Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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I love all these theories now that Rian is genius and Snokes dialog clearly explain Kylo killing him so he can exit that frail body and become more powerful. That Rey does has a past but Kylo is manipulating her, it’s all bullahit speculation just like between 7-8 just cementing the fact he didn’t ****ing answer nothing.

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People have delusions of grandeur, they got to rationalize things to justify their opinions by adding **** theories to explain the unexplainable
After this thread, I really want Disney to die. Not because I dislike what they put out but because I'm curious to see what studio would be viewed as the epitome of evil corporate brainwashing if Disney were out of the picture.

Terrorism, mass shootings, rape, identity fraud, etc., but no - a movie studio are your bad guys.
Haha on the other hand, those theories are my one hope for an Episode IX that will partially redeem VIII.
The Snoke stuff does make sense for JJ to use this way, but yeah, I refuse to say that it was what Rian Johnson had planned all along. In that guy's mind, Snoke is well and truly dead, that's for sure.

Might be the only savior to be honest. We could have a spiritual plain battle which Rian was going to include “sith ghost” on the island which was cut. I still think Rey’s mind was erased and JJ will tie that together. I don’t think Rian is smart enough to have set this up.

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After this thread, I really want Disney to die. Not because I dislike what they put out but because I'm curious to see what studio would be viewed as the epitome of evil corporate brainwashing if Disney were out of the picture.

Terrorism, mass shootings, rape, identity fraud, etc., but no - a movie studio are your bad guys.

You must not frequent wb superhero movie threads to often because they get tons of hate usually disney gets a pass for everything marvel. This is the first disney movie in a long time to get this hate and rightfully so
After this thread, I really want Disney to die. Not because I dislike what they put out but because I'm curious to see what studio would be viewed as the epitome of evil corporate brainwashing if Disney were out of the picture.

Terrorism, mass shootings, rape, identity fraud, etc., but no - a movie studio are your bad guys.

Walmart would take Disney's place.
TLJ = a violent coup killing the Force and Star Wars itself..orchestrated by Kennedy,Disney,Johnson,and friends
You must not frequent wb superhero movie threads to often because they get tons of hate usually disney gets a pass for everything marvel. This is the first disney movie in a long time to get this hate and rightfully so

Well, let's just say that I've never seen anyone look deep into Warner Bros. for some kind of delusional conspiracy theory that they're out to brainwash everyone on Earth. :lol

But truth be told, the JL thread is the only WB superhero movie thread I kept my eyes on, and IIRC there was an equal amount going both ways.
Episode NEIN can still go a lot of ways direction ways...just don't know if Star Wars can be saved...for now i just don't see it....I wish I was a fly at the episode NEIN brainstorming ideas boardroom. ..."How can we make this better compared to episode hate? We just can't use the force,Jedi,Sith, or men because their all dead?"....Jeannies?elves? Magic rings? Tom Cruise? Nimbus 2000?A great flood?locusts?...its gonna be a doozy
We grew up with these stories, and now it's being wielded to tell us how "toxic" we are, as people. That hurts, when it means something to you. When you care about Star Wars in detail, you're delving into a nuanced piece of art that involved specialists in numerous fields who broke convention: Ralph McQuarrie's art, John Williams scoring, George Lucas' writing influenced by theories from Joseph Campbell... There is an adult level of mastery that went into this "children's" film. It's legitimate art, and it's been subverted against you.

I definitely concur on this, people fixate on the children's movie part a lot, but don't realize how masterful it truly was, and how much it truly is 'art.' I think Star Wars is much more representative of true art than something like Warhols Campbell's Soup Can. The latter is just a statement on modern art, not the real deal. If it's didactic it cannot be art. And that's where TLJ falters as well, because it's pushing an agenda really flat out.

And why does Star Wars speak to people all over the world more so than any other franchise? Because George distilled all the religions / spiritual systems to their core in the force, so Christians will find it just as agreeable as Hindus or Buddhists.

