I have been avoiding this thread for the most part. I no longer need to since I saw this yesterday. Here are some of my thoughts.
The battle between Kylo, Rey against Snokes' guards was cool. I would like to know more about them. Are they force sensitive or what?
The opening space battle looked cool.
Princess Leia flying through space was hilarious. Such a ridiculous scene.
They castrated Luke Skywalker. He has no balls. Would have been really cool to see him let loose with his lightsaber and the force against the First Order in the final battle. His death was not handled with the care and consideration it should have.
Snoke was wasted. There was all that mystery to who he was and that has all been flushed down the crapper.
Rose was an annoying character with some bad acting.
There was too much forced humor. The porgs were cute but not funny.
So no real backstory to Rey and her parentage? Lame.
I have no need to ever see this again. These Disney Wars need to end. The glory of Star Wars began and ended with the OT. It needs to be left alone.
I have been avoiding this thread for the most part. I no longer need to since I saw this yesterday. Here are some of my thoughts.
The battle between Kylo, Rey against Snokes' guards was cool. I would like to know more about them. Are they force sensitive or what?
The opening space battle looked cool.
Princess Leia flying through space was hilarious. Such a ridiculous scene.
They castrated Luke Skywalker. He has no balls. Would have been really cool to see him let loose with his lightsaber and the force against the First Order in the final battle. His death was not handled with the care and consideration it should have.
Snoke was wasted. There was all that mystery to who he was and that has all been flushed down the crapper.
Rose was an annoying character with some bad acting.
There was too much forced humor. The porgs were cute but not funny.
So no real backstory to Rey and her parentage? Lame.
I have no need to ever see this again. These Disney Wars need to end. The glory of Star Wars began and ended with the OT. It needs to be left alone.
Get ready for " you're just a fanboy that didn't get his wish fulfillments, crybaby fanboy, you're not a real star wars fan!" lol. Every comment section on FB makes me nauseous, so much hostility towards people that didn't like the movie, and when they express why they are cut down by idiotic logic. No way Rotten Tomatoes 52% audience score was a fix there definitely are people that disliked this film....A lot
I finally saw this movie Friday, couldn't manage to go in totally spoiler free, despite my best efforts, I knew about the Luke projection, though the bit I read on his death was quite underplayed and made it sound almost like a Padme ROTS death, which I didn't feel at all.
At this point, I don't know how I feel about this movie, the only thing I can clearly say is that it's very different from any previous Star Wars film. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either, I feel very neutral right now, but I also feel like I need a second viewing to further absorb things.
Even if I ultimately like it overall, there are definite moments I agree with others on as bad and don't think I'll ever be ok with, the cow milking scene was just a pointless effort at humor that falls flat, Leia flying through space with the Force is not cheesy in concept but looked bad in execution, in the modern days of CGI, certain things can look as cheesy as 80's practical effects and this looked really bad, ILM should have looked at Guardians of the Galaxy films for ways to have people freely moving through space.
There were moments I definitely enjoyed a lot though, like the encounter between Luke and Yoda, though at first CGI Yoda looks bad but after the first 30 seconds or so of screen time, it starts to feel like Frank Oz was working the puppet again. I also enjoyed Luke's death, I thought it was handled well, to me it comes off that he was using everything he had to pull off the projection of himself and was willing to sacrifice his life in the living world to save the rebellion and put his faith in Rey as the new hope for good in the galaxy. I do hope we get him as a Force spirit in Episode 9, if he's totally gone from these films I might change my mind on the notion of killing him off. I enjoyed the fight with Kylo and Rey together as well, though the start of Ren's proposal felt too directly taken from Vader's to Luke in Empire.
One thing I didn't feel from this move was a sense of closure to Leia that can account for her absence in 9. The way the movie leaves off makes you feel Leia needs to be back and she won't, so how will she be written off, just dying off camera during some battle. I get that they only could work with what they shot and couldn't magically write her a send off, but I have little hope for a proper end to her character at this point.
At this point, I don't know how I feel about this movie, the only thing I can clearly say is that it's very different from any previous Star Wars film. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either, I feel very neutral right now, but I also feel like I need a second viewing to further absorb things.
So everyone just needs to stop comparing every new SW movie to ANH/ESB they will never live up to that and always fail.
But the Disney is ruining SW is just a fun bandwagon to jump on when in reality Lucas himself has given to the world more bad SW movies than Disney has.
The PT wishes they could be 50/50 affairs like TFA/TLJ/RO are.