Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Yes! Exactly! Rogue One was awesome and I can watch that one over and over. :hi5:

My mom watched it for the first time on TV yesterday and loved it.
She dug the Vader scenes, especially after I had given her some proper backstory/explanation on the phone as to what Vader represented for the rebels (she barely knows anything about Star Wars).
Thinking about this film last this AM....

I wounder if people would like it better if it was not part of the series.. If it was its own Star Wars story and have nothing to do with the original cast..

Story structure wise it makes the most sense.. I mean episode 1 - 6 is about the Skywalkers.. Its about the rise and fall and redemption of Anakin and the story of his son Luke... These films are about Rey... They don;t really feel like a continuation of the original series.. Perhaps if you made Rey a Skywalker it would feel more a part of it all but they choose a different path.. Sure Ben Solo is part of the Skywalker family but he did not have to be.

I am not saying Rey not being a Skywalker is a bad thing.. But You could tell the exact same story without any of the old cast... In all honesty I have not really cared about the original cast in these film and how they are handled.. Mostly because I hate the depressing lives they took them to in their twilight years... Its been fun to see them but even the fans of this series have admitted its kind of sad to watch the end of Jedi just to know it all goes to **** :lol This series could have been perhaps 200 years after the events of Jedi :)

Not saying this would make the films perfect and I would still have structural / plot issues with this new film.. But I wonder if all the issues with ignoring the previous "rules" the other films set up might have been easier to swallow for many of the fans..

As they are they are OK but just OK.. For me they will be easy enough to ignore and pretend that none of it really exists and that ROTJ really was the end of it all...
So I watched RO last night and could not get over how much better it is then TLJ in every way... Watching it made me even more frustrated with TLJ :lol

But man what a great film RO is.. I find myself loving and caring for those characters more and more each time I watch it..

Maybe that will happen with the Last Jedi..... :)...:D...:lol.....:rotfl...........:(

only if you take a blow to the head and lose 100 IQ points LOL!!
Yoda from TLJ be like:


I doubt anyone will come to like TLJ if they already “hate” it. They may come to realize it not at bad as they first thought after the initial disappointment / pre conceived notions wear off....

Of course, it could be like AOTC and it just gets worse with every viewing....

AOTC went from a 6 to a 5 to a 3 for me very quickly ....

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Any screeners up yet? I know someone has to have this uploaded on the internet. Not that I would support or be involved in illegal downloading


I doubt anyone will come to like TLJ if they already “hate” it. They may come to realize it not at bad as they first thought after the initial disappointment / pre conceived notions wear off....

Of course, it could be like AOTC and it just gets worse with every viewing....

AOTC went from a 6 to a 5 to a 3 for me very quickly ....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I’m already in the negative range like -5 :lol
Any screeners up yet? I know someone has to have this uploaded on the internet. Not that I would support or be involved in illegal downloading

Two cam rips, nothing else as far as I know. Quality is enough to "study" some scenes if that's what you wanna do.
I could never sit through the whole thing with that quality though (yes, I grew up with VHS, but that doesn't help haha).
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Millennials will LOVE this since they understand sucking at the teat through adulthood.

Yes, yes, my good man... RO is everything the ST is not. Put simply: good.

You got it! !!:lecture
I just don’t get how anyone who hates this movie doesn’t see greatness in Khev’s epic posts building up the perfect connections to the entire series while still acknowledging the weaker elements as the norm for all SW movies since ROTJ.

Ummm yeah just ignore DiFabio’s posts sure they’re as good as Khev’s but just don’t read them ok lol.
At least TLJ haters have something to look forward to in 2020:


I just don’t get how anyone who hates this movie doesn’t see greatness in Khev’s epic posts building up the perfect connections to the entire series while still acknowledging the weaker elements as the norm for all SW movies since ROTJ.


TLJ didn't destroy the SW Mythos, it IS the Mythos. :lecture

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