Somehow feminists still take offense though... And now there's an agenda. I mean the OT out of all movies of the time barely distinguished between male and female, the force surrounded 'us all' and leia is one of the most memorable characters of all time. The fact most people were men is just because that's how it was back then. Like how in fiction I love the writings of Lovecraft and don't care that he was a massive racist, odds are most people were back then. And I'm not even white.

Love or hate them the prequels also fall under the category of art, it's just your favourite band trying something new, that's part of being a true artist like Lucas is. And for anyone who doubts this - lucasfilm still has the same crew, Kasdan cowrote TFA, John Williams still does the music, but all of them are out of ideas since Lucas walked away. I'm not saying they weren't a part of it, but Lucas was clearly the foundation and glue. None of the imagery or music in the ST will stay with anyone after it's over, unless Ep9 is a masterclass (doubtful)

And even though TFA wasn't great, given it was just a poor retelling, at least it wasn't offensive like TLJ.

I love all these theories now that Rian is genius and Snokes dialog clearly explain Kylo killing him so he can exit that frail body and become more powerful. That Rey does has a past but Kylo is manipulating her, it’s all bullahit speculation just like between 7-8 just cementing the fact he didn’t ****ing answer nothing.

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Who's still speculating? Rian himself has said there's no plan.. JJ will make up what he deems fit.. I wonder if even JJ will answer anything... Given we know how good he is at that :lol

I was not born in the United States proudly got my citizenship in 1997 fluent in multiple languages studied multiple cultures in my travels and then finally decided to pull from all the good qualities from most ideologies that spoke to me and discarded the bad in them.

So true my wife is such a ***** lol

Hey man your journey mirrors my own a lot, in terms of studying multiple cultures and religions and coming to some truths between them. It's nice to hear, and I appreciate you sharing that.

Also I quoted that last part coz I think we all have that in common

Don't think I can make further back than these posts

*looks over shoulder* Coming honey... :lol
Detailed description of a Rey/Luke deleted scene on the island:

(use 1.5 speed, that guy slows down his recordings to make his vids longer for the YT algorithm)
Well, let's just say that I've never seen anyone look deep into Warner Bros. for some kind of delusional conspiracy theory that they're out to brainwash everyone on Earth. :lol

Haha because they're not! They just want to make money, but they're terrible at making the right choices, and then they have crazy knee jerk reactions which fail even more which makes it fun to watch :lol

I never left, I'll always be with you, for there is a part of me in you.

I know you don't really like this movie Jye. I can sense it. I've seen your posts, you know this is a bastardization of Luke Skywalker and Star Wars. I mean, come on, you love the Original Trilogy. The original Star Wars films from the 70s and 80s were about victorious hope, the unity binds us all, and overcoming the evil inside yourself. Luke Skywalker was the embodiment of a character archetype that is old as storytelling itself. The characters of the prequels and sequels don't go on a heroes journey. They're bland and boring. Lukes rises up from being a humbled farmboy, pursues knowledge and enlightenment, overcomes despair, becomes a hero and, through courage and determination, redeems the sins of the ones who came before him. His purpose as a character and as an icon is to personify everything a human should hope to become. The last Jedi destroys this. Skywalker is disgusting. He contemplates suicide, killing his nephew in his sleep, then cries in a cave for a few years while he allows the world around him to crumble. Then, Miss Mary Sue lectures the old fool about responsibility, (just as I said she would months ago) dies and he dies nonsensically. Knowing that, go look at every other plot point and twist in the Last Jedi. The film's sole purpose isn't to push things forward or build upon previous themes. It is reckless subversion for the sake of subversion. It is a deconstruction with no meaning or purpose. It is a cynically assembled soapbox, made by people so arrogant and unappreciative that they would stand atop the legacy of one of film's most quintessential tales just to make an uninsightful, short-sighted point about letting the past die and toss some hamfisted political notes at the captive audience. It is worse than any corporate cash-in or any of the moronic prequels. The Last Jedi is an articulate attack on Star Wars itself and everything it represents. These people had no idea what they were dealing with. The Last Jedi was cinematic manslaughter. If you enjoyed The Last Jedi, you do not care about Star Wars. You don't care about the transcending, timeless power of stories and myths and archetypes. You're just a dog who drools when the bell rings. Star Wars and the adventures of Luke Skywalker and his friends can't be tarnished by anyone, that story was already told, and at most is only one fleeting incarnation of one of humanity's oldest traditions. You can't crush that, but The Last Jedi tried.

