Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Make no mistake about it no matter how much Khev and I can love this movie Wor-Gar is 100% right financial damage will lead to reputation damage which will lead to more financial damage a very viscous cycle to recover from.

IX WILL have force ghost Luke more than likely Hamill signed on for all 3 THEY WILL give us a smiling Luke at the end.

Snoke and Rey’s lineage will be back to fix this reputation disaster.

Theories about the return of Snoke are already popping up, saying that he knew exactly what Kylo was going to do and was spelling it out for him during that scene, etc...

We'll see. If they do this kind of stuff in IX, it will be seen as damage control, but I don't mind if we can actually get some versions of Luke and Snoke back. That will make VIII a lot more tolerable as far as I'm concerned.
So yeah, totally open to an evolution of the Force and what it allows Force sensitives to do. Not open to how it was used/shown in TLJ.

The problem with the movies is that they have done a poor job at showing any kind of proper evolution or progression of force abilities, so they'll have to do it subtlety. I don't remember Kylo doing anything that was new?
The astral projection is fine and it makes sense because it involves concentration, maybe telepathy as well, but a little disappointing giving that was Luke's final moment and people expected more from him. I'm not sure what he could have done that was more impressive, but certainly not a saber fight. I never liked Yoda and Palpatine fighting with sabers. If anything an Astral battle a la Dr. Strange or a telepathic battle like Xavier vs Apocalypse would be more fitting for masters like Yoda and Palpatine.

As far as "new" Jedi abilities, it's difficult to say what would be acceptable giving that the previous films have been very consistent and we have seen the most knowledgeable and capable force users already...the biggest masters, Yoda and Palpatine, so anything that deviates too much from the core force abilities can come across as strange or out of place. Yoda and Palpatine are the most experienced and strongest force users in the movie canon, yet their abilities have limits. Imagine if all of a sudden Rey can freeze things or have x ray vision? :lol Sure, you could say, well the force can make it possible, but then the force just becomes magic like Harry Potter or Dr Strange, without any real boundaries. I don't want the Jedi and Sith to become Green Lanterns, capable of doing anything they can imagine because the plot demands it.

I wouldn't mind seeing energy projection like in Dragon Ball Z. And I don't mean force lightning, I mean energy blasts with their hands. It would makes sense, in DBZ they have the KI which is a life force in all living things, inspired by real martial arts teachings like Tai chi , but basically it's similar to what the force is in SW.

Yeah there is stuff like that in SW video games so why not.

I really want new Force powers. But it has to make sense. If something like energy projection were to happen, I would like to see the character actually developing the technique before using it (so... like DBZ basically).
I can feel the conflict within each new post. Even now, he admits fhat this piece of **** movie has damaged the brand's reputation.

It's only been 8 days and he's showing signs of cracking. Soon he'll be on our side.

Figured that no initial lovey dovey, long winded post-viewing post was a good sign that Jye really felt mixed about it.

And to think, I was going to replace Jye with Adolfo. Thata boy Jye, thata boy.

YAY you’re back I was starting to worry about you Master D.

Khev and you are my yin yang. :lol
The problem with the movies is that they have done a poor job at showing any kind of proper evolution or progression of force abilities, so they'll have to do it subtlety. I don't remember Kylo doing anything that was new?

He froze the blaster bolt, read Poe's mind, made Rey fall asleep... All that stuff seemed new to me.
Yeah my son didn’t get his 77 moment from TFA he was just too young and distracted.

Now holy smoke his eyes and mouth were wide open and I loved seeing him laugh at the humor.

Same! Hell Luke smacking Rey's hand asking if she could feel the Force was practically Ragnarok level humor but it had us in stitches! :lol
The problem with the movies is that they have done a poor job at showing any kind of proper evolution or progression of force abilities, so they'll have to do it subtlety. I don't remember Kylo doing anything that was new?

In TFA or TLJ? Telecommunication while being able to physical objects (hope it was water), in TFA he freezes blaster fire in mid air. He apparently also studied ballet based on the fight with the lobster guards. I thought I was watching black swan.
"How did my father die?" "It was ******* that betrayed and murdered your father.
On a completely unrelated note I'm finding myself actually looking forward to "Solo" as it will be nice to have a SW film where I don't care about spoilers, trailers, TV spots, etc.

You and I the only two on the planet looking forward to it
TLJ a POS I love DiFabio lol.

My man truly is Palpatine personified when it comes to modern cinema. :lol

Not even a pinch of grey just all hate.

Can you babysit my son..uncle DiFabio is coming over son get out Robocop your shotgun and a photo of Hillary Clinton. :lol
Can't wait in episode nein for the big climactic battle dance order will riverdance taught by Weasley and broomstick lost boys will use Stomp techniques. ...oh I can't wait
Yeah there is stuff like that in SW video games so why not.

