multiple religions and it pains me to see two very powerfull ideologies tearing each other to shreds so much so that the ONLY solution they leave for themselves and their kids for crying out loud is a physical civil war were death will be the only solution to settle their differences.
Shame really.
I did not serve in the US military but I proudly served society as a medic for 25 years before retiring worked ground zero when it happened and just thru sheer luck even served on the Vice Presidential motorcade detail the highlight of my career obviously.
One of my brothers however was a USAF fighter pilot for a long time and thankfully made it out ok and went on to have a very successfull career outside of the military BUT because of the military.
That’s one of his fighter helmets I wore in the movie I made called Cannibal Campout lulz.
Had I not had a son I would’ve just done a Luke and retired on the side of a mountain in the Andes because the reality is there is no changing these differences certainly not by me when much more powerful people in the world are keeping those differences alive and well for very specific reasons so yeah I was going to turn into coward Luke and run away like a ***** lol.
But instead I got married and had a son so that changes everything so now i’m going to remain in the fight for him.
Then again he just might get to an age and say mom dad about that mountain hut you own can we go.
I have electricity there so my bluray player will work just fine but no UPS delivery i’ll have to drive 2 hours for that lol
There you happy cocoon man!
In the Jye household, the pecking order is as followed:
Wifey (ruler of everything, including when Jye is allowed/not allowed to talk, eat and sleep)
Peeping Tom Porg
3D Blu-ray collection
Super computer for creating lulzedits
Jye the servant
So true my wife is such a ***** lol