Merry Christmas

This really sums up disneys raping of SW really well.
Episode NEIN can still go a lot of ways direction ways...just don't know if Star Wars can be saved...for now i just don't see it....I wish I was a fly at the episode NEIN brainstorming ideas boardroom. ..."How can we make this better compared to episode hate? We just can't use the force,Jedi,Sith, or men because their all dead?"....Jeannies?elves? Magic rings? Tom Cruise? Nimbus 2000?A great flood?locusts?...

Maybe not vilify all males in order to build up women. The reason wonder woman was so good was because PJ didnt resort to tearing down men in order to elevate women. Its not neccesary, and its counterproductive. People get in an uproar when women are portrayed as sexual objects, but it seems its ok that men are portrayed as being deeply flawed and beyond saving and only female characters are good and just
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Well, let's just say that I've never seen anyone look deep into Warner Bros. for some kind of delusional conspiracy theory that they're out to brainwash everyone on Earth. :lol


Could it be that no one felt that with WB,do you think that millions who absolutely hate TLJ are delusional. ..and were totally brainwashed by me or DiFabio or whoever spoke their mind about how we felt? .or maybe its you who are delusional. ..who knows
Episode NEIN can still go a lot of ways direction ways...just don't know if Star Wars can be saved...for now i just don't see it....I wish I was a fly at the episode NEIN brainstorming ideas boardroom. ..."How can we make this better compared to episode hate? We just can't use the force,Jedi,Sith, or men because their all dead?"....Jeannies?elves? Magic rings? Tom Cruise? Nimbus 2000?A great flood?locusts?...its gonna be a doozy


"Episode hate (8)" :lol

Snoke will have other apprentices, just like in the books and comics Palpatine had other sith in training as a replacement for Vader. Palps was always testing Vader, against new potential replacements. Vader had no dignity.

Kylo, as emo as he looks, took out the old bag unlike Vader. I just wish it had been better executed. Kylo tricking Snoke is kind of weak.
Maybe not vilify all males in order to build up women. The reason wonder woman was so good was because PJ didnt resort to tearing down men in order to elevate women. Its not neccesary, and its counterproductive. People get in an uproar when women are portrayed as sexual objects, but it seems its ok that men are portrayed as being deeply flawed and beyond saving and only female characters are good and just

Very well said
Now, the pièce de résistance

Instead of taking your son to crappy modern movies so he can bask in the calculated Disney Hallmark brainwashing moments, how about showing him some classics.

I know you have an impressive home entertainment room Jye, I've seen your obsession with image and sound quality. **** it, show him Robocop. You want to see his eyes light up, let him see Murphy's execution. "******* leave" is a lot more impressionable than "I came here to die on this island".

This Disney **** is going to turn his mind to mush. You know you're in trouble if he starts yelling "save the animals" or "crush the rich elite of Canto Bight!" while playing with his toys. God help you if he starts dying his hair purple to model himself after his favorite character, Admiral Holdo.

Better yet, forget movies and dolls. Let them die. You're a man Jye. You should take satisfaction of having father and son moments, not get teary eyed about what you perceive as a silly "1977 moment" or a "RO Darth Vader moment" that's really just another modern movie in a barrage of endless pop culture garbage that your son will forget.

When Joe is long gone, I would hope the memories his son has of him are of things like being cheered on by his dad at a sporting event or watching him shave his face or teaching him something or telling him stories of when he was a young lad or advice about girls or the time his dad believed in him when no one else did. You know, real things that your son can hopefully pass down to his kids. You can only bond so much going to see another cynical Disney cash grab propaganda piece with committee agreed upon "moments" that are "fun for the whole family". It's artificial and it's cheap. The cinematic experience is dead.

What would your rather your son remember, the time you taught him how to do something or that time he saw Star Wars Episode 15 where some computer generated aliens tried putting money into a stupid robot?