I really want new Force powers. But it has to make sense. If something like energy projection were to happen, I would like to see the character actually developing the technique before using it (so... like DBZ basically).

Yeah, those DBZ characters can almost do anything, but training, becoming more powerful, and evolving is a core theme in that universe, so from the beginning that's been the case, so it's easier to accept new powers and abilities.

Rey has those ancient books, so she could learn some new things, train, and evolve in ways that we haven't seen before.

He froze the blaster bolt, read Poe's mind, made Rey fall asleep... All that stuff seemed new to me.

Well, those are not new powers, just telekinesis and telepathy, which are the traditional force abilities. You could say that Kylo used those same old powers in ways that we hadn't in previous films.
Well, those are not new powers. All that is just telekinesis and telepathy, which are the traditional force abilities. You could say that Kylo used those same old powers in ways that we hadn't in previous films.

Sure, I get what you mean, still a very "fresh" use of those aspects of the Force and nothing that makes you go "WOW where did that come from? makes no sense". I mean it was new but well done/used imo.
I never left, I'll always be with you, for there is a part of me in you.

I know you don't really like this movie Jye. I can sense it. I've seen your posts, you know this is a bastardization of Luke Skywalker and Star Wars. I mean, come on, you love the Original Trilogy. The original Star Wars films from the 70s and 80s were about victorious hope, the unity binds us all, and overcoming the evil inside yourself. Luke Skywalker was the embodiment of a character archetype that is old as storytelling itself. The characters of the prequels and sequels don't go on a heroes journey. They're bland and boring. Lukes rises up from being a humbled farmboy, pursues knowledge and enlightenment, overcomes despair, becomes a hero and through courage and determination redeems the sins of the ones who came before him. His purpose as a character and as an icon is to personify everything a human should hope to become. The last Jedi destroys this. Skywalker is disgusting. He contemplates suicide, killing his nephew in his sleep, then cries in a cave for a few years while he allows the world around him to crumble. Then, Miss Mary Sue lectures the old fool about responsibility, (just as I said she would months ago) dies and he dies nonsensically. Knowing that, go look at every other plot point and twist in the Last Jedi. The film's sole purpose isn't to push things forward or build upon previous themes. It is reckless subversion for the sake of subversion. It is a deconstruction with no meaning or purpose. It is a cynically assembled soapbox, made by people so arrogant and unappreciative that they would stand atop the legacy of one of film's most quintessential tales just to make an uninsightful, short-sighted point about letting the past die and toss some hamfisted political notes at the captive audience. It is worse than any corporate cash-in or any of the moronic prequels. The Last Jedi is an articulate attack on Star Wars itself and everything it represents. These people had no idea what they were dealing with. The Last Jedi was cinematic manslaughter. If you enjoyed The Last Jedi, you do not care about Star Wars. You don't care about the transcending, timeless power of stories and myths and archetypes. You're just a dog who drools when the bell rings. Star Wars and the adventures of Luke Skywalker and his friends can't be tarnished by anyone, that story was already told, and at most is only one fleeting incarnation of one of humanity's oldest traditions. You can't crush that, but The Last Jedi tried.

Merry Christmas

Sure, I get what you mean, still a very "fresh" use of those aspects of the Force and nothing that makes you go "WOW where did that come from? makes no sense". I mean it was new but well done/used imo.

Would you like to see force user flying? Would that be too much eventually?

I honestly think they should be able to fly....not in space of course.
Something I have been wondering....

Was Luke astral projecting? Or was this a time slip type movie trick....

Did he actually die before hand...and that WAS his force ghost? The film didn’t make it seem that way ....but you never know. Yoda ghost had a lot less glowing translucent quality compare to OT....

Personally I love the milking scene....that look he gives Rey ....utter disgust. And I don’t think it had anything to do with the taste of the milk....

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Yeah, those DBZ characters can almost do anything, but training, becoming more powerful, and evolving is a core theme in that universe, so from the beginning that's been the case, so it's easier to accept new powers and abilities.

Rey has those ancient books, so she could learn some new things, train, and evolve in ways that we haven't seen before.

Well, those are not new powers, just telekinesis and telepathy, which are the traditional force abilities. You could say that Kylo used those same old powers in ways that we hadn't in previous films.

Sure, I get what you mean, still a very "fresh" use of those aspects of the Force and nothing that makes you go "WOW where did that come from? makes no sense". I mean it was new but well done/used imo.

I want heat vision,breath that can freeze,running at the speed of light,flying at the speed of light,gills,talking to fish and mind scanning that eventually leads to the other guys brains exploding
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