Yup shut this thread down after that jesus christ epic is not even good enough that’s just stupid amazing lol

If you’re not already you’re going to be an amazing father your kids will be in great hands.

That’s a very inspiring post for me especially since my dad was too busy to stop and smell the moments.

But yeah my movie collection is quite extensive of the best of the best and it will all be his to enjoy during the age appropriate moments.

I hate shaving i’m ready to just grow the damn thing my 2nd career by damned lol.

After this thread, I really want Disney to die. Not because I dislike what they put out but because I'm curious to see what studio would be viewed as the epitome of evil corporate brainwashing if Disney were out of the picture.

Terrorism, mass shootings, rape, identity fraud, etc., but no - a movie studio are your bad guys.

Disney is hated even more than Hillary or Trump that’s really bad lol

Might be the only savior to be honest. We could have a spiritual plain battle which Rian was going to include “sith ghost” on the island which was cut. I still think Rey’s mind was erased and JJ will tie that together. I don’t think Rian is smart enough to have set this up.

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IX is going to “fix” everything after the TFA fans went ballistic over TLJ.

You must not frequent wb superhero movie threads to often because they get tons of hate usually disney gets a pass for everything marvel. This is the first disney movie in a long time to get this hate and rightfully so

He’s right though Disney is evil personified WB is just stupid lol

Well, let's just say that I've never seen anyone look deep into Warner Bros. for some kind of delusional conspiracy theory that they're out to brainwash everyone on Earth. :lol

But truth be told, the JL thread is the only WB superhero movie thread I kept my eyes on, and IIRC there was an equal amount going both ways.

See above.

I definitely concur on this, people fixate on the children's movie part a lot, but don't realize how masterful it truly was, and how much it truly is 'art.' I think Star Wars is much more representative of true art than something like Warhols Campbell's Soup Can. The latter is just a statement on modern art, not the real deal. If it's didactic it cannot be art. And that's where TLJ falters as well, because it's pushing an agenda really flat out.

And why does Star Wars speak to people all over the world more so than any other franchise? Because George distilled all the religions / spiritual systems to their core in the force, so Christians will find it just as agreeable as Hindus or Buddhists.

Somehow feminists still take offense though... And now there's an agenda. I mean the OT out of all movies of the time barely distinguished between male and female, the force surrounded 'us all' and leia is one of the most memorable characters of all time. The fact most people were men is just because that's how it was back then. Like how in fiction I love the writings of Lovecraft and don't care that he was a massive racist, odds are most people were back then. And I'm not even white.

Love or hate them the prequels also fall under the category of art, it's just your favourite band trying something new, that's part of being a true artist like Lucas is. And for anyone who doubts this - lucasfilm still has the same crew, Kasdan cowrote TFA, John Williams still does the music, but all of them are out of ideas since Lucas walked away. I'm not saying they weren't a part of it, but Lucas was clearly the foundation and glue. None of the imagery or music in the ST will stay with anyone after it's over, unless Ep9 is a masterclass (doubtful)

And even though TFA wasn't great, given it was just a poor retelling, at least it wasn't offensive like TLJ.

Who's still speculating? Rian himself has said there's no plan.. JJ will make up what he deems fit.. I wonder if even JJ will answer anything... Given we know how good he is at that :lol

Hey man your journey mirrors my own a lot, in terms of studying multiple cultures and religions and coming to some truths between them. It's nice to hear, and I appreciate you sharing that.

Also I quoted that last part coz I think we all have that in common

Don't think I can make further back than these posts

*looks over shoulder* Coming honey... :lol

Great post about the core principles of the OT a great read thank you.

lol @ wife comment we know how it is lol

"Episode hate (8)" :lol

Snoke will have other apprentices, just like in the books and comics Palpatine had other sith in training as a replacement for Vader. Palps was always testing Vader, against new potential replacements. Vader had no dignity.

Kylo, as emo as he looks, took out the old bag unlike Vader. I just wish it had been better executed. Kylo tricking Snoke is kind of weak.

You sound real confident there that is what is going to happen....almost as confident as snikt :)
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